Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big Bikes Motorcycles Boobs

Diario di Bordo - Il tempo dell’Uomo/l’uomo del Tempo

di Antonia Colamonico

The only true wealth is the time for humans, being a consumer of time studies on DNA are talking about human biological time, estimated to be around 120 years . But the psycho-socio-environmental factors, make this reading inadequate to reality, since only a handful of people can pass, barely, the threshold of 100 years. So the years that are not living the life stolen from the psyche, society and environment.

mortality was much higher in pre-industrial ages, there was talk of an average age of 25 years, the stage where the child was dying of multiple, up to 1700 in 10 babies born, only 5 were able to overcome the first 5 years of life. With the industrial revolution has changed everything. Today we speak of a threshold of 83.

The paradox is that today we are a society of old , as well as two centuries ago we were children. Being older or being a child is a different relationship with time: the child in front of an open time, everything to be filled, the old once closed, already built, the first lives in the dream of the future, the second in regret of the past.

The child has a mind permeable, waterproof old, according to the definition of the sponge of thought. From the historical society the young are more dynamic and ready to change, those older, slower and less inclined to revise their views. These considerations apply if the speech is still the general, but if s'indaga on real cases, you may find that there are young old young and old: being old or young is not just a matter of Population, but also a mental fact.

old has every time it leaves room injury, conventionalism, which is biased to stop listening and learning from life. There are therefore two types of old age, the boy bully or victim, assuming an injurious behavior, whether by force or submission, alcohol, drugs and disregard for life ... for the elderly and the erosion of time, against his will, keeps his mind crumbling sponge, with memory lapses. There are companies who are young and old to get involved in the dynamic and young companies entangled in prejudices that prevent them from growing.

If man is his brain and if his wealth is the time, a brain time is the goal of humanity. What is a brain that reasons in time? And what is the time of the time?

Certainly not, as argued by John , a brain that dives into life by saying yes to everything. This just shows an inability mind decision crisis iperscelta confirms A. Toffler .

Reasoning in step with time is a brain that has a great ability to save not the time to make more things possible, but le migliori cose possibili per una vita più lunga possibile .

Non è un gioco di parole, se si riflette bene, essendo il tempo prezioso poiché unico bene, bisogna imparare ad essere fortemente selettivi e veloci nelle decisioni vitali per l’economia di tempo .

Tra lo studiare e il non studiare, ad esempio, è più economico studiare, poiché il non averlo fatto l’indomani implicherà una serie di conseguenze che apriranno alla perdita di tempo: discutere con il prof., giustificarsi con i genitori, superare il senso di colpa… fattori questi that life crumble in many streams of unnecessary time away from real-time student. The same example can be transferred in any field of work: is more convenient to engage toy only to find that you are late with deadlines.

Time goes live with the pace that today is expressed in nanoseconds . The scans nanosecond response time between the writing hand on the keyboard and the PC replied think and act in nanoseconds here is the economy of the Knowledge Society.

Come on guys, more commitment!

by his friend Paul Manzelli

WHO DIES (Ode to life)

di Pablo Neruda

Lentamente muore chi diventa schiavo dell'abitudine,

ripetendo ogni giorno gli stessi percorsi,

chi non cambia la marca,

chi non rischia e cambia colore dei vestiti,

chi non parla who does not know.

He or she who shuns passion,

who prefers black on white, dotting the i's rather than a set of emotions,

the kind that make your eyes sparkle,

that turn a yawn a smile,

those make the heart beat face of mistakes and feelings.

Slowly dies who does not overthrow the table

who is unhappy at work,

who does not risk certainty for uncertainty, to chase a dream,

who does not allow at least once in their lives to run away from sensible advice.

He or she who does not travel, does not read,

does not listen to music,

who does not find grace in himself.

Dies slowly he who destroys pride,

who does not accept help;

who passes his days complaining of his bad luck or the incessant rain.

Lentamente muore chi abbandona un progetto prima di iniziarlo,

chi non fa domande sugli argomenti che non conosce,

chi non risponde quando gli chiedono qualcosa che conosce.

Evitiamo la morte a piccole dosi, ricordando sempre

che essere vivo richiede uno sforzo di gran lunga maggiore

del semplice fatto di respirare.

Soltanto l'ardente pazienza porterà al raggiungimento di una splendida felicità.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Questions On Sailboats

Orizzonte – Orizzonti / Variazioni sul tema

Horizons 1

between crests of trees gusts

the mighty shoulders of the hill,

dinosaur asleep


rays of dawn Pink - amazed

Opima gold at sunset: so shines a horizon

scrutinized, desired, and the event suspended mirage

ripullula a smile.

Orizzonti 2

The fields for centuries flat plates

brown, ashen, green, green mist in

blinding white milk


above, the disk of the sun flickering

emerge fumigated

property of poplars, severe row.

Mirage increasingly clear, real

conforms to the contours of the light.

defined profiles, in a blink

sharp distance and the space reconfigured

receive the alert:

over there beyond the horizon is always

port than ever.

Body and soul breathe deep longing

fearless, serene.

Horizons 3

clear sky, sea, sky and water

down there


and the horizon appears:

blue hour, the line, now pink,

hours, incandescent, approaching.

the moods of the soul so deep


hours of s'incendia

hope the fireworks display,

hour pitch black darkness of

s'invischia and pants.

Horizons 4

lying on the sea,

amazed at the light, there


a shocking pink cloud,

a silent cry:

"Horizon, horizon!"

sailors Standing and sitting on the dock

eyes sharp longer worried

sweet hope every morning to calm anxieties


Horizons 5

Spleen - metaphysical archer

is not a cover for days and days, but soft cushions

sounds fluffy, big-city lights, iridescent

round fog, persistent

on the Great Plains: profiles and angles

not see beyond.

Everyone, from memory, the blind and compulsive, obsessive

trace the comings and goings of all time.

The nebulous metaphysics

prevents us, we stochastic archers

to stretch the horizon, throwing

spirit, look, yearning

beyond dell'impalpabile limen:

oh! desire to confirm,

day by day, the clear hope

of the trip: "Land! Earth! "

Orizzonti 6

Oscuro sipario s’alza improvviso di nubi

furenti di vento, di borbottii imbronciate:

trapassa l’iridescente aureola di raggi

pale blue sky above and dew drops.

surprised the suspension of the vapors,

perfect rainbow arches over there

you spot where the gifts of gold horizon:

"Hope! Hope ", one might say.