Monday, December 29, 2008

Tvcenter For Windows 7 64bit


The hundreds of dead and wounded in Gaza City for the last few hours (December 28, 2008) are not only the result of yet another demonstration of the power of the State of Israel against Hamas, but also the effect of field testing of advanced military technology industries in the field of Western and Israeli war of us do.

The massive attack, one of the most densely populated areas of the world will end when the subject becomes study of military art for strategists of global military-industrial complex.

The dead and wounded in Gaza and the destruction of civilian infrastructure and military figures soon become aseptic cataloged in strategic and tactical objectives achieved and collateral damage, as are those now in Mogadishu, Grozny, Fallujha, Bint Jbeil and many other massacres. Li will meet

so in the handbook of armies around the world in the chapter: - "future urban warfare, how to solve?" -

A chapter that every day becomes more massive with increasing crisis of the dream of the New World Order in the name of capitalist globalization, a chapter on quale esperti o sedicenti tali scrivono col sangue di innocenti la ricetta che dovrebbe fermare la rabbia incontenibile dell’umanità futura dinanzi al baratro in cui il Capitale globalizzatore l’ha gettata.

Negli studi sull’operazione”Gaza dicembre 2008” verrà analizzata l’efficacia degli UAV ( gli aerei senza pilota) nell’acquisizione e distruzione dei bersagli , nell’uso di missili guidati da telecamere capaci di funzionare fino all’impatto sui bersagli o guidati da illuminatori laser trasportati da agenti infiltrati israeliani o da mini robot UAV capable of perching on trees, telephone poles or windowsills.

necessarily follow the Earth's air offensive with tanks and vehicles of war worthy of science fiction. Wagons that seem medieval forts, with remote-controlled turrets and armored vehicles capable of withstanding not only the RPG but explosions of landmines. The Israeli tanks

Achzarit have become the pacesetter in the guidelines of the world military industries that are adapting to produce weapons for future urban warfare, those who will fight in future years in the suburbs of the overcrowded megalopolis of the Empire.

After the lessons learned in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon is a proliferation of solutions: those in the West are inclined to modular kit to be added to the tanks of the series, while the Israelis are oriented in Namer armored vehicle equipped with the new engine of the German Continental Motors or MTU.

But in this field also Italian industries are making progress thanks to the cooperation with its counterparts in Israel (and also receive a useful contribution from the river of blood today flows from Gaza) but now they have already churned out their cutting edge products such as additional protection e le torrette telecomandate montate sulle autoblinde Puma ed inviate in Afghanistan ma anche , primi al mondo, a far rifornire in volo un velivolo non pilotato a getto come lo Sky-X dell’Alenia Aeronautica : un ottimo passo per le guerre robotiche future , quelle in cui le macchine opportunamente programmate decideranno chi è il nemico del giorno e come e quando colpirlo in qualunque ora del giorno e della notte.



Brindisi 28 dicembre 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ichiruki Doushinji Read Online

THE CHANNEL - Tales From The Spazioliberina

( Antonia Colamonico , da Ed Altro , in Le stagioni delle parole . Bari, 1993)

A strange silence invaded the room. A subdued light filtered through the white tent. Franca turned in bed, opened his eyes and closed them again. He felt the body heat and the chill of the forehead. He turned, put out a hand, he opened his eyes and read the time. He yawned and sat up.

other side of the bed, Roberto was still asleep, curled up between the covers. He relied entirely to her that she was ready to wake him up every morning between the smell of coffee and the notes to the radio in the bathroom.

Il gelo della stanza si impossessò del suo calore, svegliandola del tutto. Si infilò le pantofole e si alzò. Di colpo percepì qualcosa di insolito. Non riconosceva i rumori delle auto sulla strada e le voci dei ragazzi che si avviavano, lungo i bordi dei marciapiedi, verso l’Istituto Commerciale.

Sembrava che il risveglio di quella mattina di fine marzo fosse stato, chissà da quale mano, avvolto in uno spessore di silenzio. Si mosse verso la finestra e guardò tra le persiane socchiuse. I suoi occhi stupiti, fissarono delle lenzuola bianche che avvolgevano i tetti delle case, le strade, le auto parcheggiate, i rami e le insegne.

A sparrow flew down between flakes of butterflies that cumbersome. It seemed with every beat of the wings that he was there, there to fall, then resumed with difficulty level, and then reprecipitated. A feeling invaded, as a child when her father took her on a roller coaster. He opened his window and left with only the shirt on the balcony. A flurry of snow hit, basting throughout. He bent down, picked up a handful and went white, trembling under the covers.

Roberto felt the cold that slid along the sleeve of his pajamas. Cute touched and turned to Frank. A new light had overshadowed the woman's attention that has always aroused a certain awe, leaving room for a saucy girl who licked with gusto, on his sleeve, the handful white.

He instantly decided that his Gaia would be with those eyes and that smile and, for once, he took the initiative. Franca drew her to him and whispered in his ear. The woman finished eating the unusual ice cream, he settled the wet shirt, he sent back strand of hair that covered his mouth and gravity began end waiting for Roberto.

Gaia was born during the Christmas holidays, while out of white sheets wrapped around the roofs of houses, roads, parked cars, the branches and the insignia.