Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Sim Racing How To Get Through Bubble

Ordini biostorici: la moltiplicazione del campo d'osservazione.

PDF - Antonia Colamonico. Constellations of meanings for a topology of complex thought . The Wire, 2006.


Returning to the topology of the eye-mind of Christ and to the particular forms of historical analysis he had expressed, it is clear that he does not pose equality, but the ' uniqueness of every fraternity and filiation which makes everybody's favorite. Under the pre-semantic aspect delight joy means first-in this shade of meaning it captures the importance of Christology that puts man, the world and God as the pre-historic delights.

the reading skills of the Nazarene, there is a breadth of vision that is ordered not only on the four dimensions of reading a single eye, but rather on a more complex cognitive structure that moves biostoricamente talking to five dimensions, topology defined eye-mind complex orders (Colamonico A. 2002).

Sono i giochi complessi a più coordinate di linee organizzative che permettono al suo sguardo lente d’attuare i salti di paradigma e i cambi di direzione nelle letture che lo aprono alle ragioni di tutti, processo inclusivo.

Il ribaltamento dell’occhio che lo porta ai salti di posizione dall’io ai tu e dai tu all’io, in simultaneità, come quando, ad esempio, chiede a Pietro e agli altri discepoli che cosa essi dicano di lui, nel momento stesso in cui gli stavano raccontando di come la gente lo leggesse . In tale ribaltamento dell’ordine di lettura egli scinde e attua la moltiplicazione del campo di osservazione che gli permette di vedere le ragioni a più ordini semantici .

È come se il suo occhio si scindesse in più occhi, simile all’ occhio di mosca che con una visione de-coordinata registra ogni minimo movimento del campo, per rendere più veloce la sua risposta d’azione.

Egli con celerità pone i dualisms, such as when the Pharisees or the disciples ask questions on adultery ; the widow or not to pay taxes to the emperor, on respect for the Sabbath. draws from these fields split the privileged level of reading that opens its proceedings to a higher order that he acts as the floor of the historical truth.

He shows that there are different levels of meaning that open up at different scales of value, so every time it creates a broader vision concepts, gaping like a field, they enter into the relationship common ways, the ways private and ways of truth. The three levels of ethical produce three different historical judgments, in this choice the man should learn to exercise its ability to private legal proceedings.

He realizes, in fact, every time nell'interlocutore ethical disorientation, with the splitting of the reading field that splits the historical justifications, thus linking them to eyes of the subjects of reading actors and plans expectations that are beyond the level of event, and as if he passed out from the inside action. It follows that the truth it takes, so, una ambiguità di lettura che può rendere errate le interpretazioni. Il Cristo riporta al limite del significato, al bordo in cui si attua il ribaltamento del senso storico. In tale forma topologica l’etica da abito da indossare si fa pelle: non è dall’apparenza che dovrà scaturire il giudizio, ma dalla logica che ha prodotto l’azione.

Nella lettura degli eventi entrano in gioco tre modi che pongono tre differenti scale etiche che aprono le lettura a tre difformi aspetti di ragioni storiche. Avere consapevolezza delle tre fisionomie di verità, dà la possibilità all’occhio viewer to be able to track down the little things and ambiguities , concealed in the actions that depart from the way of God

It is important to reflect on why and as of historical buildings, because every answer to life from a historical as it stands as a quid-opening the line direction in the future. The quantum as the lightning-flash bio-physical information constrains the action to a topology of meaning, giving it a place-niche circus written makes sense that consistent action. Search this site of hidden meaning to the logic implies open vital.

He organizational capacity into such a reading field, takes the form of how and why the reasons and the emotions of self and of you, is binding on each other, giving the states of sync / sync- of the flow of life. In this capacity to read the light / dark of life, he places the individual consciousness and social responsibility in the face of the action.

His vision goes beyond the time 0 and thus becomes infinite, in fact, projecting the views of the relationship I / you space of time, the law historical tendencies that make life a whole field in format; that studying the echoes of the sponge historical information, he knows how to take action in any event on the effects of consciousness, with its networks of nodes release / entry of the states of suffering or joy. In a prelections can take the breath of life that leads him beyond the level of understanding, in the area of \u200b\u200bfeeling and so does the size of the heart. In him it concerns the transition from knowledge to consciousness, leaving the echoes of joy / pain you understand your suffering for wrong choices open to the entropy of the story.

He, knowing intra see the empty / full foam [1] , the positive and negative effects of situations, places all consciences to take responsibility for action that makes the amount of private good and evil to be implanted in a lifetime.

[1] The organization of the sponge acts as a historical relationship between the space which is the ' in size, the one who suffers the action of deformation, the time, the size as the starting point of node-deformation future, the fact , such as' in trainer acts as the quid embossing, communicate better, grade (+ or -) to change the status of this. The first information is the full structure, the second size is the hollow structure of the sponge in history. The third constraint on the informant is a sign of change in information that leaves an echo of himself in space-time. The echoes as nodes, are the historical links through the network of history, which lends itself to the field Reading of life, where you are going to tie the new shares. A Colamonico, Edgar Morin and Biohistory, op. cit.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Milenavelba Do Not Disturb

Palestra della Mente: dalla spugna biostorica alla spugna del pensiero...

PDF - Antonia Colamonico. Constellations of meanings for a topology of complex thought

The Wire, 2006.


The idea of \u200b\u200ba book of readings biostoriche came from a series of conversations Center Studi di Biostoria - Palestre della Mente - di Acquaviva delle Fonti; paese ai bordi della murgia barese che come un’ oasi di approdo apre all’intreccio di anfratti e di gravine che si inoltrano sino all’Appennino lucano.

Più volte durante gli incontri pomeridiani affiorava da parte dei corsisti, una certa amarezza nel non aver conosciuto prima biostoria, in quanto essi ritrovavano nell’architettura concettuale della nuova epistemologia una serie di risposte a quesiti intorno a cui da tempo stavano ragionando e non riuscivano a dare un significato appropriato. Allora mi sono detta, biostoria if it can meet the search for meaning in this period of history so fast and full of tension, then why limit its availability to a small number of followers [1] .

The book presents itself as a series of conversations, from current issues, to try to reflect on conceptual paradigms that form the background to the organization of events . Certainly can not be considered exhaustive of the topics discussed, but simply as a beginning of approach a different way of looking at the dynamics of life.

The goal is to try to look up and read with an eye on eco- biostorico historical and social dynamics that make each event a one- all of historic sponge. Sponge, as the karst of Apulia, is made of ridges , Akkadians, of empty, non-implemented, echoes of , signs and information silences, the not yet imagined, or simply , the unspoken that despite not having been cast, leaving a 'footprint nella struttura della Vita.

Credo che imparare a gestire la Complessità sia uno dei traguardi a cui tendere, ma la gestione del molteplice che si vincola e si implementa, perturbandosi nuovamente, richieda una mente a sua volta complessa e sintropica, che sappia vedere il vicino/lontano; porre in rete le dinamiche passate-presenti-future; invertire il senso di lettura ed emozionarsi di fronte alla Vita, comprendendo gli errori e gli slanci pubblici e privati.

Lo studio di biostoria può essere inteso come un viaggio intorno alla dinamica del reale. Reale made light / dark ; zones light, shadows areas and dark areas ; space-time implemented or simply designed .

Begin to read life as a one / which incorporates within itself all the events and event expectations, plans constructed and imagined ones , means that we can develop an eye mind-reading paradigm know that structuring simultaneously on multiple fields, able to implement jump Reading that open to new meanings.

A plastic eye, without prejudice, closer to the naturalization of dynamics of space-time which is a finite infinity.

[1] adepts, as they are the first who challenged the prejudices of a society body imagine that the fitness of the mind as a center of treatment of insanity, had the courage to approach the site of the exercise of knowledge, as well as in the ancient Secret Societies of 1700, it defied the prejudices cultivate science, seen as the key to the well of the Company. -gym-of-mind-the-topologia.html

Slogan Of Real Estate


Saturday, April 17 A SQUARE ALL NAVONA FOR EMERGENCY, WAR AGAINST THE CONSPIRACY OF orchestrated by NATO and by the Karzai government in Afghanistan The complicated 'THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT. The planned attack against

Emergency is a blatant attempt to discredit the occupants of the Western powers, make harmless, to operate to prevent a direct witness to the killings and massacres generated by the war waged by the US-led coalition war against Afghans.

The blitz The arrest of doctors and practitioners with absurd accusations, and employment of the hospital in Lashkar Gah is two months after the start of Operation Moshtarak "- the largest since the invasion in 2001. Military offensive carried out by 15,000 soldiers with ISAF forces of the Afghan government, Marjah in southern Afghanistan. From the earliest days of the war leaked news of refugees who fled the bombing and civilian deaths.

Emergency condemns the role of U.S. troops to prevent the Red Cross evacuation and rescue of civilians injured in Marjah through the humanitarian corridor, and speak of war crimes by referring to the recent Nobel Peace Prize Obama.

sudden and surprise at the end of March, the U.S. president arrives in Kabul to hear from General McChrystal a "field report" on the progress of the conflict and to thank the troops for their work, secure, says Obama - to close a successful military mission.

Fifteen days after the attack there to Emergency. Surely a coincidence.

Foreign Minister Frattini and the defense - or rather the war - the Russian silent as ever, and Gino Strada things worse - and rightly so - the political thugs calling parlamentari italiani che votano il rifinanziamento della missione militare e che non vedono la strage di civili in corso.

Quello che è certo è che gli orrori della guerra – che la Nato e gli Usa non potranno mai vincere militarmente – non vanno nè visti nè raccontati. Invece è proprio questo che bisogna continuare a fare per inceppare la macchina bellica, le sue bugie, le mistificazioni e i suoi silenzi omertosi.

out of Afghanistan, withdrawal of troops, SOLIDARIETA'ED ASSISTANCE TO REFUGEES OF WAR.

National Network Disarmiamoli;

Pinky And Obsession Part 2

Gino Strada: 'Emergency impressed because inconvenient witness

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mitsu X Mitsu Drops Raw

Afghanistan, stop Lashkargah in three Italian operators of nuclear strategists Emergency

They are accused of involvement in a plot to kill the governor of Helmand. Emergency: "Accusation ridiculous"

Three Italian players Emergency hospital in Lashkar-Gah, in southern Helmand province, were arrested by Afghan security forces and truppe britanniche Isaf (entrate armate nell'ospedale: VIDEO) con l'accusa di coinvolgimento in un complotto per organizzare attentati suicidi e per assassinare il governatore locale, Gulab Mangal.
I tre italiani sono Marco Garatti, coordinatore medico del progetto di Emergency in Afghanistan, Matteo Dell'Aira, infermiere capo dell'ospedale di Lashkargah, e Matteo Pagani, logista dello stesso ospedale.
Assieme a loro sono stati fermati altri sei dipendenti afgani dell'ospedale.
Secondo Daud Ahmadi, portavoce del governatore di Helmand, le forze di sicurezza che hanno fatto irruzione nell'ospedale di Emergency hanno trovato nel magazzino dell'ospedale giubbotti esplosivi, granate e armi da fuoco.
Non si sa dove i nove fermati siano detenuti. La sede milanese dell'ong non e' ancora riuscita a parlare con loro.

La reazione di Emergency. "Quando abbiamo provato a chiamare il telefono di uno dei nostri operatori - ha dichiarato Maso Notarianni, responsabile comunicazione di Emergency - ha risposto un uomo che si e' qualificato come appartenente alle 'forze britanniche Isaf', ci ha assicurato che gli italiani erano con lui e stavano bene, ma non ce li ha passati".
"L'accusa di un qualsiasi complotto o del favoreggiamento di qualsiasi azione violenta è assolutamente ridicola", ha detto Notarianni. "Chiunque, qualsiasi afghano medio, ridirebbe del fatto che qualunque membro dello staff di Emergency possa complottare alcunché. Dal Minister Frattini expect me to do immediately release our doctors and requiring that the situation returns to normal. L ' hospital in Lashkar work in a difficult situation in Helmand province has been ongoing for weeks a military operation that has affected many civilians, who often could not receive any help. "
The Foreign Ministry, for its part," reiterates the line of absolute rigor of the Italian government against any direct or indirect activities in support of terrorism in Afghanistan, as elsewhere "and that" the Italian doctors working in detention in a facility it can not be traced humanitarian 'it directly' indirectly to the activities financed by cooperation Italian.

The words Gino Strada . For Gino Strada, founder of Emergency, "The absurdity of the accusations seem so big not to be taken into account. Me hope that none takes into account the beautiful soul: and 'as if in Italy they did the rumor that Don Ciotti is plotting to kill the pope, and I apologize to my friend for this example. It's true - read Road - the project that Emergency is carrying out in Afghanistan is not financed by the cooperation, but received the 'compliance' of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the technical term to say that the Ministry recognizes that it endorses the project and therefore not it is true that you can pull out. "On the weapons found in the hospital, Street said:" I can not exclude it, as I can not exclude the possibility that someone can enter with a gun in any hospital Italian ".
" Emergency in Afghanistan, especially in that region, an inconvenient witness to what are the forces of occupation and a kind of government against the population, "says Street." We are uncomfortable because 'the complaint alleged that it was even prevented from assisting civilians injured in the recent campaign of attacks where children and women are been hit hard. Many people in this area to join the military occupation, including the Italians. "

Henry Piovesana

How To Fake Community Service For School


La nuova roadmap nucleare americana
La strategia del Nuclear Posture Review 2010

Tommaso Di Francesco, Manlio Dinucci

La roadmap della nuova strategia nucleare Usa è dunque tracciata: lo annuncia nella prefazione al Nu-clear Posture Review Report 2010 il segretario alla Difesa Robert Gates, anche lui rinnovatosi passan-do dall’amministrazione Bush a quella Obama. Che cosa è cambiato? Anzitutto la situazione interna-zionale: «L’Unione sovietica e il Patto di Varsavia sono scomparsi e tutti gli ex membri non-sovietici del Patto di Varsavia sono ora membri della Nato». La Russia «non è un nemico», ma un partner degli Stati uniti nell’affrontare «altre emerging threats. " President Obama has in fact made it clear that "the most immediate and extreme danger today is nuclear terrorism."

Here nothing new compared with the strategy of the Bush administration, and communism (the number one enemy in the Cold War) had replaced terrorism, "the dark enemy that lurks in dark corners of the Earth." Today, the report said the Pentagon, "Al Qaeda and its allies extremely mixed seeking to acquire nuclear weapons." Thus, "even if the threat of nuclear war has become the global-remote, increasing the risk of nuclear attack." Stir so the specter of September 11 on nuclear related to the 'other urgent threat ": nuclear proliferation. Other countries, so-cially those 'in contrast with the United States', may acquire nuclear weapons. He then accuses Iran and North Korea in the alternative, to pursue nuclear ambitions, in violation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), increasing instability in their region and urging neighboring countries to consider "their options of nuclear deterrence "(diplomatic expression to justify, without naming him, the fact that Israel possesses nuclear weapons and has not signed the NPT).

this background have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe new strategy: first, maintain the U.S. nuclear supremacy, establishing Start with the new (signed on 8 April in Prague) a status quo with Russia, the other major nuclear power. The Treaty does not limit the number of nuclear warheads in the two ve-operated arsenals, but only the "nuclear warheads deployed," that is ready to launch on carriers with strategic range greater than 5500 km: the roof is established in 1550 to part, but actually higher because each heavy bomber is counted as a single warhead even if it carries twenty or more. We are far from nuclear disarmament. Either party will not only keep ready to launch a number of nuclear warheads capable of wiping out the human species from the face of the Earth, but will continue to strengthen qualitativamente le proprie forze nucleari.

Nel Nuclear Posture Review si precisa che gli Stati uniti, pur non sviluppando nuovi tipi di testate nucleari, rinnoveranno il proprio arsenale attraverso sostituzioni di componenti. Sarà quindi «rafforza-ta la base scientifica e tecnologica, vitale per la gestione dell’arsenale». A tal fine sono previsti «accre-sciuti investimenti nel complesso degli impianti e del personale addetti alle armi nucleari». Lo stesso, ovviamente, potrà fare la Russia, pur disponendo di minori mezzi economici. Gli Usa cercheranno pe-rò di acquisire un ulteriore vantaggio, sviluppando nuovi tipi di vettori strategici (non limitati dal nuo-vo Start) e realizzando in Europa lo «scudo» anti-missile (remained outside the agreement): a system that, once developed, would allow them to at least partially neutralize the ability of Russian strategic nuclear forces. With regard to China, the United States say they "worried about its military modernization efforts, including qualitative and quantitative nuclear arsenal."

At the same time the United States, with the summit of 12 April on the NPT, are designed to strengthen the re-rowers' non-proliferation "as it is conceived in Washington maintain unchanged the current 'nuclear club' in are members, as well as two major powers, France, Britain, China, I-SRAEL (incognito) India and Pakistan. The United States, and undertake not to use nuclear weapons against states that do not possess them and they adhere to the NPT, suggest that reserve, and the right-to the first strike to prevent a country like Iran can build them. A very different attitude toward the Allies. In the Nuclear Posture Review is confirmed that "Europe remains a small number of U.S. nuclear weapons (estimated at about 500, of which 90 in Italy), stating that" the non-nuclear NATO members involved in the planning and possess nuclear aircraft specifically configured, ca paci-to carry nuclear weapons. " It is recognized that, in an official document, that the first to violate the NPT is the United States, which provide nuclear weapons to non-nuclear countries, and their allies, including Italy, which violates Article. 2 of the NPT: "Each of the non-nuclear weapon states will not receive from anyone in nuclear weapons or control over such weapons, directly or indirectly."

Italy is atomic
The Pentagon confirms that Italy has
of nuclear bombs. What does the Italian government?

already knew - a report of the environmentalist American Natural Resources Defense Council (see the poster, February 10, 2005) - that the U.S. nuclear bombs remain in Italy in 1990, re: 50 in Aviano (Pordenone) and 40 at Ghedi Torre (Brescia). More about 400 are located in Germany, Britain, Turkey, Belgium and Holland. B-61 tactical bombs are in three versions, whose power ranging from 45 to 170 kilotons (13 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb).
The bombs are kept in special hangars with fighters ready for nuclear attack, among them, the Tornado Italians who are armed with 40 nuclear bombs (those held at Ghedi Torre). To this end, the banks-the report, Italian drivers are trained in the use of nuclear bombs in the firing head in fisheries (Orissa) and II Maniago (Pordenone).
Now this is officially confirmed for the first time in the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review, which states that "non-nuclear NATO members possess specifically configured aircraft, capable of carrying nuclear weapons. " This is confirmed by the Italian government, thus admitting to violate the Treaty's non-proliferation? Or that the Pentagon says he lies?

(poster, 9 April 2010)

Jack Robin Williams Disease

Alla Palestra della Mente: Geografia del pensiero frattale.


Antonia Colamonico. Costellazioni di significati per una topologia del
pensiero complesso

Il Filo, 2006.



I - Sharing Jerusalem

II - The ambiguity of Abraham

II - presumption of Cain

IV - Fields of consciousness in Jacob and Isaiah

• Space topical: the field of self

• Space atopic : the field you

- The eye-mind one-dimensional

- The eye-mind eco-biostorico

• Space utopian: the field of 'infinite

• The intervention of God in history

V - The places of the limit in Jesus

• Working around the boundary of the limit

- The death of the

- The death of the world

- The death of God

VI - The mission of Paul

A page

... In Christology knowledge is set as a seed becomes a tree able to accommodate a nest, a sign of new life . Jesus places the fractal of knowledge, which is five times according to an exponential growth tends to infinity.

He does jump over the border of the catechisms of science: if knowledge has no end, there is something for everyone, if not the end means that we are all ignorant and we are all obliged to acquire . In this action of learning to take , the plan and the ethics of knowledge are interwoven in a single system that raises the ethical cognitivism , this one in carn to older national mail ago knowledge of the ethics and the ethics field of knowledge.

Every man must live if he wants to know to be virtuous, if it is held means that there is neither knowledge nor packaged and pre ethics pre-defined, but one and the other are all interrelated continuously renewed according to the degree of clarity that they are going to make exploratory actions. In this web of knowledge / good one builds the fullness of the future and what flows, as the third element, the economic value of that vital action.

You can easily understand how the dialogue to "infinite eye" of Christ creates the link between the economy, ethics and science that can not be read as such artifices dogmatic superstructure superstructures that encase the human action, but as an offshoot of a fractal / everything about life.

The action of Christ in history, introducing the state of ignorance as essential and inalienable right of human finitude, creates equal dignity among men: is not about knowing or not knowing, about having or not having that you can be better. He said the Cain , present in every man, conducting himself re infinity, which marks the boundary of the state of a consumer- Time: if you want to live open your mind and heart to God and to defeat the logic of death! ... 2010/04/da-costellazioni-di-significati-per-un.html

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Online Bible Studylcms

U.S. militarism

The ubiquitous signs of militarism, including advertising on the subway for the F-35, with the Italian flag, a Finmeccanica and DRS.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

What Prop Should I Use To Get More Speed

L’importanza della Online: Thoughts on facebook - No. 3

From Wall Antonia Colamonico

The wheat field is so beautiful just because I'm in flowers poppy and vetch, and your face a little pale because it is pulled back by the weight of the long braid. C. Sheaves

If you seek happiness prepared raining happiness on everyone he meets. The world is just an echo: whatever you do comes back ... O. Rajneesh

in him was life and the life was the light of men, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John)

when writing a poem is silence, then read it is too noisy!

my arms restores your sleep between meadows, green slopes and under air.

I look like my baby. Certainly the foam, the sea foam that whitens o'er, to trail issues from the blue roofs and the wind disperses, even to the clouds, clouds that are insensitive and dispose in clear sky, and other light things and wandering. (U Saba)

Everything is its opposite, in fact if we think of words as they are giometriche forms a space inside / outside, surrounded by a membrane that is the boundary of the double meaning! For example: U / = human hands / non-human (u = No need) ...

FB In each name a life ... every life story ... each story a different scheme. Daily plots of slender expectations weave a concave fabric of reality!

The curve of your eyes around the heart wheel motion dance and sweetness ... Paul Eluard

Rhyme Spring-the longer the day, sweeter sera.Domani maybe the grass shall grow some violet: Oh cool, new principal violist blessed the first to find you, your smell will tell The spring has come, is qua.Gli other gentlemen do not know and still believe in the winter, even respectable people, but their timing is delayed. (G. Rodari)

Moonlight - We leave outside the moon of spring nearly touched. (M. Teyo)

believing believing in your soul, you made me believe more in them. The soul is contagious. A man takes it to another like the plague, and we are all the other spiders patients. If we spin the thread of joy and also enough to catch him-if we ourselves do not have to worry tangled plots. Erica Jong

I wish to live without money from buy to let. I wish to live without brand, unlabeled, without distinction, without any other name than that of man. J. Debruynne

Listen is not paying the ear, is being led by the word of the word where it leads. If, instead of the word, there is the silence of the other, allora ci si fa guidare da quel silenzio. - U. Galimberti

Vorrei incontrarti... Là dove ci demmo appuntamento. Lontani da tutto. Fuori dal tempo. Lontani dalla realtà... Per ricordarti che non ti ho mai detto "Ti amo". (Anonimo)

I miei pensieri giungono all'improvviso. Corrono lungo il mio tempo aprono la porta della mia mente. Rotolano con i ricordi lungo le valli della mia vita. Sono cavalli liberi al vento sono onde del mare grigio in tempesta sono gabbiani alti nel cielo sono rugiada nel bosco d'autunno sono la la pioggia che batte sui vetri. A. Brand

"And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee".("E allora, non chiedere per chi suoni la campana. Essa suona per te".)

Donami un abbraccio sincero, luminoso come un giorno d'Estate, ma che sia lungo, lungo una vita . (C.Bramanti)

Come quella chiostra di rupi che sembra sfilaccicarsi in ragnatele di nubi; tali i nostri animi arsi in cui l'illusione brucia un fuoco pieno di cenere si perdono nel sereno di una certezza: la luce. (E Montale)

Vi sono momenti della storia, nei quali tutto quello che si può fare è tenere accesi piccoli fuochi nella notte, proteggendoli dalla tempesta e da chi li vuole spegnere a colpi di prepotenza, di avvocati and laws, because at night and the storm ended, the village will even start to cook and keep warm. (Gilles Deleuze)

Just for today I will live for the day without wishing to solve the problems of my life all at once ... Just for today I'll know from my heart, despite appearances, that the existence takes care of me like no one else in the world. Just for today I will have no fears. In particular, I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe in love. Pope John XXIII

in the evening air was moist and soft the sharp odor of 'plowed fields and we went together on this hill over there while the cricket stridea in the fields. The dove was raised to your eye. Almost silent prayer to the starry sky, and I understood that what he did not say I fell in love with you 'cause tacevi. O Guerrini

Back to the blue scarf waving in the wind of spring, sweet, imbued with an air of foreboding runs lightly. The dream of violets to bloom next life already. Look away, rattling a harp? Spring is you, I heard you! (E. Mörike)

flakes breathed air around the foliage of flowering apricot: messengers of the sun woven silk - T'ang

Like a rose opens its petals to the sun, you throw open the arms to life ... You will love ... and be loved, you will suffer ... and suffer, like the thorns of a rose ... until ... the right hand, will come to you without getting hurt. Is demanding, your mind ... (Grace A.)

I am a bit 'distracted, but by force ... the winter with the window that steals my thoughts and if he brings them happy sled trails. In vain I call them: they will be caught in some branches bare ... G Rodari

Memories, a futile endless, but just and united against the sea, intact in the midst of endless gasps ... (G Ungaretti)

Man differs from the geranium, the stone and the dog because he is aware, cioè memoria del proprio essere che diviene. Uno studio che non faccia nascere la coscienza non è dell’uomo, ma del geranio, del sasso, del cane. (Fatto, tempo spazio. A Colamonico)

A giorni alterni sono io la luna e tu l'immensa terra che mi attira e questa notte tu, tu sei la luna - io ti tengo al guinzaglio - so che mi stai sognando, mi accarezzi, i globuli lo sanno del mio sangue, ogni mio nervo teso come un arco o un'arpa eolia che vibra al respiro. Luisa Spaziani

Si amare pigebat, saltem nunc redamare non pigeat. Nulla est enim maior ad amorem invitatio, quam praevenire amando. Se ci rincresceva amare, almeno ora non ci rincresca di rispondere all'amore. Non c'è infatti maggiore invito all'amore che amare per primi. (De cath. rud. 4, 7 - Agostino)

Tra le ombre di una ragnatela smossa l’ago, paziente, riportava da una stoffa antica la traccia di una presenza. Quando, ecco, si porse il bandolo della matassa tutta. da Il filo A Colamonico

Da qualche parte della sera l’ombra si prende gia’ le ore, lui cade e lancia tra i binari una bottiglia in faccia al cielo, il treno passa nel vapore e non lascia dietro che parole.. V Capossela

come una volta mi darai la mano... decisa... Ricorderai d'avermi atteso tanto, e avrai negli occhi un rapido sospiro. G Ungaretti

and blue eyes girl ... see them on the night of winter is a flower that Shakes the air starts to flow the blood and reaches, the river of life, to the heart. are your eyes that I wanted to see your eyes are clear and Spring appeared in the winter. Pino Mercuri

Language is a labyrinth of streets, come on the one hand and steer you know, you come to the same point the other way and you do not find their way more ... (Wittgenstein)

Life is like the tide takes you to dry on the high seas, as the moon goes. I have not cheated or never bluffed, and this evening I laid bare my soul, ho perso tutto ma ho ritrovato me. Uno su mille ce la fa. ma quanto è dura la salita. in gioco c'è la vita...

Lascia che il tuo silenzio sia anche il mio parlarti, lucido come fiamma, semplice come anello.Tu sei come la notte, taciturna e stellata. Di stella è il tuo silenzio, così lontano e semplice. Mi piaci silenziosa perché sei come assente... P NERUDA

l' anima tua son venuto a rubare. Ora lei e' mia - del tutto mi appartiene nel male e nel bene - dal mio impetuoso e ardito amare nessun angelo ti potra' salvare. Hermann Hesse

E tu sei qui, donna, come un legno intatto ora che tutta la mia vita fatta cenere fly ... P Neruda

Although I can not open my mouth to speak with his eyes for a good half hour. Looking in your eyes I can tell you if there is peace in your heart or not. Mother Teresa C.

In this world of war and violence, even the flowers are crying ... and we continue to believe it's dew. ~ Jim Morrison ~

With innocent gaze path in a groove that does not speak to me. I sit on the stairs of my thoughts, unable to shape my mind, as the potter does with clay, waiting to breathe the air of a land never reached. (S Pic)

Noon pale and absorbed at a crumbling garden wall of feeling ... with sad wonder how all his life and his labor in this following a wall that was on top of sharp shards of bottle. Montale

not say, "I found the truth" but rather "I have found a truth." Do not say: "I found the path of the soul," but rather "I have met the soul walking upon my path." For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul is not in a straight line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, ... like a lotus of countless petals. K Gibran

was what I loved, those who call ... no scratch wind, without hurting or move leaf crystals. What with her hair tied silence. Without hurt me, to dig a bank of soft light in his chest and makes the soul waterway. THE ANGEL GOOD R Alberti

collect my thoughts every sunrise images contained on the surface of the pupil ... eternal wanderer in the sea of \u200b\u200btime. (S. Trabanelli)

when you left, as I stayed! as the plow in the middle of the fallow. Pascoli

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