Saturday, August 21, 2010

Should I Drive After Waxing

Wikileaks revealed: the secret troops sent by Prodi

ROME - Private negotiations between Rome and Washington and soldiers sent to Afghanistan "with discretion" not to knock the "political sensitivity" national, ie the relationship between strenuous President of the Council and to the left of his coalition.
The revelations of the Prodi-Bertinotti Wikileaks-Ferrero (2007)
Some of the revelations about Italy's Wikileaks describing the "behind the scenes" of the Prodi government in 2007, when the "professor" had to sweat to disentangle between the need for essere presente sulla scena internazionale, le pressanti richieste americane e l’avversione all’impegno militare dell’ala radicale della sua esigua maggioranza. Sono passati solo tre anni ma sembrano trenta dal punto di vista politico e i rapporti riservati diffusi da Wikileaks aprono uno squarcio sul lavoro diplomatico che si svolse tra le due sponde dell’Atlantico.
Così vengono confermati i rapporti non facili tra Romano Prodi e il presidente americano George W. Bush, nell’attesa di un incontro che, a un anno dall’elezione del leader democratico a Palazzo Chigi, era diventato “un problema politico”. E vengono confermate tutte le difficoltà di Prodi a fare fronte alle richieste di Washington for an increase of Italian troops in Kabul.
According to a file classified as "confidential" in the May 30, 2007, Italy was so willing to increase its military contribution, but on condition that the issue "is not treated in public, but only at a technical level" data "political sensitivity National "on the ISAF mission. Gianni Bardini and Achilles America, the two diplomats cited in the text, explained as "the Italian laws make it difficult for your donation of military equipment," even if the government would, however, "found a way" to send more soldiers. Moreover, as revealed by the document, Rome "discreetly" was already increasing its military capabilities in Afghanistan.
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Wikileaks on a confidential document on Italy
In 2007, Rome sending more troops but claiming confidentiality
by: teletext
More Italian troops in Afghanistan? Okay, but with discretion. This is the political sense that is made from an American document is classified as 'confidential', 30 May 2007 and published by Wikileaks.

The 'file' tells reserved a piece of history recently by describing the difficulties of the then Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi - never mentioned directly in the U.S. dossier - in having to make a difficult decision as the increase of troops in Afghanistan leading a coalition being conditioned by the positions of the extreme pacifist next Fausto Bertinotti. Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema at the time was.

Rome, according to the documents, he said, is ready to enhance its military capability in Afghanistan, but only if the argument was dealt with publicly. The source of the information, reads the file, the U.S. embassy in Rome.

The document, titled''Italy plans other contributions ISAF - Necessary work with discretion, at a technical level,''contains a number of Gianni Bardini, then Minister Plenipotentiary and responsible for security issues and the issues NATO's Directorate General for Multilateral Political Affairs and Human Rights, and another diplomat, Achille Amerio .
The text explains that the two Rome,''in a discreet,''is already increasing its military capabilities in Afghanistan. ''The Italian laws make it difficult for your donation of military equipment''Bardini points out, adding, however, '''that Italy would find a way.'' In addition, it says,''Italy could announce further contributions during a meeting between defense ministers in Brussels.''
La condizione, tuttavia, come ''sottolineato'' dalle fonti italiane, e' che il dibattito sull'invio di militari italiani ''non sia trattato pubblicamente ma solo a un livello tecnico'' a causa ''della sensibilità politica nazionale'' sulla missione Isaf in Afghanistan

Thursday, August 12, 2010

251 Annabel Chong Mpg

Le carte biostoriche e la geografia del pensiero complesso

Proceedings 50 th National Conference : Italian Association of Geography Teachers
Power 19-22 2007 - Palazzo Ateneo
cards biostoriche and geography of the complex thought

... One of the elements of a crisis today is the fragmentation of knowledge that is born from the same depth knowledge on, away, away that knowledge have become more sophisticated and detailed, have in fact, geographically speaking, out of the way the acquisition of knowledge, so as to determine the identity crisis of science itself el'incomunicabilità among the researchers themselves. An example of such a fracture is the medical science, with their specialized fields.
The knowledge sector has become more and more it is broken up into streams of specific languages, so as to create a host of experts on the fields, on the one hand extremely limited, while the other complexes they be local, since the complexity is presented both the micro and macro cosmos. There seems to be a constant ratio following research: for each field of knowledge that is revealed, it creates a new ignorance. knowledge / ignorance, according to Maturana and Varela chase, a round, so there is no solution for humanity who knows more and more one discovers limited.
To be more explicit, consider a tree that splits the infinite, in these sub-branches and branches in more and more small and diverse. Travelling in a yes without topography, the observer moves in a linear-sequential order that makes it go slowly in space, paving the way step by step, but in the open street, he receives a double sense of joy / loss that makes his research action safe / unsafe, since most walks in the path of knowledge and the more it departs from the vision of all that is the tree. Move in a similar position of reading, equivalent to being in a maze, in which the observer while the routes may develop short-range exploration of rich meaning, and second, he is unable to come to the same space as a path where it ends with a constraint, it will automatically show a new one: in such a state of insecurity Science loses because of the historical significance of his research and is to be mired in a variety of subsets of sets that make it very limited reading.
The current crisis, as you can see, it is not so in terms of scientific results, in fact, strictly speaking the truth, they have reached a high level demonstration of the reality; but on the meta-scientific, ie, returning to the metaphor of the tree, it lacks the vision to contemporary research on hair, eyes widened as one who knows from afar to see all of the branches, to draw, in a glance all plots.

The crisis in reading is to look good, not topical in the field, but utopian. You failed the general view that science and the scientist gives the sense of history, understood as the field this universe. If a crisis arises at the level of reading utopian, then one is faced with a tear or an epochal paradigm shift.

In this cultural background has taken shape since the Biostoria mid-80s. With this study we tried to get out of the impasse of knowledge organized in parallel lines of conoscenze8 to start with a different approach to reading, to navigate freely from one subject area to another. But this organization has requested jump, in turn, a cognitive leap, as a reading grid, an organization entails a constellation of thought-node networks conceptual

  • If we must change our approach, we were obliged to revise reading maps cards, visions, meanings, languages, etc..!

According to a chain process of redefinition, the notes and biostoria considerations have taken on the connotation of a science-methods as chasing and rewriting the meanings, depending on future directions, maps, have ritratteggiati movements of space-time. In review of this business concepts have emerged that the common aspects and trans over time had been an active node bifurcation of the knowledge process. Knowledge that is shown as a network of multi-layer woven or embroidered polysemic meanings that open up to new directions in their semantics, in its role of disciplines manifolds, ie the amount of information.

The assumption was that:

  • everything is History is space for everything, everything is the time, everything is done (tS: tT = tT: tF = tF: TS) ...
"I dedicate this page to Uncle Vito Colamonico Caramel, which he sent me his great love for the economic geography. I often look at the places and it is as if they spoke to me and I contain the echoes of distant lived, neighbors, and of those silenced ... so for me it was easy to see the historic sponge as a solid body in one / all. "

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Where Can You Find Hussyfan

In Pisa the Hub of the war

di Manlio Dinucci

L'aeroporto militare di Pisa diventerà l’ Hub nazionale delle forze armate , ossia l’unica base aerea da cui transiteranno tutti i reparti inviati nelle diverse «missioni internazionali»: lo ha annunciato il portavoce della 46a Brigata aerea, maggiore Giorgio Mattia. I lavori inizieranno il prossimo maggio e, entro il 2013, the Hub will become operational. The work of expansion of the airport provide a structure for about 30 thousand men fully equipped for a period of at least a month. The structure, said the spokesman, and will reflect all the major hub for all civil-service check-in and check out, baggage handling and other ground service equipment which may be operated by civilian companies.

The difference is that tourists do not go through it with T-shirts and fishing rods, but soldiers with machine guns and camouflage.
The project is presented as an important investment, boosting the strategic role of the base of Pisa, will have significant economic impact territory. "The new wealth for Pisa military airport," headline Il Tirreno (August 3), providing that the Hub can handle up to 30 thousand soldiers per month, will create a significant induced a capacity, including family members below, is estimated to be 50-60 thousand people. This in a city that does not reach 90 thousand residents. This project, which distorts the tourism of the area by focusing on the military, is imposed on the entire city without its people have been consulted. Surely, however, it has received the enthusiastic ok the city administration, headed by Mayor Mark Filippeschi (Pd).
E 'was Filippeschi last November, to announce that the U.S. base of Camp Darby, between Pisa airport and the port of Livorno, has "important opportunities" and that "Americans believe this settlement is very important and want to continue to invest." Meanwhile you invest the Tuscany Region and the municipalities of Pisa and Livorno that expanding the Canal Navicelli, allow the base to speed up connections to the port of Livorno and increase its capacity so as to supply more land and air forces rapidly in the Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern. In the same framework is part of the project, the Hub of Pisa: the fact that it will be capable of handling up to 30 thousand military month, three times as many expatriates, Italy, indicates that the structure can also be used by U.S. forces.
It is silent, however, that the environmental pollution is already at the limits of sustainability. The 46th Brigade, equipped with C-130J aircraft from Lockheed Martin to continue carrying troops and equipment in Afghanistan and other theaters, carries over 10 thousand annual movements of military aircraft, which are added to those made on behalf of Camp Darby, the whose number is secret. At the same airport, which is managed military movements take place over 40 thousand a year of civil airplanes. Increasingly, C-130J and other aircraft flying at low altitude residential areas, regardless of pollution they cause and that the authorities usually ignore. The same time increases the risk of incidents like that which occurred last November , when a giant C-130J, as amended in air tankers to refuel fighter jets in flight, crashed on a railway line just after takeoff, which may lead a massacre. The implementation of the Hub, a veritable city within the city's military, which will require more space and the likely demolition of civilian buildings, dramatically increase this impact.
We are therefore faced with the draft of a militarization of the territory, which exceeds ampiamente quello del raddoppio della base di Vicenza, da cui potranno trarre vantaggio alcuni settori economici locali, ma non l’economia né tantomeno la cittadinanza nel suo complesso. Una «grande opera» militare, il cui enorme costo fagociterà altro denaro pubblico, mentre anche a Pisa si tagliano i fondi per l’università, la sanità e altri settori. Un altro investimento sulla «risorsa guerra», dietro il paravento delle «missioni umanitarie».

DAL "il manifesto", 4 agosto 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010
Pisa will be a great aircraft carrier
For Mayor (pd) is "an honor" announced
shock: the airport is a hub for all military missions

Francesco Ruggeri
military airport Pisa will become a national hub for the armed forces, "the only place where you leave for international missions." A spokesman for 46th Aviation Brigade (10 thousand flights a year in Afghanistan on behalf of Italy and a number of secret services on behalf of Camp Darby) explained that the work will begin in the spring to prepare the airport by 2013 which will focus on military flights and a logistics facility that can accommodate and equip, in less than a month, up to 30 thousand men, plus any other family members for 50-60 thousand people. Vicenza, by comparison, is a no brainer. All this in a city of 90 thousand inhabitants in 2004, proclaiming "City of Peace, cheat - with the then governor tocano on the need to recover that piece of Mediterranean occupied by Camp Darby in the name of a tourist area and ambition of the pacifist policies of the government of the territory.

"Instead, there will be a military structured for the offensive role of Italian troops in a foreign policy designed to neo-colonial adventures, missions international, for a permanent war, "explains the Cobas Pisa who have brought out the news from the areas while the local press, a few miles away, work is continuing to expand the channel of the ship to provide the basis for US-Born in the mouth Sea Camp Darby asked for by Uncle Sam to the municipalities of Livorno and Pisa and the Region.
seem centuries that separate us from those when the City Council voted to Pisa motion for the conversion of Camp Darby . The expansion of the Pit of the spacecraft (to manage the area is the Spa Navicelli, publishes 100% of the shares equally divided between the Municipality, Province and Chamber of Commerce) is not only to increase the depth the channel and create a large area for industrial activity but also direct connection by boat to Camp Darby, the largest logistics base in the U.S., with the port of Livorno, where a dock is reserved for years already in the U.S. and NATO. "To make it all possible, there are various sources of funding and supervision of municipal technicians - told Liberation, the local spokesman of Cobas, Federico Giusti - would it be to ask the directors and consistency to the parties that supported the anti-war motion, it would the case that the sleepy political and social realities of Pisa is activated against the militarization of the area unless we want Pisa is transformed into a war zone. If not now when? ". But Marco Filippeschi the mayor of Pisa on behalf of the Democratic Party, at the time of the motion deputy DS, the birth of the hub is placed between the good news: "To Pisa can only be an honor to accept the structures that will allow the military airport to be the reference point, logistics and aviation, for peacekeeping missions that our armed forces will be called upon to play. Without underestimating also possible and interesting implications for employment. " Commenting on the news, the mayor wanted to emphasize that "the coexistence of the civilian airport and military base, in recent years marked by excellent relations with the city of Pisa, is guaranteed and effects as was the case for the project ' extending the runway. " Useless say that the city did not know about and the council has never discussed the hub. Only in the last session before the summer break has been said of any negative effect of expansion of the airport of Florence. Communist Refoundation has learned of the advance hypothesis of militarization of St. Just alone in the press. "And there is in total disagreement, the idea that while essential services are cut, they are money for the war, the overbuilding and the pollution of an entire airport into the city," says Luca Barbato, Secretary of Pisa Rifondazione that appeals to business and political fabric of the city not to do "like the crack in front of the rubble Aquila: there will be enriched economy of war. " There is a good bet that the city will respond. The resources are there. Unique, the ' University of Pisa has a degree in Peace Studies . And in May, when the town wanted to send children on a trip in paratrooper school, there was a massive mobilization of public opinion - first of all teachers and parents - to make it a flop.

"free" 05/08/2010, p. 5

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Press release from

Cobas Confederation Pisa

Military Airport and Camp Darby: how do you militarize the territory of Pisa
The military airport of Pisa will become a national hub for the armed forces, "the only place from where you start to international missions. " He says the press spokesman of the 46th Aviation Brigade, announced that, for spring 2011, the start of work to be completed by 2013. But those who think only to a strengthening of the tracks are wrong. Pisa
logistics will become a structure of primary size in Europe, a military nerve center that can accommodate and equip, in less than a month, up to 30 000 men. A military base structured for the offensive role of Italian troops in a foreign policy designed to neo colonial adventures, to international missions, for a permanent war. A few miles away and work is continuing to expand the channel of the ship to provide the basis
U.S. \\ NATO almar outlet that prompted the U.S. to the towns of Pisa and Livorno and the Tuscan Region. Years ago the City Council passed a motion of Pisa for the conversion of Camp Darby, for months have now begun work to extend the Fosso Navicelli (to manage the area is the Spa Navicelli, public spa with a 100% shareholding equally divided between the Municipality of Pisa, Pisa Province,
Chamber of Commerce of Pisa). The objective not only increase the depth of the channel and create a large area for industrial activities, the objective is to widen the canal to allow the military base of Camp Darby
direct connection by water to the port of Livorno from where years, a dock is reserved for U.S. and NATO military activities. To make it all possible funding from various sources and the supervision of municipal technicians. It should be allowed to apply consistency to the directors and parties that supported the anti-war motion, would be the case that the sleepy political and social realities of Pisa is active against the military business and the militarization of the area unless we want to be transformed in Pisa area of war. If not now when?

Cobas Confederation Pisa

Monday, August 9, 2010

Implantation Bleeding Images

Wikileaks make public a video in which U.S. soldiers deliberately killed 12 civilians in Iraq

WikiLeaks, a site specializing in the publication of documents kept secret, has a few hours ago published a secret video (you can see in homepage PeaceReporter ) United States Army in 2007, shot from a helicopter during a military operation on the outskirts of Baghdad. The helicopter shot and killed twelve civilians, including two operators of the Reuters news agency. In the action taken by the same helicopter, were injured two children. The news agency had tried to get the footage, but to no avail. The video clearly shows that the operators of Reuters were killed after they had already been wounded. In the action, including two children were seriously injured.
For further information, .
by Peacereporter

How To Distinguish The Authentic Frame

Side Effects While two Italian soldiers died in Afghanistan on the beaches of Gallipoli Army recruiters were at work among young people unemployed.

Chronicle the explosion that killed the two engineers in Herat is not the usual attack on armored Italian , but not that of a simple accident at work that specialists in Demining may also happen because the circumstances and the parties involved are said aloud that we are witnessing to raising the professional skills of the bomb Taliban that we at the 'Observatory on the Balkans of Brindisi in the pages of our site we have repeatedly mentioned, defining the Afghan war as the first war lost by NATO.

This is confirmed by the department's elite membership of the victims and at least one of the victims was a sergeant charged with a number of mine clearance operations abroad.

The fact that the explosion occurred after they had defused another explosive device suggests that the technique of the laying of mines by the Taliban, as well as be changed by the use of materials, diversifying between recovery of anti-Taliban remnants of the Russian war, the use of chemical materials for civilian use such as ammonium nitrate, the 'use of remote-controlled bombs, or instead to trigger conventional (pressure, vibration, magnetic, fuse, etc.), is changing even in the technique of laying, or changed from that of individual weapons, mainly antitank (thus relatively safe when working in the field having need high pressure to explode), to the "mixed", Trap, or lay antitank mines protected by anti-personnel mines or even radial deliberately laid at the deminers to fall into a minefield trap.

The very fact that on this occasion have stumbled two bomb disposal experts belonging to a mobile unit consisting of 36 different elements with mine detectors, dogs, robots, etc., suggests that the "rudimentary device" is rather one of those deadly mines Italian or similar that their secrets revealed in the reports from Wikyleaks two days ago I set the black beast of deminers in Afghanistan, mine initialed CT / 6 or the like, made of plastic and ceramics very difficult to detect and capable of remaining viable in almost forever in a desert landscape like that of Afghanistan.

One time we were Italian forefront of the industry, with a large company the Tecnova of Bari, in our region, Puglia, who patented these deadly contraptions that even after the banning in Italy could continue production abroad and sent to dozens or hundreds of thousands just with the money the CIA in Afghanistan to fight the Russians.

To be able to defuse them, you must first understand how to install, the use of simple or combined with antitank mines, and then learn how to make them harmless ... if you become good, you can convert them to a new use.

The explosion today demonstrates a technique learned at a good school or even a bomb of deminers and respect to them, thanking Allah, pardon the UN and NATO, there are many praiseworthy under the auspices of NGOs operating in Afghanistan and famous for many years and have produced talented specialists in the recovery of the Afghan mine ... (on this topic please read our article When the Taliban were in school of mines by the Italians

The fact that they were to fall today of talented specialists in the field of mine as our bomb, considered the world leading (see the last of UNIFIL de-mining operation on the Israeli-Lebanese border) opens disturbing scenarios such as the exponential increase in logistics costs in the next Afghanistan, or abnormal use of means and men to work in safety, growth and cash losses in men, decreased flexibility of action.
Taliban few, dirty and unpopular with the locals?

To end we notice that something is put in a hastily improvised explosive device in the middle of the night, another fiddle in laying mines traps or minefields whole, which means that so-called insurgents are able to work outdoors in the light the day before the eyes of the population, conniving or just passively condescending.
trap with the complicity of local?

At this point other terrible doubts are going to re-read the Chronicles recent actions of our deminers are called to act on signs of Afghan soldiers or civilians and that in light of the facts could not be interpreted as a sign of confidence in our soldiers, but as an opportunity to study at our other "modes operandi "

The testament of artifice.

makes you think the interview made twenty days ago the poor marshal Mauro Gigli, who candidly tells the operator RAI of being tripped on a booby-trapped bomb that looked like an antitank pressure and instead it was remote controlled. In that interview her again is testament to all that sent bomb Field work for a "routine", but to save it should be noted that it was luck, not reached the sophistication of the adversary, a prescient extrasensory but from now on, the target is himself, in a sort of sniping and controcecchinaggio

If they are true to the latest statements by the Minister La Russa that the sergeant is aware of the trap for a moment before jumping in the air, warning others of the patrol, then this means that he understood that the last time match between specialists, this time was won by the opponent. The big deal

Mine countermeasures, remote controls and other traps infernal devices have become the main cause of the fallen U.S. in Afghanistan since 2007 and the largest U.S. military has spent to defend against them for around half of total expenditure on all electronic equipment, with increases in investment for example With regard to the jamming of radio controls no longer in use in Afghanistan, the Warlock "IED jammer, 400% in 2007 compared to 2003 levels. (Wikyleaks data) of these disorders there are well deployed in 2769, along with other 1734 model Acorn Hundreds of portable explosive detectors, dozens of vehicles and Husky Mercaat for detecting mines, hundreds of robots in the series and Pacbot Marcbot IV and various aircraft as well as dozens of robots they are flying 24 hours 24 year the task of identifying the layers of mines. Despite this and a charge of up to billions of dollars, U.S. casualties continue to be high and the chance to compete with those stratospheric costs for the Italians is impossible.

Enlist yourself in the imperial army!

On the other hand we have human material to recruit cheap and the day when he jumped in the air as an Apulian Corporal De Cillis Bisceglie, in his home region, in Salento, amongst holidaymakers in the city of Gallipoli, in frame of the aquatic theme park, "Water Splash" Team Info intervened Italian army, composed of personnel from the military command Army "Puglia" and the documentary center of Lecce in blue shorts, green shirt and beige hat with logo institutional awareness among young people were unemployed Puglia opportunities professional training offered by the Armed Forces, with the opportunity to travel abroad and hear so much wonderful places unreachable by tourists penniless and inexperienced as they are ... Other

Infoteam you are seen on the beaches of NordBarese and that the army will continue their recruiting for the entire month of August between umbrellas, pinch, Mellon and water games ....

Antonio Camuso

Observatory on the Balkans to Brindisi Brindisi

July 29, 2010