Friday, March 11, 2011

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

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2011 Primavera Araba: La Democrazia Planetaria come risorsa per l'Umanità.

Colamonico Antonia (biostorica)

The 2011 will be remembered as the year of the "Arab Spring " that a process like an oil slick has seen the rise of population in the cry for freedom and justice. The Western World has caught unprepared, with a stay of proceedings, witnessed the evolution of events as a passive spectator on a screen.

The event was expected, since the new technologies related to internet , the whole world has become accessible and contamination:

  • everything and everyone can see and share the historical patterns.

A. Toffler since the year '80 of 1900 had foreseen that it would create a new wave that would have overwhelmed the common ways and industrial linear logic. Within 30 years has created the greatest revolution in history, comparable only to Agricultural Revolution, attuatasi in the region of the Fertile Crescent, economy that led to a spontaneous, a nomadic subsistence sedentary.

soul nomad is always present as eco indelible in the mind and subjective is that sense of inadequacy that attacks whenever there is a feeling of being locked in a vise common sense require that cages that be free, hidden in the most secret recess of the human soul.

The emergence of virtual networks has globalized the Earth System and made a mega-interconnected structure, in which a slight variation at a point X in a sub-system generates a mega- change throughout the university system (butterfly effect):

  • this great ability perturbation implies a variability of the ideas and behaviors, as in a magnetic field which creates two poles, one attraction, the other to deportation. This is how the dualisms that generate waves of different opinions and attitudes, ready to grow thick and thin.

(events in Egypt)

In 2011 this newly born, the Arab world, the most conservative of the Historical Society, contaminated by the computer model of the West, is starting a process condensation.

The true star the rebellion was the network disrupting the logic of power that has introduced a historical novelty :

  • the spontaneous organization of civil who feel personally involved in calling for freedom and justice!

With biostoria has for over 20 years which outlines the change in mental act, as well as historical, speaking of expansion of consciousness, private and collective to a system / whole , where each event takes on a creative and imaginative depth and complexity of multidimensional

  • The Arab world today can not be read with the glasses of simple cognitive Muslim.

  • Yes, of course the boy, student, took to the streets is Muslim, but first of all a guy who claims the same rights and duties of a young American or European, Christian or Jewish.

  • is a child of network hacking his PC, he learned to be free from the harmful influences of one-dimensional readings.

What is getting to many is that the visions of catastrophic barbarian invasions not be attributed to the minds formed on the logic of interconnection media.

In my studies around the eye biostorico eco-eye fly, I have repeatedly stressed that has changed the paradigm of cognitive , so all the readings around the traditional national thinking ed economiche vengono meno. Di qui la distinzione tra uomo vecchio e uomo nuovo .

I giovani arabi scesi in piazza non sono menti vecchie che hanno sviluppato una linearità del pensiero, tipico di un sistema di lettura a libro , ma sono i figli della finestra storiografica che zooma la realtà in tanti campi e sotto-campi di osservazione e in punti e punti di vista. La libertà di movimento eye results in freedom of thought and in this collapse of the injury.

The boys of the twenty-first century have a mobile eye-mind that is not superficial, but the ability to change angles and reading the cages ideological and that is why they fear the political and economic elites who seek to keep them trapped in precarious employment.

We are seeing, using the same computer technology, the greatest form of democratization of society. Sure there are pockets of drift, just think of the forms of dependencies that are a part of imprisoning so many beautiful youth, but today there is an awareness making new trans-national, trans-religious, trans-gender ...

Young people today are experiencing a new way of being a citizen in the world, they are citizens of humanity and life to 360 degrees. They are keenly aware that the logic parenting, administrative, economic, political logics are old, decrepit, prejudicial, hence their foreignness and hence the fear of class pre-internet that does not want to go home to lie around, recognizing be mentally overcome.

As I stated in my writings, the organization of the mind to logical openness proceeds more rapidly towards the infinite, is a mind to exponential growth, highly dynamic, which creates connections logical time 0. A thought so fast can not keep up with a linear, slow and, more seriously, blind, because she can not read the field.

article in American in 2005, showed how the linear mind to proceed in its investigation of the cause-effect summative is blind to the field, which excludes much of that becomes a reality zone 'shadow zone of indifference. This explains how it could happen that you did business and treaties of friendship with tyrants and do not perceive the outcry of the people of the south shore of the Mediterranean . People who suddenly take visibility today could put the treaties made.

The eye of a typical linear Taylorist logic not see the effect of its action on the field, not associated to its action in response to this event and then come the disasters ecology, war, endemic poverty and enormous wealth. The eye is one-dimensional tyrant implanted cages with ideological divisions and boundaries between individuals, countries and religions and creates gaps in the historic sponge that are functional to its hegemony, weaves the customers who enslave the minds, a little cash to buy the consciences towards a mirage in the future. Such a paradigm creates the mental illness history , with suffering ideational, emotional, operational, is a way of anti / human anti / historical restraining the economy slows down and the imaginative processes makes the plan for the future distant.

Today's studies on time, on the eye, on quantum physics ... are investigating the idea of \u200b\u200bthe link / mind field as a privilege to a system / whole, in which no information is lost and isolated, ma tutto si implementa creando le novità storiche. Se anche la società è letta come un sistema uno/tutto, allora le differenze etniche, ideologiche, politiche, culturali cadono e si è un unico sistema in grado di entrare in sincronia e generare l'esplosione delle idee, delle informazioni, delle tecnologie, delle metodologie e in tale complessità si è in grado di bloccare le povertà.

I giovani questo oggi hanno compreso ed è in ciò il significato del tam tam multi-mediatico che crea le manifestazioni di piazza. Gli stati è a tale novità che devono aprirsi se vogliono svolgere ancora un ruolo storico, a tali richieste devono rispondere and may do so only if you enter a dimension to complex eye of the universal law of world justice, global solidarity:

  • dialogue in individual / enter the size of the field taking care of, not read more as an enemy, but as another option, another option, another skill which, along with personal qualities are common wealth.

The paradigm shift is already taking place and young people know this, they are the future of the world and the true guardians of life.