Monday, December 29, 2008

Tvcenter For Windows 7 64bit


The hundreds of dead and wounded in Gaza City for the last few hours (December 28, 2008) are not only the result of yet another demonstration of the power of the State of Israel against Hamas, but also the effect of field testing of advanced military technology industries in the field of Western and Israeli war of us do.

The massive attack, one of the most densely populated areas of the world will end when the subject becomes study of military art for strategists of global military-industrial complex.

The dead and wounded in Gaza and the destruction of civilian infrastructure and military figures soon become aseptic cataloged in strategic and tactical objectives achieved and collateral damage, as are those now in Mogadishu, Grozny, Fallujha, Bint Jbeil and many other massacres. Li will meet

so in the handbook of armies around the world in the chapter: - "future urban warfare, how to solve?" -

A chapter that every day becomes more massive with increasing crisis of the dream of the New World Order in the name of capitalist globalization, a chapter on quale esperti o sedicenti tali scrivono col sangue di innocenti la ricetta che dovrebbe fermare la rabbia incontenibile dell’umanità futura dinanzi al baratro in cui il Capitale globalizzatore l’ha gettata.

Negli studi sull’operazione”Gaza dicembre 2008” verrà analizzata l’efficacia degli UAV ( gli aerei senza pilota) nell’acquisizione e distruzione dei bersagli , nell’uso di missili guidati da telecamere capaci di funzionare fino all’impatto sui bersagli o guidati da illuminatori laser trasportati da agenti infiltrati israeliani o da mini robot UAV capable of perching on trees, telephone poles or windowsills.

necessarily follow the Earth's air offensive with tanks and vehicles of war worthy of science fiction. Wagons that seem medieval forts, with remote-controlled turrets and armored vehicles capable of withstanding not only the RPG but explosions of landmines. The Israeli tanks

Achzarit have become the pacesetter in the guidelines of the world military industries that are adapting to produce weapons for future urban warfare, those who will fight in future years in the suburbs of the overcrowded megalopolis of the Empire.

After the lessons learned in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon is a proliferation of solutions: those in the West are inclined to modular kit to be added to the tanks of the series, while the Israelis are oriented in Namer armored vehicle equipped with the new engine of the German Continental Motors or MTU.

But in this field also Italian industries are making progress thanks to the cooperation with its counterparts in Israel (and also receive a useful contribution from the river of blood today flows from Gaza) but now they have already churned out their cutting edge products such as additional protection e le torrette telecomandate montate sulle autoblinde Puma ed inviate in Afghanistan ma anche , primi al mondo, a far rifornire in volo un velivolo non pilotato a getto come lo Sky-X dell’Alenia Aeronautica : un ottimo passo per le guerre robotiche future , quelle in cui le macchine opportunamente programmate decideranno chi è il nemico del giorno e come e quando colpirlo in qualunque ora del giorno e della notte.



Brindisi 28 dicembre 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ichiruki Doushinji Read Online

THE CHANNEL - Tales From The Spazioliberina

( Antonia Colamonico , da Ed Altro , in Le stagioni delle parole . Bari, 1993)

A strange silence invaded the room. A subdued light filtered through the white tent. Franca turned in bed, opened his eyes and closed them again. He felt the body heat and the chill of the forehead. He turned, put out a hand, he opened his eyes and read the time. He yawned and sat up.

other side of the bed, Roberto was still asleep, curled up between the covers. He relied entirely to her that she was ready to wake him up every morning between the smell of coffee and the notes to the radio in the bathroom.

Il gelo della stanza si impossessò del suo calore, svegliandola del tutto. Si infilò le pantofole e si alzò. Di colpo percepì qualcosa di insolito. Non riconosceva i rumori delle auto sulla strada e le voci dei ragazzi che si avviavano, lungo i bordi dei marciapiedi, verso l’Istituto Commerciale.

Sembrava che il risveglio di quella mattina di fine marzo fosse stato, chissà da quale mano, avvolto in uno spessore di silenzio. Si mosse verso la finestra e guardò tra le persiane socchiuse. I suoi occhi stupiti, fissarono delle lenzuola bianche che avvolgevano i tetti delle case, le strade, le auto parcheggiate, i rami e le insegne.

A sparrow flew down between flakes of butterflies that cumbersome. It seemed with every beat of the wings that he was there, there to fall, then resumed with difficulty level, and then reprecipitated. A feeling invaded, as a child when her father took her on a roller coaster. He opened his window and left with only the shirt on the balcony. A flurry of snow hit, basting throughout. He bent down, picked up a handful and went white, trembling under the covers.

Roberto felt the cold that slid along the sleeve of his pajamas. Cute touched and turned to Frank. A new light had overshadowed the woman's attention that has always aroused a certain awe, leaving room for a saucy girl who licked with gusto, on his sleeve, the handful white.

He instantly decided that his Gaia would be with those eyes and that smile and, for once, he took the initiative. Franca drew her to him and whispered in his ear. The woman finished eating the unusual ice cream, he settled the wet shirt, he sent back strand of hair that covered his mouth and gravity began end waiting for Roberto.

Gaia was born during the Christmas holidays, while out of white sheets wrapped around the roofs of houses, roads, parked cars, the branches and the insignia.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Decorative Ways To Fold Bath Towels

reading levels and the proliferation of the eye: fractal thinking about the poetic

In post Mind biostoria organization poetry Antonia Colamonico , has highlighted the difference between an eye and a linear multiplier.

The consequence of this change leads, as also explained in the post biostorico The paradigm and the topology of complex thought , an acceleration of the test system.

The lyric " State change 'is a literary example of this difference.

It runs on three parallel directions, making it in fact the mark of well 729 different lyrics in the classic sense. This estimate is obtained by considering the simplest possible ways that the title should be conclusion. If, however, allows you to select at least one word in there where the line is parallel the number of possible readings to fly well 117649.

One can easily realize the expressive power to write you this way.

Unlike the poetry in the classical sense in which the status of the poet was represented by the lexical search, poetry biostorico eye with one hand, there is the lexical refinement, and the other a multiplicity of expression best suited to represent complex human expressions and that, in fact, makes the reader an active player , not just the act of reading, but in so far as to give substance to the actual reading.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

John Deere 300 Snowmobile Parts

announced a disaster: The collapse of the fellowship is the implosion of an era

Antonia Colamonico

The show that World Finance is offering these days is that of ' idiot.

The thing that terrifies you think that humanity's destiny to be in the hands of people who do not have a sense of reality, so to admit, candidly, I was wrong, like a child who stole the jam. The fate of the world are in the hands of children who love to steal the jam, for the simple pleasure of a jam. Of course it is a jam made of billions stolen from the young unemployed, because the big kids-idiots economy instead of investing in work, have invested money in the end in itself.

  • We are faced with what is already in 1993 defined in the introduction Biostoria of the implosion of the Industrial Society.

If you ride in the plots of the echoes of the past that have generated such a company, you can isolate the key ideation who have acted as a cornerstone of the company car and then plastic.

In the eighteenth century the mental places around which intellectuals went to weave their political and economic theories were the needs of:

  • release the Company from feudal ideologies,
  • put work at the base of 'civilian organization,
  • put the profit as an impetus to the improvement of crops and production systems, consider the change from biennial rotation of fallow land in the four years without fallow,
  • define the rule of law as a guarantee of social relations.

These principles had a hinge-side of the coin that was born and comes from a purely human logic release of the universal cognitive needs of their network and make them functional in themselves. Trying to simplify:

  • is not a bad profit, but only if tied to the real need of the Community, for which it is redistributed to the improvement of social services, infrastructure, health, education, etc..

But a profit as an end in itself is an exaltation of the self as a soul cocaine who enjoys his hidden treasure. We all remember the years of scandal tangentopoli the Ministry of Health, which ended the Liberal Party when chairs were found stuffed with paper money . Now reflect on the meaning of mental health of such actions. Of course they are prisoners of the minds and money comes to our aid to understanding the novel by Verga "stuff", which is focused with deep bitterness the soul of gray Mazzaro that nell'accaparramento property of the Baron, had forgotten a inalienable truth: death. We are consumers of time and the time for the process of entropy, it kills. And in this we die naked.

beautiful Gospel passage that calls for not accumulate wealth that thieves and moths can take away , but to accumulate intangible assets that make beautiful and worth living life.

The Enlightenment worked around the concept of dignity of person and calling it laid the foundations of modern democracy , they unwittingly took back the key ideas of the Gospel and turned it into a secular ideology . But ideologies are compared with the men and these, unfortunately, the Cain / Abel of the Company.

I remember when I started to think about the dynamics biostoriche, position so unequivocal 's interdependence between reading systems, the historical readings and responses d' Event ; theorized that the end of the world related to the industrial paradigm to a reading of blindness , connected eye linear-sequential, which only took itself would end up triggering black aut economy itself.

deepening can be better understood, for example, if we are our mind , and if actions are not all equal, then all minds are self-organi on the same coordinates reading.

In my unpublished text Constellations of meanings for a topology of thought , I tried to draw architecture of a mind-field deep and infinite time , interesting fact is that the action of defining the human mind new , automatically came out the topology of the mind of the old man, understood as a logical organized only around the back account of the self. This mind, withered pathologically asphyxiation creative, historical and implements these delays the implosion of economies and society.

Siamo, oggi, in un momento di regressione poiché la classe dirigenziale si è avvizzita intorno al possesso, per il semplice gusto del possesso: sono nate così le manovre economiche che hanno generato il sistema a scatole vuote dell’Economia globale . Ricordo che già intorno al 1993 avevo diagnosticato tale collasso della borsa, in un corso di formazione docenti, ragionando sui modellini storici che fanno parte del patrimonio didattico-metodologico di biostoria.

Ma in che cosa consiste la cecità di questi vecchi-bambini, golosi di marmellata: nell’aver svincolato il world of finance than the economic output . When the SPA was born in a time of great reorganization of companies and investments in new technologies were such that it can not be supported by a single family, so the transition from management to master the Taylorist imposed the relationship-banking industries, markets and the stock came into being, the trust, the world market.

  • What happened in the 80s then?

It was discovered that one could speculate playing with action and funding, not to create jobs, increase the range production, new markets, wages able to implement the dynamic sales ... that despite these private interests to build ended with the dignity of families, think of the effects of the boom of the '60s, but to create ghost companies that gave rise to endless loans. In this game of financial customers, has lost sight of first the real economy which is made of profits related to production and other pay- that human greed, of Mazzaro of history, a volta svincolata dal limite dei principi etici universali, è un pozzo senza fondo.

Ho già parlato di democrazia bloccata , come una caduta di valori e di legalità e sono proprio questi le cerniere che rendono coerenti, sotto il profilo storico, le azioni anche economiche.

La tristezza in tutto questo è che a pagare come sempre saranno gli innocenti , quelle centinaia e centinaia di migliaia di giovani che dopo essere stati parcheggiati nelle università decrepite, nelle SSIS spilla money, crumbling master courses, etc.. find the closed doors of companies that work in politics, preferring the political speculation.

from that is bleeding billions burnt out one consolation:

  • idiots of history have been exposed.

= ignorant idiot from Latin, from the greek = incapable.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big Bikes Motorcycles Boobs

Diario di Bordo - Il tempo dell’Uomo/l’uomo del Tempo

di Antonia Colamonico

The only true wealth is the time for humans, being a consumer of time studies on DNA are talking about human biological time, estimated to be around 120 years . But the psycho-socio-environmental factors, make this reading inadequate to reality, since only a handful of people can pass, barely, the threshold of 100 years. So the years that are not living the life stolen from the psyche, society and environment.

mortality was much higher in pre-industrial ages, there was talk of an average age of 25 years, the stage where the child was dying of multiple, up to 1700 in 10 babies born, only 5 were able to overcome the first 5 years of life. With the industrial revolution has changed everything. Today we speak of a threshold of 83.

The paradox is that today we are a society of old , as well as two centuries ago we were children. Being older or being a child is a different relationship with time: the child in front of an open time, everything to be filled, the old once closed, already built, the first lives in the dream of the future, the second in regret of the past.

The child has a mind permeable, waterproof old, according to the definition of the sponge of thought. From the historical society the young are more dynamic and ready to change, those older, slower and less inclined to revise their views. These considerations apply if the speech is still the general, but if s'indaga on real cases, you may find that there are young old young and old: being old or young is not just a matter of Population, but also a mental fact.

old has every time it leaves room injury, conventionalism, which is biased to stop listening and learning from life. There are therefore two types of old age, the boy bully or victim, assuming an injurious behavior, whether by force or submission, alcohol, drugs and disregard for life ... for the elderly and the erosion of time, against his will, keeps his mind crumbling sponge, with memory lapses. There are companies who are young and old to get involved in the dynamic and young companies entangled in prejudices that prevent them from growing.

If man is his brain and if his wealth is the time, a brain time is the goal of humanity. What is a brain that reasons in time? And what is the time of the time?

Certainly not, as argued by John , a brain that dives into life by saying yes to everything. This just shows an inability mind decision crisis iperscelta confirms A. Toffler .

Reasoning in step with time is a brain that has a great ability to save not the time to make more things possible, but le migliori cose possibili per una vita più lunga possibile .

Non è un gioco di parole, se si riflette bene, essendo il tempo prezioso poiché unico bene, bisogna imparare ad essere fortemente selettivi e veloci nelle decisioni vitali per l’economia di tempo .

Tra lo studiare e il non studiare, ad esempio, è più economico studiare, poiché il non averlo fatto l’indomani implicherà una serie di conseguenze che apriranno alla perdita di tempo: discutere con il prof., giustificarsi con i genitori, superare il senso di colpa… fattori questi that life crumble in many streams of unnecessary time away from real-time student. The same example can be transferred in any field of work: is more convenient to engage toy only to find that you are late with deadlines.

Time goes live with the pace that today is expressed in nanoseconds . The scans nanosecond response time between the writing hand on the keyboard and the PC replied think and act in nanoseconds here is the economy of the Knowledge Society.

Come on guys, more commitment!

by his friend Paul Manzelli

WHO DIES (Ode to life)

di Pablo Neruda

Lentamente muore chi diventa schiavo dell'abitudine,

ripetendo ogni giorno gli stessi percorsi,

chi non cambia la marca,

chi non rischia e cambia colore dei vestiti,

chi non parla who does not know.

He or she who shuns passion,

who prefers black on white, dotting the i's rather than a set of emotions,

the kind that make your eyes sparkle,

that turn a yawn a smile,

those make the heart beat face of mistakes and feelings.

Slowly dies who does not overthrow the table

who is unhappy at work,

who does not risk certainty for uncertainty, to chase a dream,

who does not allow at least once in their lives to run away from sensible advice.

He or she who does not travel, does not read,

does not listen to music,

who does not find grace in himself.

Dies slowly he who destroys pride,

who does not accept help;

who passes his days complaining of his bad luck or the incessant rain.

Lentamente muore chi abbandona un progetto prima di iniziarlo,

chi non fa domande sugli argomenti che non conosce,

chi non risponde quando gli chiedono qualcosa che conosce.

Evitiamo la morte a piccole dosi, ricordando sempre

che essere vivo richiede uno sforzo di gran lunga maggiore

del semplice fatto di respirare.

Soltanto l'ardente pazienza porterà al raggiungimento di una splendida felicità.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Questions On Sailboats

Orizzonte – Orizzonti / Variazioni sul tema

Horizons 1

between crests of trees gusts

the mighty shoulders of the hill,

dinosaur asleep


rays of dawn Pink - amazed

Opima gold at sunset: so shines a horizon

scrutinized, desired, and the event suspended mirage

ripullula a smile.

Orizzonti 2

The fields for centuries flat plates

brown, ashen, green, green mist in

blinding white milk


above, the disk of the sun flickering

emerge fumigated

property of poplars, severe row.

Mirage increasingly clear, real

conforms to the contours of the light.

defined profiles, in a blink

sharp distance and the space reconfigured

receive the alert:

over there beyond the horizon is always

port than ever.

Body and soul breathe deep longing

fearless, serene.

Horizons 3

clear sky, sea, sky and water

down there


and the horizon appears:

blue hour, the line, now pink,

hours, incandescent, approaching.

the moods of the soul so deep


hours of s'incendia

hope the fireworks display,

hour pitch black darkness of

s'invischia and pants.

Horizons 4

lying on the sea,

amazed at the light, there


a shocking pink cloud,

a silent cry:

"Horizon, horizon!"

sailors Standing and sitting on the dock

eyes sharp longer worried

sweet hope every morning to calm anxieties


Horizons 5

Spleen - metaphysical archer

is not a cover for days and days, but soft cushions

sounds fluffy, big-city lights, iridescent

round fog, persistent

on the Great Plains: profiles and angles

not see beyond.

Everyone, from memory, the blind and compulsive, obsessive

trace the comings and goings of all time.

The nebulous metaphysics

prevents us, we stochastic archers

to stretch the horizon, throwing

spirit, look, yearning

beyond dell'impalpabile limen:

oh! desire to confirm,

day by day, the clear hope

of the trip: "Land! Earth! "

Orizzonti 6

Oscuro sipario s’alza improvviso di nubi

furenti di vento, di borbottii imbronciate:

trapassa l’iridescente aureola di raggi

pale blue sky above and dew drops.

surprised the suspension of the vapors,

perfect rainbow arches over there

you spot where the gifts of gold horizon:

"Hope! Hope ", one might say.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trolling Motor Electric Vs Gas

Fidel, Hope and Charity

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz
has finally resigned from every state office and spent the powers to his brother Raul. So after North Korea, Cuba is the second nation in history marked by dynastic communism. Marx has the ethical and moral responsibility of helping to generate the greatest monsters in history, but such a massacre could not imagine even him.

Castro is widely regarded as a myth, mostly by anti-American, but I think the facts are clear. No one can certainly regret the atrocities of Fulgencio Batista , but Casto has led Cuba on a path of evolution policy which is exactly contrary to that of the rest of Center and South America . That area of \u200b\u200bthe world is marked by numerous attempts to establish democratic degimi, often failed, partly because of dell'albagia United States who lacked the courage and the ability to beat the left-wing extremists with political democracy, but almost always supported totalitarian regimes and military reactionaries. Nevertheless, after the fall of Pinochet and the Falklands War , throughout the hemisphere have been established democratic regimes, weak, imperfect, but certainly better than the past, Cuba, by contrast, advances in large passi verso il passato.

Si scrive da più parti che Castro si alleò con l' Unione Sovietica a causa del trattamento a lui riservato dagli Stati Uniti, si ricorda anche come Ike Eisenhower si rifiutò di incontrarlo personalmente e delegò l'allora Vicepresidente Richard Nixon . Si tratta di una falsità: quando Castro venne processato una prima volta dagli sgherri di Batista per attività sovversiva, egli si difese autonomamente con un'arringa che divenne famosa per la frase " la storia mi assolverà ". Quell'arringa conteneva già tutti gli elementi del programma del futuro regime: espropri dei latifondi, espropri delle proprietà private, nationalization of all industries and important activities, management dellìeconomia through cooperatives controlled by the state: Is not a Marxist program?

In Cuba, from 1959 to 1970 are estimated to have been carried over 5000 death sentences, mostly for political crimes , until 1992 Cuba was forbidden to profess any religion , even in private, elections are a joke, to control and decide everything is the party, but especially the Castro family.

To the left of Castro is a hero who has improved the living conditions in their country, low infant mortality, literacy, home free for all, advanced eye care and other amenities. The thing that is ever said is that Castro has made his work thanks to the donations to the grant of the USSR and, especially, if Cuba was a paradise that Castro would not have to prosecute those who have the desire to leave. fact in Cuba is impossible for ordinary people leave the country are pursued and even those who help the fugitives. It is estimated that between 1959 and 1994, about 63,000 (!!!) rafters have fled to the hated Florida and about 16,000 others are experts in an attempt to board rafts: hardly a paradise If people at risk life to go!

Fidel Castro should be tried for crimes against humanity and the only ones who have the courage to admit this truth is, once again, the United States.

Hello Fidel, rest and take care of yourself, enjoy the applause of your minions, but do not kid yourself: the Story you have already condemned.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Aluminium Boat Project Coins

Thanks Giuliano

Thanks Giuliano Ferrara, thanks to whatever position you support. What nation is one where there are concerns of abandoned dogs in August, the extermination of seals, animal da pelliccia, dei fagiani, e non ci si preoccupa dell'aborto ? Negli Stati Uniti ci sono centinaia di movimenti che si occupano di ogni cosa, ma da sempre esiste un acceso dibattito sulla legge " Roe contro Wade ", che norma le interruzioni di gravidanza.

Premesso che la " 194 " è una legge indispensabile per evitare i drammi ancora possibili degli aborti clandestini, le eccezioni sollevate da Ferrara hanno il pregio di spostare l'attenzione dai fagiani agli esseri umani e di essere un'ottimo spunto per confrontarci su che tipo di società e di Nazione vogliamo essere.

Le reazioni almost all of the politicians and the media initiative of Ferrara, were hot. They even go back to the streets, after thirty years, feminists. Given that you do not miss them, I wonder why they are not taken to the streets to the status of women in Afghanistan the time of the Taliban and the present condition of women in India and China . We talk about defending a woman's right, as if she were a normal thing to abort. Reiterating that the law should be, is not it bleak and nihilistic - and I say especially to you women - MISUSE outlook on life? You do not find such a radical approach that favors only the irresponsible behavior of many uomini? Non vi rendete conto che fare sesso in modo irresponsabile è da sempre prerogativa dell'uomo a cui viene offerta un'ulteriore via d'uscita dalle proprie responsabilità? Non vi rendete conto di essere ancora vittime di una violenza?

Ronald Reagan , a proposito delle diverse posizioni abortiste, diceva che loro sostenitori avevano tutti una cosa in comune: essere stati in passato bambine e bambini nati. La battuta è mano banale di quanto sembri. Non si può parlare dell'aborto se prima non si dichiara l'assoluta importanza della vita umana. Anziché combattere Ferrara, si dovrebbe propugnare indefessamente la maternità e paternità responsabili. La percezione è invece that many and many things are okay and that abortion should and can do a normal part of life.

There is another disturbing aspect of our society, of which abortion is not the case, but that they actually say: the widespread sense of omnipotence and irresponsibility that permeates much of our so-called culture. The great scientific discoveries have greatly improved our lives, but has developed a mindset in which reason there is a remedy to any chemical or physical, is always expected that every health problem can be solved by medicine or surgery, even apart from the mortal nature of man. Similarly, si pretendono cure e rimedi per l'AIDS o per le gravidanze indesiderate, prescindendo dai propri comportamenti sociali.

E' su questo che dovremmo riflettere: ci rendiamo ancora conto del fatto che siamo esseri mortali? Accettiamo o meno il fatto di dover rispondere delle nostre azioni?

Doushinji Read Online Ichiruki

Uolter Strikes Again

Uolter è sceso finalmente in campo, ci ha deliziato con un discorso pregevole per l'assenza di aggressività e di sciocchi riferimenti a Gandhi , Luther King , Kennedy . E' stata notevole anche la mancanza di contenuti, ma ora argomento point by point the twelve points of the program published by the Corriere della Sera . As is well known Courier sided openly in favor of the center of the latest political, so it should be a source not suspected.

1) Investment in infrastructure : perfect, is conceptually the same point for years proposed by the center, the left to change your mind? Why not admit to being mistaken in the past? The only reference to the past is the lack of investment in nuclear power, a sign that ideology counts more,
2) Investments to the south : here is modeled on those that are the intentions the right for years;
3) control of public spending : Uolter says "spend more to spend less, not even demagoguery, is just silly;
4) Fee reduction : congratulations! ! Berlusconi was right then ! Of course it's impossible to trust, when Prodi was president of the PD and was the star of a "massacre tax" never before seen in Italy, and Padoa Schioppa said "taxes are wonderful;
5) Valuing women in the labor market : you do not understand it to mean, in parte il fatto di essere il solito tentativo per ingraziarsi l'elettorato femminile a prescindere dalla proposta politica; che vuole fare Uolter? Proporrà forse "quote rosa" nelle aziende e nei relativi CdA?
6) Dote fiscale e 2.500 per ogni primogenito : questa non ricorda Berlusconi, bensì Benito Mussolini . Come sempre non si parla di defiscalizzare, besì di erogare risorse che pagheranno tutti i cittadini. E' l'ennesima dimostrazione che a guidare sono le ideologie, ammetterlo farebbe - almeno - chiarezza;
7) Realizzazzone di 700 mila case da darsi in affitto a 3/500 euro al mese : benissimo, tra poco lo Stato ricomincerà a fare pomodori! It 'a delusion and Communist interventionist, the problem must be addressed case by failing to provide certain investment to lose. How did Margaret Thatcher , we must make available loans, we need to transform Italy into a country of owners ;
8) 100 new campuses, we are the pure madness, we run the existing universities (which never appear at the top of the charts of the best in the world), just want to create other means to expand the pool of votes of the other teachers left with useless
9) Minimum Salary 1,000 per month : here we are in full spirit of Soviet The Government wants to establish retribuzioni a prescindere sia dalla produttività, sia dall'impatto di tale provvedimento sui prodotti, sia dai sindacati!
10) Sicurezza : sempre cose dette da anni dal centrodestra; cosà dirà Prodi, presidente del PD che fu il protagonista di quel disastro che fu l'indulto?
11) Fuori gli inquisiti dal Parlamento : Uolter è sulle stesse posizioni di Grillo , Rifondazione Comunista e dell'alleato Di Pietro , non sono necessari altri commenti;
12) Innovazione : Uolter si preoccupa solo delle TV , dice che riproporrà la Gentiloni , but Di Pietro has already said he would leave only one network Mediaset. We go back to the time of the referendum of 1995: the Democratic Party pretends to take moderate positions, and sends out its foolish servants such as shock troops.

summarize, we have taken four points from the center right that contradict the policy made by UL, a bit 'of demagoguery and four points that would be good even Communist left: this is the "new" Democratic Party?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kate Playground Look Alike

The province of

In United States are being held for several months and the Primary elections are true: standards, the rules of different states, not the trifles invented by the Italian left. Among the Republicans is great advantage Senator John McCain III that while the much acclaimed young is debauched alcoholic, smoking blunts and sang peace and love, remained a prisoner for over five years of communist nordvetnamiti. What to do his duty is a "vice" of the family McCain: John I commanded a naval division under the command of the Pacific Spruance and John II made war on a submarine under the command of Charlie Lockwood. John III is Bushists in foreign policy and liberal on domestic issues, has never been part of the apparatus of republican power. On the left, things are still undecided, but Barak Obama ha già stravinto la sua sfida personale: a prescindere dalle sue idee e dal sul programma politico, che non condivido, quella di Obama è una meravigliosa favola che si sarebbe potuta concretare solo negli States. Barak ha messo in un angolo niente meno che l'intero apparato democratico e la famiglia Clinton. Se la sfida per la Casa Bianca dovesse essere Mc Cain - Obama, sarebbe comunque la vittoria dei singoli contro gli apparati: in Italia una cosa del genere non potrà mai accadere.

In Italia, come sempre - ci dobbiamo accontentare. Siamo riusciti - finalmente - a mandare a casa un governo di farabutti che si è distinto per molte nefandezze:
- la creazione della Fabbrica Program which produced an incomprehensible monster of over two hundred pages (but a lot of jobs for their cronies)
- after winning the House and lost by 24,000 votes in the Senate, have occupied the top three positions in the State with figures certainly not ecumenical, a Communist, a trade unionist and a communist trade unionist;
- have held up for 22 months thanks to the votes of senators for life: technically legitimate, politically undemocratic;
- have legislated a number of measures ridiculously low;
- increased taxes for everyone from 40k annual
- have bloccato tutte le opere infrastrutturali;
- hanno scientemente confuso la cultura laica con l'ateismo;
- hanno propugnato strumentalmente i diritti degli omosessuali, per distruggere la famiglia;

In definitiva l'ex democristiano Prodi , pur di rimanere al governo ha concesso tutto alla sinistra comunista, con il risultato di propugnare il relativismo etico , l'intolleranza religiosa (da parte degli atei intolleranti) e azioni paradossali come impedire al Papa di parlare in un'università a causa di una sessantina di cosiddetti professori.
Ora a sinistra scende in Veltroni field, representing the "old" as Napolitano , but immediately hailed by anyone hate Berlusconi. Yes their hatred, I believe it is now ascertained that the left is tolerant with itself and with the "foolish servant" of the moment.

From the time of Elizabeth I the British culture dominates the world and - now - the ' continental Europe is the province of' Empire el ' Italy the province of the province. Since we do not want to look at the U.S. as a guide, we should at least have the humility to be guided by the spirit e dai valori dell' ex Europa orientale che, dopo aver sofferto oltre cinquanta anni sotto il giogo sovietico - ha rialzato fieramente la testa e guarda al futuro facendo leva sui valori giudaico cristiani, sulla democrazia e sull'etica capitalista.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Can You Wash And Dry A Northface Jacket

Alitalia, Campania and the national pride

Talvolta mi chiedo se non ci meritiamo veramente il debito pubblico, se non siamo consapevoli del fatto che pretendiamo di considerarci europei, mentre ci avviciniamo sempre più a standard del quarto mondo. Per non smentire la pessima fama di cui giustamente godiamo come italiani, pensiamo solo agli aspetti superficiali e meramente formali. Durante un mandato Craxi, the Italian government announced that it had exceeded the UK in the ranking of most industrialized countries: it was simply the result of the change in some coefficients, determined unilaterally. Margaret Thatcher once argued that it was made costume of Italians do not respect the rules .

heatedly debated in recent days that the Spain there has or has not passed, but some things are happening much more indicative. From fourteen years (sic!) Activity collection and disposal in Campania was commissioner and the region is drowning under tons of garbage . Many have blamed on the Camorra , alluding to which they have earned handsome profits to inefficiency. It is clear that context, the statement itself, but someone should do the courtesy to explain it. I understand that both the local prefect in charge of all activity and hence of the contracts for collection and smaltimanto: we can not even trust the Prefect? I understand that in other Italian regions and there are powerful criminal organizations operate, how come only in Campania can not handle the garbage? Now that the Germany has offered to dispose of all waste from Campania, some estimates claim that there still would be cheaper than disposal in Italy!

Over the last few years I have visited some places: Nairobi (yes, the African city!) Is a garden compared to Naples, Calcutta (yes, the Indian city of thirteen million souls, where Mother Teresa began to collect the dying in the street!) the garbage is collected by hand Castes and the city is very clean , well Soweto (yes, the very famous South West Township South Africa!) does not have the problem of waste. While no one acts, all make reference to wider responsibilities, to give assistance and some feel entitled to utter grandiose nonsense, such as reducing the amount of waste at source and to push and invest (or ask more money) in the collection!

Another significant issue is the sale of Alitalia and consequences for the airport of Malpensa . The situation is the result of the many aspects of state capitalism perverse Italian. First the golden share (abolished in countries truly free as UK), which enabled the government to control private company in name only, the second - not least - the very fact that a State should or should not have a national airline: what's the point? The State should simply provide air links to those places in the country who do not have enough traffic to ensure a return to a private company, but to do this is not necessary to a national company. Another problem is the indecipherable ' HUB of Mapensa, without falling into excesses "anti-Roman" by some politicians, it is true that in of Lombardy produces 20 percent of GDP National would be simple common sense to the national hub of the airport of Lombardy. Now, however, findings that are communicated to Malpensa Alitalia lost 200 million euro per year (sic!) Mainly due to the cost of internal connecting flights (ie the value added of any HUB, compared to other airports) . The news appeared in newspapers a couple of days, no one has confirmed or denied, and the citizens continue to read about the hypothetical overtaking English, on the winter transfer market, with Sarkozy's romantic vacations and other amenities.

The starting point is that you can never know exactly what the situation, the single most perverse is the unions that protect minorities against the majority of members and politicians who think only in terms of constituencies. Everything is permitted however dall'ignavia arrogance and superficiality of the Italian people which is proud to be such when the football team back in Napoli Serie A and when she sees around the world the flag painted on the rudders tail of an airline that has produced decades of debt.

In U.S. airlines are not state when, in 1991, failed the Pan American ( the first company in the world to make oceanic flight regular!) nobody felt hurt national pride.

Self-respect, honor, love for their homeland, should consist first of all in the determination not to spend more than we can afford and not to give up what constitutes the true dignity. Can we afford two HUB? I think not. We can afford to send our garbage abroad? I do not think that is honorable. We can afford an airline ever in the past? I find it shameful. It really gives the way to deregulation (such as Reagan, not the usual fiction italics): the market will solve the problems, as always. The State is not the solution, the state is the problem .