Sunday, August 16, 2009

Christian Golden Wedding Anniversary Poems

thoughts in the democratic thrust of '68: chat biostorica The sense of sin

Antonia Colamonico

(Nardo 2003. Colamonico Antonia and Edgar Morin. Creators of biostorico as dialogic paradigm of life.)

It is much gossip of '68, almost, with the mean to exorcise it, because at a distance of 40 years ago are still afraid.

  • What was really '68?

The collective consciousness of a generation that decided to take possession of their freedom of conscience.

Only those who lived it can tell the breath of freedom that fluttered in the afternoon meetings of student committees that met over the speakers of the churches have become places of democracy.

There are two Faces of '68 , as two sides of same coin: face the Democratic and authoritarian demagogue impression.

Biostoricamente talking about every historical process can not be read as a dynamic one-dimensional, there is always an ambivalence in the trend in history, because every event is the result of a choice and a chance to close opens a new , so if you look at it as a single process with a sponge, full / empty ridges are built together as every building has its own vital shadows / light that s'accompagnano as the other side of himself.

  • What were the two faces of '68?

The face of the participation of people born in the years between 1943-1953 who had internalized the moral value of post-conflict reconstruction. And the attempted monopolization of that social mobility strategies to overthrow the established order, because one can speak of two phases of '68: the first spontaneous movement (years '67-''70) and second attempt parcelling out of conscience towards the extremist revolutionary right / left (70).

sessantottino I was born in poverty, years in which their fathers made reputations the moral urgency of the reconstruction, seen as a booming industrial and cultural boom. This was the historical moment of the reshuffle area with south-north migration and awareness that the dignity of the person passing through the culture and work.

The children had internalized those values \u200b\u200bfor which they were released from a provincial vision and therefore limited, and class of membership of the local and knew that only through the appropriation of the right to work and the right to know you could make the leap.

work as the pivot around which to develop true democracy was already enshrined in the constitution as the distinctive element of a civil society and with it the right to education, seen as an instrument of emancipation from the logic of power.

on these two nodes exploded '68, first as a request for the opening of universities to the children of the working class and then as women's emancipation from the state of captivity in which for centuries was required.

at work and the study was implemented, we would say today, the metaposizione, so we analyzed the job with the right that goes with it and woken up to the dark side of the exploitation of the working class, so as to achieve greater document the history of democracy: status of workers, which was then systematically undermined with the consent of the mass trade unions, subservient to the logic of party patronage . And today we are witnessing the disintegration of the very idea of \u200b\u200bwork for which young people are the real poor, eternally precarious. But on closer insecurity is the condition of oppression that makes intellectual and moral born free, biologically, socially a servant.

is entered in those years, in the fabric of culture and began to make a comprehensive study on the dynamics of logic so as to develop a capacity of thesis and antithesis, analysis e di sintesi dei discorsi, da fare paura. I sessantottini svilupparono in quelle assemblee una tale capacità ad argomentare da essere in grado di tenere testa alla classe genitoriale che educata in età fascista ne aveva conservato i modi e le sembianze mentali.

Ricordo l’impegno era imparare a smontare un discorso, a fare, oggi diremmo, la destrutturazione del linguaggio, per svuotare di senso il discorso autoritario . Ricordo ancora lo studio sui modi del come argomentare, partendo dai propri genitori, per rivendicare le piccole richieste delle piccole libertà che erano per noi adolescenti le più grandi conquiste della storia. Ricordo come avevamo una parola d’ordine:

  • use the power of words to claim the right to miniskirt with blue jeans, access to university, to go outside the region to exercise the right to work, and then the great battles as the one on asylums, divorce.

But if this was a beautiful face of '68 there was the downside.

This collective breath awareness was afraid to lobby party of power and economic and institutional. Among the network's claims about the dignity della persona, si annodarono le trame oscure di chi, avendo paura della democrazia, voleva imbrigliare il movimento e piegarlo verso il rovesciamento dello stato democratico.

In tale gioco entrano in scena i demagoghi della cultura, i gran maestri della storia che cercarono di piegare le spinte libertarie o verso la sinistra rivoluzionaria di stampo tardo-romantico , o verso un revival tardo-fascista o verso un mai domato assolutismo, tardo-medievale.

Tra il gioco oscuro dei servizi segreti deviati, dei terroristi rossi e neri, il movimento fu liquidato nella violenza degli anni di piombo . By this time the label "sessantottino" acquired a negative connotation, a generational boost, lack of maturity .

But on closer '68 was a wind of freedom that swept the world , changing in an irreversible way the human mind, we could say using appropriate terminology, was a true paradigm shift .

  • In retrospect what was missing in the generation of '68?

The implosion of the movement was a direct result of a lack of response of the niche-area historical saw the adult class in the ability logic of children is not a factor in civilization, but one of rudeness and thereby deprive them of that moral support necessary to strengthen and consolidate the achievements, working together.

Deprived of democratic response of the field, young people, because of their physiological emotional fragility, or were bent by the conservative system with the logic of carrot or marginalized, with the logic of the stick , as defined foolish idealists.

Many came to the expertise developed within the frameworks of management and many were kept on board of the company, accused of childishness. The first sono entrati nella logica consumistica, i secondi hanno tenuto, nel silenzio, vive le ceneri della democrazia.

I primi hanno fatto del tempo lavoro l’oggetto del culto in grado di poter soddisfare le voglie infinite. Gli altri sono divenuti le sentinelle nella notte , sapendo che una volta avviato un processo non può essere più fermato.

Esiste il tempo pieno della storia che esplode da un tempo vuoto di storia :

  • è nel vuoto che si creano quelle variazioni minime in grado di innescare il processo farfalla!

Oggi di fronte allo sfascio generazionale dei nuovi nati, si stanno creando le premesse per un nuovo salto paradigmatico che riproporrà la dignità della persona come diritto dialogico individuo/campo… conoscenza/lavoro… finito/infinito… essere/avere… bene/male… io/tu/dio.

Ma perché la dialogica, intesa come la coesistenza pacifica di due logiche che dialogando implementano la vita , non si trasformi in dialettica che pone il potere di un discorso su di un altro, necessita fare tesoro degli errori passati e non farsi ingabbiare dalle logiche violente che scatenano risposte altrettanto violente.

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