Friday, January 21, 2011

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Maschio Italiano, addio.

the show to "red lights" that are offering different transmissions and TG Italian public opinion, looks like the "Pandora's box", as it has lifted the lid on all that respectability facade that acts as a link to a heavily male logic, distinctly Italian, born in the '60s, the building boom that made the "brick" is the symbol of economic recovery and is , by contrast, the Italian underworld, then exported worldwide.

are the years in which Alberto Sordi brought to the screen the form of the average; average in every way:

  • media culture, media integrity, marital fidelity, average, average parental responsibility, the average consistency word.

These are the years when we built the myth of the Italian male appreciated by the hordes of young people who came down in northern Adriatic Coast, giving himself a great libations with greenhorn playboy who were used as sires for natural service: are the years of the first clubs, the famous A discussion on the sea, the racing car convertible, as in the famous film "finesse" with Vittorio Gassman.

A whole generation of boys, now more than sixty, is educated on these principles that saw the deception and bluster in a form of ethical beauty as well as aesthetic.

course, in those years there were males who distanced themselves from these behaviors, such as a purse or a Falcon. They became the flagship of a world caught male, hard-working and respectful of the dignity of life, so strongly pilloried quell'impalcatura from all the "straight men" who were able to silence them.

But time in its inexorable to the new plans for the future, undermines every mental and social stereotyping.

category is the time that reveals the deceptions and historical nonsense that take place whenever the choices come from a short-sighted that opens immediately and not to the universal dream. What is left of much myth?

  • The Nordic began to be tired of little men and desert the Italian beaches under an eco-systemic taste che apre alle oasi di pace degli oceani.

  • Il boom economico è il pallido ricordo di un tempo che fu, in cui l'accesso al mondo del lavoro era dietro l'angolo di casa e non erano richiesti grandi saperi.

  • La media cultura si è rivelata una gabbia di grande ignoranza che ha portato le università italiane agli ultimi posti delle società moderne.

  • La media onestà si è trasformata in tangentopoli con le sue varie trame e derive che hanno reso l'economia e la politica italiana schiave delle logiche clientelari di piccoli boss.

  • marital infidelity led to the crisis of the traditional family, with the spread of the separations and divorces that show how deception is not responding with forgiveness unidirectional, so that we are witnessing the births attended where no longer required to be paternal or maternal.

  • parental absenteeism has made the new generation without the adult model, so that many young people without a positive example they have finished with piped into the drift itself, unable to get out of the adolescent phase.

  • L'incoerenza sistematica sulla parola data sta portando al dilagare del relativismo storico in cui non si sa più cosa sia il giusto e l'ingiusto, cosa sia essere fedeli al compito che va portato sino al compimento, per poi aprirsi al nuovo come impegno storico che rende la vita degna di essere tramandata.

Lo spettacolo pietoso che i bambini italiani stanno vivendo da spettatori inermi è quello di tutta una classe adulta che ha smarrito il senno:

  • del resto come spiegare, se i fatti saranno dimostrati, se non con la follia!

But every story has in it a moral from all this "mess" in name and in fact, is an emerging sunset of the myth of Italian male , the stereotype of an era where beauty has been identified with the oppression, the illegal, under false pretenses.

But every sunset opens new dawn:

  • What is this degradation that emerges a better of adrenalin to the conscience face and take a clear position, clear, strong enough to be able to say, I'm not there anymore! I want a world oxygenated, a future worth living for me and for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I want to finally bury this logic necrophilia and open the doors of the new millennium Knowledge Society you do Ethics of Life!

Friday, January 7, 2011

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Verso una Topologia a occhio infinito della relazione Mente/Mondo

The Geometry of Life Jump in Eco-biostorico



I Capitolo:

  • Il nodo vitale oggetto/soggetto storico

II Capitolo:

  • Lo stato attuale della conoscenza

III Capitolo:

  • Il paradigma biostorico e la dinamica dell’occhio

Chapter IV:

  • The historical role of the observer to organize reality


"Men are like their time rather than to their fathers " - Max Eastern

This work, to follow the article " Towards a multi-projective geometry of the mind "is one of the first stages of the collaboration between a historian and a mathematician. The idea of \u200b\u200bmerging the two powers came from the days of "Made Time Space" in which for the first time the story was no longer seen as a simple narration and cataloging of events related to the past, but as a process of interaction between subjects and fields. This survey system has evolved into "B iostoria ", in "Complex Orders" and " constellation of meanings for a topology of complex thought . The process of abstraction from the old to the historiography of the history biostoria as life has produced a historical agent theory , allowing jump towards the study of properties that a mind capable of dealing with the life to possess. As the study of mathematical properties of the agent has allowed the rational development of, for example, the decision theory and the various economic theories, so we hope that a mathematical study of the historical agent, will lead to Life Sciences . In this sense, this work represents a step towards designing a medium common to biostoria and mathematics.

Bari, 23/12/2010


Good reading.


Biostorico Eco-eye: a new paradigm.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Driclor Antiperspirant

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sympathy R.i.p Sayings

.... I hope this new year to see less dogs blamed blameless .... less dogs chased by the owner .... less speeches made after the dogs alleged disobedience .... less dogs in kennels .....
more people who responsibly understand that having a dog is a responsibility lasting .... more dogs used in business ... owners who spend more time with their friend .... most parents that their children closer to the animal world ... .
short, a world of wishes for a better living,

educator dog