Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bearded Dragon Eggs Wrinkled

Base Vicenza, occupied by hundreds Molin against expansion


ROME (Reuters) - Several hundred people this morning have occupied the buildings in the airport Dal Molin in Vicenza, where are protesting against the planned expansion of U.S. base. And 'what is said in a statement the committee "No Dal Molin." Advertising

"The entrance into the area in which Americans would make the new installation is the response of those opposed to the advertiser dell'imminente avvio dei cantieri", dice la nota.

Il comitato ricorda che lo scorso ottobre diverse migliaia di vicentini si espressero in una consultazione popolare contro il progetto di ampliamento della base, chiedendo che quel territorio fosse destinato a usi civili.

"Perseverare nel voler realizzare il progetto significa calpestare la democrazia. Un progetto, tra l'altro, illegittimo e illegale, perché i proponenti si sono rifiutati di accettare la redazione di una rigorosa valutazione di impatto ambientale, strumento di tutela della salute e del territorio imprescindibile".

Nella consultazione "non istituzionale" del 5 ottobre, votarono oltre 17.400 persone, più del 20% degli aventi diritto.

"Employment - continues the statement - will continue indefinitely. We invite all those opposed to the base to reach us via S. Antonino, we have removed the barbed wire, entry is free and, finally, this big green is an integral part of the city of Palladio. The future is in our hands: it's up to us to stop them. "

Defending Vicenza? Yes, we can

[...] The area that the U.S. would occupy and militarize, therefore, has been released and now, for the first time, is accessible to all citizens. In recent days, moreover, the No Molin had been clear: If we are not going to start the work [...] watch

When the police withdrew from the airport, between 400 No Dal Molin started, spontaneous applause, a first, precarious victory for the city, his heart even before the nails and teeth is defending its territory by those who want to impose a new military base.

It was all started at 10 this morning, a long column of cars in Via S. Anthony, women and men who descend from the vehicle, cut the nets and take possession of the airport area, some go on rooftops, some carrying banners and placards. The police, in a few minutes clearing houses and intimate. But they do not have the right: ENAC, the firm appointed by the mouth of the liquidation, not considered useful. The police retreated, while still in Vicenza at Dal Molin.

The area that the U.S. would occupy and militarize, therefore, has been released and now, for the first time, is accessible to all citizens. In recent days, moreover, the No Dal Molin were clear: if we start work we will not be watching. And so it was: a few days ago CMC and CCC, the companies that won the contract for the yard, had begun to demolish the existing structures to make way for new U.S. barracks, a start-up of illegal construction, primarily because the majority of the local community is opposed to this settlement, then why no Environmental Impact Assessment has yet been accomplished in spite of the geological and water area.

From now opening a new phase of the mobilization against the new U.S. military base, is that of determining which of Vicenza, deceived and treated as subjects by Mr Costa and the government, you take their land to defend their right to speak and, above all, its right to build the city's future.

Tonight in the Dal Molin - 18.00 - will host the first public assembly of citizens will be opened tomorrow the Peace Park and created the office dell'Altrocomune for Environmental Impact Assessment. We put our feet in the Dal Molin, a symbol of those who want to defend democracy and the ground to prevent the construction of a new war base. We reopened the story after so many had hurriedly declared closed. Defending Vicenza? It can be done, because the future is in our hands have prevented us to decide by referendum, will not prevent us from defending our city

Monday, January 12, 2009

Windows Blinds I Want To Remove

Zanotelli: Stop Africom

Appeals for the Comboni missionary
09/01/2009 18:00. 00

Zanotelli: Stop Africom

Napoli and Vicenza will host U.S. troops for Africa. Because the Italian government has not informed the parliament? Why the Catholic world, and in particular the missionary, is silent? Bombard e-mail Ministers Frattini and La Russa.

Christian communities in Italy have just celebrated Christmas, a celebration so full of messages of peace. The same World Day of Peace (January 1) has failed to emphasize this theme for the believers. But we Christians realize that we are celebrating? " How do we proclaim peace to the church while we are not aware that we deny the violence is our choices that our governments?

How can we celebrate Christmas, celebration of life, with the massacre of Palestinian children, a real massacre of the innocents? How can we celebrate Christmas without this "scream" of human suffering of the Palestinians as well as many other peoples (the Congolese to the Chechens), is not to disturb our sleeping consciences of Christians of the West? We realize that much of this Suffering is due to the choices of our militaristic governments?

An incredible example is the announcement just before Christmas from our Foreign Minister Franco Frattini: Africom, the supreme command for U.S. troops to land and water for Africa, will find its place in Naples and Vicenza. Africom was created in 2007 and inaugurated by President Bush October 1, 2008 in Stuttgart (Germany), is led today by the African-American General William "Kid" Ward. The general spent in 2008 to seek a basis for this Command in Africa. But South Africa's strong diplomatic action against the presence of AFRICOM on the continent, has prevented the U.S. to find it.
As a last chance the Americans have thought to find it in the nearest town to Africa, Spain and exactly in Rota (Cadiz), but Zapatero has opposed. There was nothing left for Italy! And Berlusconi's government was more than happy to welcome to Africom in Vicenza and Naples. (In 2008, the Committee on Peace and Disarmament in Campania had written a book called prophetic call Naples Vicenza, which describes the heavy militarization of the Campania region has seven military bases: the U.S. and NATO!).

Minister Frattini also said that it is "command structures operating under NATO." Lie! The command Africom is one of the six unified commands of the Pentagon. Frattini also said that there are no combat troops, but only civilian components. Another lie! Africom has unified U.S. military command that has the aim of combating terrorism and training of African military, in addition to the protection of the huge American interests in Africa.

And just to reinforce Africom, the U.S. has established two new bodies: the Marines for Africa (Maforaf) and the Seventeenth Wing U.S. Air Force as the Afafrica. The latter will operate mainly from Vicenza and Sigonella, now the largest air base in the Mediterranean. The U.S. military did already know that 750 soldiers will be assigned to Naples and Vicenza. Frattini also said that the decision was taken after the government had informed the African countries that have expressed great support for this decision! Strange democracy that the Berlusconi government, hide such a decision to consult parliament and governments in Africa instead!

Our government giving its consent to Washington contributes to the new operation aims of colonial control of strategic areas Africa.

The questions that arise are many and disturbing for both our government and parliament, both for the government of Campania and Naples, and for the Italian church.

government and parliament
Which locations and procedures with which this decision was of great strategic importance? Why
the Italian parliament was not informed and there was no parliamentary debate? The Democratic Party has something to say about it? Or is there a bipartisan agreement on this?

Campania Region and the City of Naples
Regione Campania, in the person of its chairman Bassolino, has been at least consulted?
And the mayor of Naples, Rosa Iervolino was requested at least, given that AFRICOM will be located in Naples?

Italian Church
How come that the IEC has no word to say about choices militaristic so wicked? Why
missionary institutes and lay missionary reality as Focsiv not react to such serious decisions militaristic? How do we send missionaries, nuns, lay people in Africa if not denounce choices like these that make Africa more and more enslaved and exploited? If, as missionaries, we want to proclaim the Good News to the poor, we must have the courage to denounce these turns militaristic strength of our government. This is not the global mission that as missionaries we are called?

I expect a public stance on the part of missionary institutions operating in Africa.
I ask everyone to send an email to the Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and the Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa, protesting the choice of Africom in Vicenza and Naples.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sv 2000 Input -output

sacrificial The fury of Israel and its victims in Gaza

Written by Ilan Pappe *

My visit back home in Galilee, coincided with the genocidal Israeli attack against Gaza. The state, through its media and with the help of academics, issued a unanimous voice - even stronger than that heard during the criminal attack against Lebanon in the summer of 2006. Israele è ancora una volta divorata da una furia sacrificale che traduce in politiche distruttive nella Striscia di Gaza.

Questa autogiustificazione spaventosa per l’inumanità e l’impunità non è soltanto sconcertante, ma è un argomento sul quale soffermarsi se si vuole comprendere l’immunità internazionale per il massacro che infuria a Gaza. E’ anzitutto fondata su bugie pure e semplici trasmesse con una neolingua che ricorda i giorni più bui dell’Europa del 1930. Ogni mezz’ora un bollettino d’informazioni su radio e televisione descrive le vittime di Gaza come terroristi e le uccisioni di centinaia di persone come un atto di autodifesa. Israele presenta sé stessa al suo people as the sacrificial victim who defends himself against a great evil.

The academic world is recruited to explain the demonic and monstrous is the Palestinian struggle, whether it is led by Hamas. These are the same scholars who demonized the last Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in the first period and delegitimize his Fatah movement during the second Palestinian intifada. But the lies and distorted representations are not the worst part of all this.

What angers most is the direct attack on the last traces of humanity and dignity of the Palestinian people. The Palestinians in Israel have shown their solidarity with the people of Gaza and are now branded as a fifth column in the Jewish state, their right to remain in their country is called into doubt because of their lack of support for Israeli aggression.

Those who have accepted - wrongly, in my opinion, to appear in the local media have questioned and questioned, as if they were prisoners in the prisons of the Shin Bet. Their appearance was preceded and followed by humiliating and racist remarks are subject to accusations of being a fifth column, a fanatical and irrational people. And yet this is not the most vile practice. There are a few of the Occupied Territories Palestinian children treated for cancer in Israeli hospitals. God knows what price they have to pay to be able to shelter their families. Israeli radio go every day in hospitals to ask the poor parents to tell listeners what has Israel in its right in his attack on Israel and Hamas is as demonic in his defense.

There are no limits to hypocrisy that produces a sacrificial fury. The speeches of the generals and politicians are moving erratically between complacency on the one hand humanity shows that the army in its operations "surgical" and the other on the need to destroy Gaza once and for all, of course, in a way human. This sacrificial fury is a constant phenomenon in the Israeli expropriation, and even before the Zionist Palestine. Every action, be it ethnic cleansing, occupation, the killing or destruction was always represented as morally correct and how the simple act of self-defense committed by Israel against his will in the war against the worst kind of human beings. In his excellent book "The results of Zionism: Myths, Politics and Culture in Israel," Gabi Piterberg examines the ideological origins and the historical progression of this fury. sacrificial.

Today in Israel, from right to left, from Likud to Kadima, from academia to the media, you can listen to this sacrificial fury of a state that is much more busy than any other state in the world and resulting in the destruction of a population native. It 's very important to examine the ideological origins of this behavior and to derive from its wide dissemination, the necessary political conclusions. This fury is a sacrificial shield for society and for politicians in Israel from censure or external criticism. But even worse, is always translated into policies of destruction against the Palestinians. With no internal mechanism of criticism and without any external pressure, any Palestinian becomes a potential target of this fury. Given the firepower of the Jewish state can only end in more massive killings, massacres and ethnic cleansing.

The absence of any morality is a powerful act of self-denial and justification. This explains why the Israeli society can not be changed by words of wisdom, logic or persuasion of diplomatic dialogue.

And if you do not want to use violence as a means of opposition, there is only one way forward: challenges head-on this absence of morality as an evil ideology intended to hide human atrocities. Another name for this ideology is Zionism and the only way to counter this lack of morality is to blame the international Zionism, not only of particular Israeli policies.

We must try to explain not only the world but also to the Israelis that Zionism is an ideology that involves ethnic cleansing, occupation, and now massive massacres.

What is needed now is not so much a condemnation of this massacre. but also the de-legitimization of the ideology that has produced such policy and the morally and politically justified. We hope that important voices in the world can say that this ideology of the Jewish state and the overall conduct of the state is intolerable and unacceptable and that as long as they continue, Israel will be banned and subject to penalties. But I'm not naive. I know that the massacre of hundreds of innocent Palestinians will not be sufficient to produce this change in Western public opinion, it is even more unlikely that the crimes committed in Gaza move European governments to change their policy towards Palestine.

But we can not let 2009 be another year, significantly less than in 2008, the year of commemoration of the Nakba, which has failed to realize that we all had high hopes for its potential to transform the behavior of the western world towards Palestine and the Palestinians. It seems that even the most horrendous crimes, like genocide in Gaza is treated as a separate event, unrelated to anything that has already happened in the past and is not associated with an ideology or a system.

In this new year, we have groped to relocate the public understanding of the history of Palestine and the evils of the Zionist ideology as is the best means to explain the operations as the genocide in Gaza is to prevent the worst things in the future.

This has already been done at an academic level. Our biggest challenge is to find an effective way to explain the connections between the Zionist ideology and policies of destruction of the past with the present crisis. It may be easier to do while in these terrible circumstances, the world's attention is directed once again to Palestine.

could be even more difficult when the situation seems to be "calmer" and less dramatic.

In moments "quiet", the attention of short-term Western media would put the edge once again the Palestinian tragedy is disregard for the horrific genocide in Africa or the global economic and ecological doomsday scenarios for the rest of the world.

While the Western media do not seem very interested in the historical dimension, only through a historical analysis can show the size of the crimes committed against Palestinians in the past sixty years. Therefore, the role of alternative media activists and scholars is right in insisting on these historical contexts. These actors should not stop educating public opinion and, hopefully, to influence politicians, more honest look at the facts in a historical perspective più ampia.

Allo stesso modo, noi possiamo essere in grado di trovare un modo più adeguato alla gente comune, distinto dal livello accademico degli intellettuali, per spiegare chiaramente che la politica di Israele - nei sessanta anni trascorsi - deriva da un’ideologia egemonica razzista chiamata sionismo, difesa da infiniti strati di furia sacrificale.

Nonostante l’accusa scontata di antisemitismo e cose del genere, è tempo di mettere in relazione nell’opinione pubblica l’ideologia sionista con il punto di riferimento storico e ormai familiare della terra: la pulizia etnica del 1948, l’oppressione dei palestinesi in Israele durante i giorni del governo militare, la brutale occupazione della Now the West Bank and Gaza massacre. Like the ideology of apartheid has explained very well the policies of government oppression in South Africa, this ideology - in its most simplistic and reflected variant, allowed all Israeli governments, past and present, to dehumanize the Palestinians wherever they were and fight to destroy them.

The means have changed from one period to another, from one place to another, as did the narrative that has hidden these atrocities. But there is a clear pattern that can only be discussed in academic ivory towers but must become part of political discourse in contemporary reality della Palestina di oggi. Alcuni di noi, in particolare quelli che si dedicano alla giustizia e alla pace in Palestina, inconsciamente evitano questo dibattito, concentrandosi, e questo è comprensibile, sui Territori Palestinesi Occupati (OPT) - la Cisgiordania e la Striscia di Gaza. Lottare contro le politiche criminali è una missione urgente.

Ma questo non dovrebbe trasmettere il messaggio che le potenze occidentali hanno adottato volentieri su suggerimento israeliano, che la Palestina è soltanto la cisgiordania e la Striscia di Gaza e che i palestinesi sono solo la popolazione che vive in quei territori. Dovremmo estendere la rappresentazione della Palestina geograficamente e demograficamente raccontando la narrazione storica dei fatti dal 1948 onwards and seek equal civil and human rights for all people who live, or who were accustomed to living in what is now Israel and the Occupied Territories.

placing in relation the Zionist ideology and policies of the past with the atrocities of this, we will be able to give a clear and logical explanation for the campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions. With non-violent means to challenge a state ideology that is morally self-justifying, which allows, with the help of a silent world, to expropriate and destroy the native population of Palestine, a cause is just and moral.

E 'is also an effective way to stimulate public opinion not only against the current genocidal policies in Gaza, but, hopefully, also to prevent future atrocities. Even more important than anything else, this should vent fury sacrificial suffocating the Palestinians whenever swells. This will help to end the immunity of the West against the impunity of Israel. Without this immunity, it is hoped that more and more people in Israel start seeing the true nature of the crimes committed in their name and their fury could be directed against those who have them and the Palestinians trapped in this cycle of unnecessary bloodshed and violence. * Ilan Pappe

( teaches in the Department di storia dell’Università di Exeter, Inghilterra

"Righteous fury" è stato tradotto in furia sacrificale al posto della traduzione letterale furia giusta o furia santa o furia giustificabile - ndt). ISM-Italia - info@ism-italia.itIndirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo -

Snooker Ball Weight Problem

What would we say if Hamas had killed 600 Israelis ? GAZA

di Robert Fisk

su Liberazione del 08/01/2009

E così ancora una volta Israele ha aperto le porte dell'inferno ai
palestinesi. 40 civili che cercavano rifugio sono morti in una scuola
dell'Onu, altri tre in un altra. Non male per una notte di lavoro a Gaza
da parte di un esercito who believes in the "purity of arms."
But why should this surprise us?

We have forgotten the 17,500 dead, almost all civilians, many of whom
women and children, the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, the 1700
Palestinian civilians killed in the massacre of Sabra and Shatila, and the massacre of Qana near the base
UN, where 106 Lebanese civilians were killed,
half of them children, the murder of refugee Marwahin
which was ordered to leave their homes only to be mowed down by an Israeli helicopter
; the 1000 dead, almost all civilians,
always caused during the invasion in 2006, still in Lebanon? What really surprised

è che molti leader occidentali, tanti
presidenti e primi ministri, e, io temo, molti editori e giornalisti,
hanno accettato la solita vecchia bugia: gli israeliani hanno fatto
molta attenzione per evitare vittime innocenti. «Israele ha fatto il
possibile per evitare vittime civili», è quanto ha dichiarato poche ore
prima del massacro di Gaza un ambasciatore israeliano. E ogni presidente
e primo ministro che ha ripetuto questa falsità come scusa per non
chiedere un cessate il fuoco, ha sulle sue mani il sangue del macello
che si è compiuto la scorsa notte. Se George Bush avesse avuto il
coraggio di chiedere un immmediato cessate il fuoco 48 ore prima di quel
fatto, old men, women and children would be alive.

What happened is not just shameful. To use the term war crimes
to describe what happened is too much? Because this is the
term that we used for this if it had been atrocities committed by Hamas
. So I'm afraid it was a war crime. After writing
of so many massacres in the Middle East, by the troops
Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian and Israeli
I suppose I should have a more cynical reaction.

But Israel claims to be fighting a war for us against the
"international terrorism"

. The Israelis claim to be fighting in Gaza for us, per i nostri
ideali occidentali, per la nostra sicurezza, per i nostri standard di
vita. Quindi anche noi siamo complici della barbaria che oggi invade Gaza.
Ho riportato varie volte le scuse dell'esercito israeliano per questi
oltraggi nel passato. Siccome potrebbero essere ripetute nelle prossime
ore ve le ripropongo. Israele dice che i palestinesi hanno ucciso i loro
profughi, che hanno disotterrato i cadaveri dai cimiteri e sparso i
corpi tra le rovine, che alla fine i veri responsabili sono i
palestinesi in quanto sostenitori di un fazione armata, oppure che gli
stessi palestinesi armati hanno usato i rifugiati come scudi umani.

Il massacro di Sabra e Chatyila fu commesso dai falangisti Lebanese
right while the Israeli troops, as revealed by the same committee
Israel stood to watch for 48 hours without doing anything.
When Israel was accused, the government of the world
Menacham Begin accused of defamation. After the Israeli artillery fired on the UN
area of \u200b\u200bQana, in 1996, Israel claimed that the same
Hezbollah were bombing the base. It was a lie. The
more than a thousand deaths in 2006, a war began after Hezbollah captured two soldiers
isreaeliani the border, were declassified as
RESPONSIBILITY Hezbollah. Israel claimed that the corpses of children
in the second massacre in Qana were taken from a cemetery.
was another lie. The massacre of Marwahin was never justified.
the villagers were ordered to leave their homes,
obeyed the orders of the Israelis and were attacked by a helicopter. The
refugees took their children and they started close to the trucks on which
traveled to enable pilots to see that they were civilians. Then
the Israeli helicopter mows them, closely. Survives only in two
pretending to be dead. Israel did not ask nor excuse.
Twelve years before another helicopter attacked an ambulance carrying civilians
, they too were ordered to leave the
their village, killed three children and two women. Israel claimed that a
combattente di Hezbollah era sull'ambulanza. Non era vero. Ho seguito
e scritto tutte queste atrocità, le ho indagate, parlato con i
sopravissuti. Così hanno fatto molti miei colleghi. Come risposta
ottenemmo degli scritti diffamatori: fummo accusati di essere antisemiti.

E scrivo quanto segue senza alcun dubbio: sentiremo di nuovo queste
scandalose ricostruzioni. Sentiremo la scusa-bugia di Hamas - e dio solo
lo sa che ce n'è abbastanza contro di loro senza bisogno di inventarsi
crimini - sentiremo di nuovo dei cadaveri dai cimiteri, e che Hamas era
nella scuola dell'Onu. Tutte bugie. E che noi siamo antisemiti. E avremo
i nostri leader che sbuffando e balbettando ricorderanno al mondo che è
stata Hamas a rompere il cessate il fuoco. Non lo ha fatto. Israele lo
ha fatto per prima, il 4 novembre, quando con i suoi bombardamenti
uccise 6 palestinesi a Gaza e ancora il 17 novembre quando in un altro
bombardamento morirono altri quattro palestinesi.

Sì, Israele merita sicurezza. Venti israeliani uccisi in 10 anni attorno
a Gaza è un dato tragico. Ma 600 palestinesi morti in una sola
settimana, e migliaia nel corso degli anni dal 1948, è sicuramente un
differente scala. Questo ci ricorda che non siamo di fronte a un
"normale" massacro del Medio Oriente, ma ad una atrocità che ricorda la
guerra dei Balcani degli anni '90. E naturalmente quando an Arab
unleash all his fury and download the uncontrollable anger
blind against the West, we say that this has nothing to do with
us. We ask, why do they hate us? But do not pretend that
not know the answer.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pot Belly Pig For Sale In Tullahoma Tn

The situation in Gaza is becoming more dramatic.
Hospitals are collapsing, the medicines are scarce and civilian casualties are bound to increase even more because of the inability to receive adequate health care and treatment.
The Friends of the Palestinian Red Crescent is launching a campaign to collect funds for the purchase of materials needed in this state of emergency (you can not donate or collect food or medicine, because Israel does not pass anything).

Your offer may be paid to the current account of the Association, specifying the reason "SOS GAZA:

D 62237201 07601 03200
cin abi cab n.

account IBAN: IT69 D076 0103 2000 0006 2237 201

thank the President, Dr. Domenico Gallo, Vice-President, Prof. Marcella Delle Donne, the Head of Press , Dr. Silvia Rizzello and all members of the Executive
Association, for all they are doing in these difficult times for the Palestinian cause and particularly for his work on the project "Adopt a / a child / a Palestinian
Orphaned / Injured ao / a ", and asked everyone to make a concrete gesture of generosity and solidarity with a people who truly need it.
I ask all the publicity and dissemination.

Dr. Yousef Salman
Director of the Palestinian Red Crescent in Italy and
Mobile: 347 9013013

Chpped Hair For Round Faces

What is the logic for a real change in a Planetary Society in size?

of Antonia Colamonico

The historical crisis that requires going through a logical reflection of the dynamics that triggered the development of bankruptcy The political-economic world. There is a direct correspondence between the field of imagined and that of implemented , as the creation of hypotheses of possible actions that open to different lineages of the historic sponge.

To simplify we think of the relationship Indian-American explorer against the Prairie:

  • first saw the immense expanse of grass give food to the vital energy that herds of buffalo, would have provided for the return of his own descendants
  • explorer instead could see in her tracks, smokestacks, construction sites ... that is all that set of facilities that would produce shortly thereafter the take-off American.

In line with the two visions were built accordingly actions:

  • the Indians hunted the animal old man who was left behind in the race;
  • explorer everybody, because each was a leather hat and every hat in Europe was a bit of wealth accumulated .

In a biostorica vision, which makes life the key organization logic, it appears that the current crisis is the result of a historic trading based and the logic of domination and exploitation .

to implement a radical change in humanity will have to implement a true cognitive leap that will bring it to remain "biologically" indifferent to the logic of power and private wealth and class .

  • What is the power, if not wanting to be successful in relationships?
Think of the male / female relationships, north / south, rich / poor ... healthy / sick ... beautiful / ugly ...

The power constitutes acceptance of report weak / strong and consequently the division of humanity of the two major categories Winning and excluded, those in the first place you fall into an existential standard, stereotyped by the logic of luxury . Within seconds the great tide that remains on the sidelines or out of the norm of consumerism.

The idea of \u200b\u200b'man of luxury che rese G. Verga restio a concludere il Ciclo dei Vinti , vide in G. D’Annunzio il vero cantore, con i miti dell’esteta e del superuomo ; quello stesso d’Annunzio che seguendo una logica necrofila spinse molti giovani ad abbracciare la dialettica della violenza e della sopprafazione con l’illusione di una vita come un’opera d’arte.

Nella dinamica della vita esiste una sola forma di bellezza, that is acquired by the act of birth:

  • beauty not from belonging to a given category, but from the simple to the category!

In life every leaf, cloud, be animated, smile, sigh ... they have value, just from the inhabitant of a given time-space that circumscribes and bounds.

  • occupy space, consume time, to express a form ... these are the qualities that make each living being a citizen of the story.

Il salto di paradigma per edificare una Civiltà Planetaria , richiede un grado più complesso di elaborazione logica, poiché necessita allargare la dimensione dell’ io a quella del noi ; sostituire il paradigma dell’esclusione, con quello dell’inclusione: dall’ego/centrismo al tutto/centrismo.

Solo una dialogica a uno/tutto potrà spogliare l’umanità delle logiche di dominio che, a guardar bene, nascono mental uncertainty by background, typical of the child who lacks the vision of continuity of existence.

Democracy is not expressed in the life domain areas, or areas of ownership of the beauty ... of poverty, or the legality ... these are simple categories of the human mind that to know divides, separates, divides, compare ... and then, forgetting that this is the result of his mental incapacity to grasp the whole, gives the value and significance of building stairs. Think of a swallow, giving the value of a gazelle.

The current crisis of the political and economic is the natural consequence of a mental model that should be submited to excel, to be successful must bend . In what was to the failure of many ideologies which were placed as the new and have ended up repeating the same mistakes.

Think Communist state apparatus, in the USSR, which ended up making the same mistakes of the czars. Siberia teaches ! Think of the bourgeoisie itself be ended by the nuova classe egemone, adottando gli stessi stili di vita degli aristocratici. I partiti di massa che si sono fatti essi stessi élite.

Il nuovo salto epocale si porrà come salto gnoseologico e in ciò nuovo paradigma.

Il cammino è difficile, poiché richiede un processo inverso a quello del primo uomo, mentre Adamo si vestì per nascondere la sua nudità che lo rendeva indifeso facing the truth, the new man, will divest himself of all the pettiness and all the cravings that enslave him, making him play a role or function that does not belong.

  • Learning to be naked in front of life, like a flower in a field of corn!
Here is the new frontier!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My H Pylori Symptoms 2009

Emergency call for a regional Bari

Saturday, January 3, 2009

regional events Puglisi. CONCENTRATION AT 17.00 IN THE SQUARE IN BARI



E 'party Saturday morning the Israeli occupation army attack on unarmed Palestinian civilian population already exhausted by a long embargo that has made insufficient and lack of suitable hospitals in the Gaza Strip. A few days before the first Israeli air raid on the Gaza Strip there are already nearly 440 dead and 3000 wounded, many of them serious, unfortunately, a budget increase. Among the victims, said the official media, many women and many children, whose bodies are coming to pieces in hospitals. Al There are currently 80 children died and more than 700 injured

The dead and wounded in Gaza is yet more evidence of ethnic cleansing that the State of Israel for 60 years is continuing through a war of occupation, apartheid, violence on military 'entire Palestinian population. The pretext of the attack "defense" from the Qassam rockets, wants to divert the attention of world public opinion by the fact that in Gaza, a million and half people are risking death for nearly two years of embargo, which every day produces victims.


Saturday, January 3, 2009
regional events Puglisi. CONCENTRATION IN AT 17.00 PIAZZA


- THE END of the embargo against the Palestinian population in Gaza




Palestinian community - Puglia
PD Regional - Puglia
Communist Refoundation - Puglia
Party of Italian Communists - Verdi
Puglia - Puglia
Alternativa Comunista - Left Alternative
Puglia - Puglia Puglia
ARCI - Puglia
Cobas Confederation
Paul the Sixth District Committee
Taranto Taranto Old Town District Committee
Network for Global Rights Documentation Centre filorosso
Barletta Foggia
Slai Cobas for the review of class Taranto
Most za Beograd Bari
Coop . The New Fantarca
Soc Onlus "Godwin Club Italy" (XIV years)
Workers Union cross "SDL"
(Italian Confederation of Base) CIB Unicobas Bari
SCI Service Civil International - Bari
Network for legality 'and denied rights
Nowar Salento, Coordination Salentino against war and against military bases

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LECCE - YEAR OF PEOPLE-demonstration for Palestine