Monday, October 13, 2008

Decorative Ways To Fold Bath Towels

reading levels and the proliferation of the eye: fractal thinking about the poetic

In post Mind biostoria organization poetry Antonia Colamonico , has highlighted the difference between an eye and a linear multiplier.

The consequence of this change leads, as also explained in the post biostorico The paradigm and the topology of complex thought , an acceleration of the test system.

The lyric " State change 'is a literary example of this difference.

It runs on three parallel directions, making it in fact the mark of well 729 different lyrics in the classic sense. This estimate is obtained by considering the simplest possible ways that the title should be conclusion. If, however, allows you to select at least one word in there where the line is parallel the number of possible readings to fly well 117649.

One can easily realize the expressive power to write you this way.

Unlike the poetry in the classical sense in which the status of the poet was represented by the lexical search, poetry biostorico eye with one hand, there is the lexical refinement, and the other a multiplicity of expression best suited to represent complex human expressions and that, in fact, makes the reader an active player , not just the act of reading, but in so far as to give substance to the actual reading.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

John Deere 300 Snowmobile Parts

announced a disaster: The collapse of the fellowship is the implosion of an era

Antonia Colamonico

The show that World Finance is offering these days is that of ' idiot.

The thing that terrifies you think that humanity's destiny to be in the hands of people who do not have a sense of reality, so to admit, candidly, I was wrong, like a child who stole the jam. The fate of the world are in the hands of children who love to steal the jam, for the simple pleasure of a jam. Of course it is a jam made of billions stolen from the young unemployed, because the big kids-idiots economy instead of investing in work, have invested money in the end in itself.

  • We are faced with what is already in 1993 defined in the introduction Biostoria of the implosion of the Industrial Society.

If you ride in the plots of the echoes of the past that have generated such a company, you can isolate the key ideation who have acted as a cornerstone of the company car and then plastic.

In the eighteenth century the mental places around which intellectuals went to weave their political and economic theories were the needs of:

  • release the Company from feudal ideologies,
  • put work at the base of 'civilian organization,
  • put the profit as an impetus to the improvement of crops and production systems, consider the change from biennial rotation of fallow land in the four years without fallow,
  • define the rule of law as a guarantee of social relations.

These principles had a hinge-side of the coin that was born and comes from a purely human logic release of the universal cognitive needs of their network and make them functional in themselves. Trying to simplify:

  • is not a bad profit, but only if tied to the real need of the Community, for which it is redistributed to the improvement of social services, infrastructure, health, education, etc..

But a profit as an end in itself is an exaltation of the self as a soul cocaine who enjoys his hidden treasure. We all remember the years of scandal tangentopoli the Ministry of Health, which ended the Liberal Party when chairs were found stuffed with paper money . Now reflect on the meaning of mental health of such actions. Of course they are prisoners of the minds and money comes to our aid to understanding the novel by Verga "stuff", which is focused with deep bitterness the soul of gray Mazzaro that nell'accaparramento property of the Baron, had forgotten a inalienable truth: death. We are consumers of time and the time for the process of entropy, it kills. And in this we die naked.

beautiful Gospel passage that calls for not accumulate wealth that thieves and moths can take away , but to accumulate intangible assets that make beautiful and worth living life.

The Enlightenment worked around the concept of dignity of person and calling it laid the foundations of modern democracy , they unwittingly took back the key ideas of the Gospel and turned it into a secular ideology . But ideologies are compared with the men and these, unfortunately, the Cain / Abel of the Company.

I remember when I started to think about the dynamics biostoriche, position so unequivocal 's interdependence between reading systems, the historical readings and responses d' Event ; theorized that the end of the world related to the industrial paradigm to a reading of blindness , connected eye linear-sequential, which only took itself would end up triggering black aut economy itself.

deepening can be better understood, for example, if we are our mind , and if actions are not all equal, then all minds are self-organi on the same coordinates reading.

In my unpublished text Constellations of meanings for a topology of thought , I tried to draw architecture of a mind-field deep and infinite time , interesting fact is that the action of defining the human mind new , automatically came out the topology of the mind of the old man, understood as a logical organized only around the back account of the self. This mind, withered pathologically asphyxiation creative, historical and implements these delays the implosion of economies and society.

Siamo, oggi, in un momento di regressione poiché la classe dirigenziale si è avvizzita intorno al possesso, per il semplice gusto del possesso: sono nate così le manovre economiche che hanno generato il sistema a scatole vuote dell’Economia globale . Ricordo che già intorno al 1993 avevo diagnosticato tale collasso della borsa, in un corso di formazione docenti, ragionando sui modellini storici che fanno parte del patrimonio didattico-metodologico di biostoria.

Ma in che cosa consiste la cecità di questi vecchi-bambini, golosi di marmellata: nell’aver svincolato il world of finance than the economic output . When the SPA was born in a time of great reorganization of companies and investments in new technologies were such that it can not be supported by a single family, so the transition from management to master the Taylorist imposed the relationship-banking industries, markets and the stock came into being, the trust, the world market.

  • What happened in the 80s then?

It was discovered that one could speculate playing with action and funding, not to create jobs, increase the range production, new markets, wages able to implement the dynamic sales ... that despite these private interests to build ended with the dignity of families, think of the effects of the boom of the '60s, but to create ghost companies that gave rise to endless loans. In this game of financial customers, has lost sight of first the real economy which is made of profits related to production and other pay- that human greed, of Mazzaro of history, a volta svincolata dal limite dei principi etici universali, è un pozzo senza fondo.

Ho già parlato di democrazia bloccata , come una caduta di valori e di legalità e sono proprio questi le cerniere che rendono coerenti, sotto il profilo storico, le azioni anche economiche.

La tristezza in tutto questo è che a pagare come sempre saranno gli innocenti , quelle centinaia e centinaia di migliaia di giovani che dopo essere stati parcheggiati nelle università decrepite, nelle SSIS spilla money, crumbling master courses, etc.. find the closed doors of companies that work in politics, preferring the political speculation.

from that is bleeding billions burnt out one consolation:

  • idiots of history have been exposed.

= ignorant idiot from Latin, from the greek = incapable.