Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dessy Group Dress Patterns

Invitation to reflection on: dialogue of life

Dalla nota di Antonia Colamonico in Facebook del 22-23-24/11/2009

(da Le filastrocche di Spazioliberina,. A. Colamonico, in Fatto time space. OPIUM, Milano 1993.)

The difficulty in the dialogue between men and women, born of a different way of ordering and interpreting the reality that, in its richness of texture and shape, we show how CHAOS .. .

Massimo Pregnolato

For those who have already made the quantum leap the eternal conflict between man and woman is exceeded. A common core logic allows the sharing of a new common reality, from which it derives affinity and love. For those who had not yet reached the "quantum leap" I do not propose to linger over a hug :-) Massimo

Antonia Colamonico

Thanks Massimo for your clarity! * _ *

Mariagrazia Di Bello

unkempt in a simple structure is disordered free flexibility in winning gift box, on the reception capacity in natural selection ... women are in greater numbers than men for this

Valeria Spinelli

CHAOS ..... I should first define who I am and what I have to say about tonight ... are floundering, Antonia. Neither man nor woman. Simply sinking.

Francesco Izzo

Neither. Both believe that there is real: what is stato, ciò che sarà, la potenzialità dell'essere. La realtà sta sempre un passo dietro o un passo avanti a ciò che siamo, sempre più nostra, sempre più estranea a noi.

Claudio Cannella

ho il sospetto che più di una persona qui intorno soffra della neccesit133 tipica delle culture posthegeliane di un nemico o di un diverso a cui contrapporsi

Claudio Cannella

cio138 tenda più alla dialettica che alla dialogica

Pileria Vaccaro

Io ho compiuto il "salto quantico" e finalmente mi ritrovo nella struttura semplice...meno complicata.....e vi assicuro che c'è ne voluto tanto!!!!!

Angela Graziano

Credo che tutti, uomo o donna, dovremmo alternativamente passare da una struttura semplice ad una complessa, senza preavviso. l'incontro fortuito genera l'amore...

Marizia Mandara

Con il grande passo di qualità che ha fatto la donna ... in linea di massima... i due generi si sono uniformati… condividendo entrambi una nuova visione di realtà .

Maria Albano

Antonia....ho la presunzione di sentirmi un frammento dell'uno e come tale non riesco a identificare me e nessun altro in delle categorie rigide.....mi piace think you can be all ..... I like to contradict any theory ..... I think the beauty of the human being ....

I have respect for all students who spend a life trying to catalog ...... but when it comes to the man I like to think that there is always a variable that makes it impossible ....

Antonio Loffredo

would be nice not to order or interpret any of the structures DIALOGUE ... and make their own based on what evidence and mentally. Perhaps a matter of biological make-up ... codizioni by a single universal law.

Thanks Antonia!

Antonia Colamonico

Dear all contributi hanno in sé una pillola di verità! non esiste un punto di vista definitivo, né dentro, né fuori di noi, siamo tanti "frammenti" "quantici" che tendono ad un equilibrio che se è raggiunto si fa semplicità se no, complessità! Il sentirsi semplici o complessi è in funzione del grado di chiarezza con cui si vive quel attimo di realtà che come fa notare Francesco nella sua essenza ci sfugge!!!

Siamo dei funamboli in eterno bilico tra la vita e la morte, tra il disordine e l'ordine... lo stesso vale per il rapporto di coppia.

Importante è la di-a-logica stessa che si pone come un dialogo tra due parti, di pari dignità... a differenza della dialettica, in cui c'è a report of abuse.

Thanking you for participating ... tomorrow. Good night! :-)))

Angela Graziano

thanks for everything. goodnight

Tony Kospan

Males and females ... differences but no difference ...

But the chaos that comes ... more ...

the order comes boredom ...


Antonia Colamonico

He felt the lack of POET!

Rita Benigno

@ Antonia, arriving only now but thank you for raising an issue that personally, However, I find it very complex.

I understand that you carry-overs, in a sense, the difficulties of dialogue between men and women to a difference in identity of gender.

Thinking back to Hegel, I would say that the identity is always "the identity of identity and difference: identity, that is, always contains within itself the otherness. But the way in which identity and alterity are interpreted in the oneness of the ego is what defines a culture and society.

In this sense, gender is a social construct, as individuals who are born for sex male or female come through this process, the categories of men and women. Recognized this, then you are certainly right when you say that the difficulties of relationships arise from an inability to enhancement of dialogue of the person through the gender difference.

Just the "dialogical philosophy" could then assist us by providing the tools for "re-start" the knowledge of the other. Grasp the other as an "epiphany" as a mystery and what would motivate us to know and could not keep it in stereotypical definitions and closed. A happy ending? ...

The reality is that of "happy purpose "in the history of men and women, there are not many then.

The point is that relations between the sexes is always the sexual element: more or less manifest or latent or repressed, but always present. E 'useless to deny that, even today, Western society is also marked by a' conversion atavistic cultural, historical and social differences in asymmetry, ie from riconoscin1ento of 'otherness women only through an exercise to reduce male unit. Sexual relations act as social regulators therefore, both visible on the behavior of collective representation.

If this is true (as I think it is), then the urgency is that of a reflection can lead to a radical reinterpretation of the foundation of the dominant (male) sexuality. As long as we fail to do this, the scene of the relationships will always be that of the conflict: in many cases masked, and in many others (too) violent, as the chronicle tells us, unfortunately.

Antonia Colamonico

Rita, thank you for your consideration.

Yes, the problem is the difficulty to feel sure that the report-a-logical I / you ... which implies the recognition of equal value, dignity. E 'in diversity-complementarity that is built the couple and the two become one!

If the other does not have an equal value, automatically taking the power relations that also affect the sexual ... the other as the object of submission ... to affirm the personal domain, and this is a low level of organization of thought +!

therefore requires that "quantum leap" mentioned by Maximus, in his speech.

Rita Benigno

@ Antonia, thank you for the question asked. I would just like to reiterate and emphasize that the reports and powers originally triggered in the first place from the sexual (and not "also"). As I wrote above, these relations power originating from their function as social regulators.

Antonia Colamonico

do not think you can make a hierarchy, Rita, are all interdependent and that it occurs + in the sexual sphere, ok!

The conclusion is that there is still a long way to go to build a true democracy!

Rita Benigno

is not a question of hierarchy, Antonia. But the speech is too long ... :-)

However, the way to go is still very much, you're right.

Antonia Colamonico

Yes ^ _ ^

Cristina Dondi

oggi in tempi di ciarpame la donna ha sentito il bisogno di dimostrare che conta solo se si omologa o si sottomette alla visione che di lei hanno i maschi perdendo ciò che era considerato il suo principale vantaggio competitivo: l'intelligenza emozionale. La difficoltà di questo modo di procedere sarà sempre più problematica, ..

Antonia Colamonico

Cara Cristina, siamo in un'epoca in cui si è sostenuta la sola dimensione corporea della vita, se l'aspetto spirituale è una bufala, il sesso è la dimensione + importante, come espressione della privata e collettiva umanità!

I giovani e non solo si sono di conseguenza adequate deception of the seduction of the body, which has behind him a tour of billions, run by the mafia! Today he lives

hurt those who believe in two sizes and thinks that man does not dissolve in a time segment entropy!

accept a spiritual dimension requires to start talking about consciousness, free will, the assumption of responsibility toward life and history, to be able to admit the mistake and want to have to change!

involves the paradigm shift from the world of appearance to that of being: I have the ego, the ego are !!!...

But personally I trust, I suck too, so from that sense of loss will be born sense-new direction!

... the truth is that long-term measure! ^ _ ^

Mario Esposito

Here I am :-) Antonia

It never ceases to amaze me how the basic questions of mankind - "inevitably" - almost always remain unanswered and they lend themselves to continuous re-interpretations , denials, rediscovered.

The man-woman relationship is one of those "eternal" subjected to constant monitoring by the development of both humanistic and scientific disciplines, and especially the "everyday social experience."

This process somehow "Hegelian (dialectical) must be transformed as you say in a where dialogue can recompose in a "natural" separation that the biological and socio-cultural undoubtedly exists.

I agree very much with what he told Rita about sex ....

never forget that evolution is a process that proceeds by mutations and continuous adaptation to the environment and its stimuli - thanks to natural selection - and to arrive at this stage the route was long and detailed.

In our mind there is still the reptile and mammal, then it is "adding" the neo cortex / Seat bearer of higher cognitive functions.

Our emotions and behavior are often associated with non-screened from consciousness, and then reproduce in any way our "being animals" with the primary instincts and impulses necessary for survival, but they are sublimated, repressed and transformed by the changed socio-cultural and technological.

In summary, the reason to rationalize our instincts, and then it still implies a very low level of consciousness and awareness of both man and woman. One way to go, without end I would say, is to know, then to understand and still know each other, understand each other ... to change and improve together.

The beauty is just that we're different, but we must transform the culture within which this difference can become real wealth and not "Absurd" mutual incomprehension.

the end, the "mystery" will always remain, but we will be more aware and we have begun, as you and others who have commented, to make "quantum leaps relational and cognitive."

Antonia Colamonico

Thank you, Mario, the better your analysis ... the evolutionary process is being changed to stay together, so there is the animal in us / the people / the divine ... but also the mineral ... The plant ... only a culture of knowledge can allow us to communicate with the + parts of us!

From a good dialogue with us, then created a good dialogue with others, be suffering from or simple knowledge o come dico io tutto il sistema vitale.

Credo molto nella forza creatrice della parola che scava/edifica le nicchie/creste mentali... per cui alla fine a base di tutta la relazione uomo/donna c'è il parlarsi, evitando i mutismi e le ripicche.

Spesso si scorda che i silenzi allontanano l'altro che essendo un diverso non può comprendere fino in fondo quello che si agita dentro di noi, per cui basta semplicemente raccontarsi gli stati d'animo, per chiarirsi... Essere sentinelle nella notte!

Rita Benigno

Lodi, lodi, lodi a Mario Esposito, soprattutto all'uomo. Sono ammirata ;-)

Antonia Colamonico

The beauty of the dialogue is in this open questioning and listening ... I think the network would be a good vehicle for broadening the horizons of cognitive and emotional ... turn requires a lot of "talk bubbles" to generate reflection and sharing ...

and with your permission I would like to thank all recover everything to save it on my blog: eye biostorico, so that should be deleted.

Thanks to all you dear friends! * _ *

Clary Dionisio

Antoniaaa!! You are innovative and creative .. your provocations I love them .. grrr are with me and this period of commitments III & IV, but you are my priorities for study, because it is so !!!!!!!!!!!

Mario Esposito @


"People often forget that the peace and quiet away the other that being different can not fully comprehend what dwells inside of us, so simply tell the states of 'mind, to clarify ... Being in the sentries at night! "

SHARE !!!!!

@ Rita

Praise the Women and Women! ;-)

Antonia Colamonico

Yes, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe watchman in the night is beautiful ... Biblical!

Ivonne Citarella

Hello Antonia excuse the delay and thanks for the tag and the note that has generated very interesting comments. Chaos is my opinion that best represents the difficulty dialogue between man and woman, I could not epresentation in any structure. Chaos, as such, is in my mirror of what we are, because in it we find the kind of social and biological difference, not only, but also the complementarity of gender is essential and that still moves the world by pushing dialogue and relational albeit with "eternal" problems. Chaos will prevail where there will always be there gender willingness to "disagree in harmony." Chaos is my opinion, more wealth and anyway! A hug!

Daniel Biga

I share the vision of Tony.

The world is chaos, art is born from the chaos with the desire to reorder reality. Francis Bacon teaches us this: "I feel at home in chaos, because the disorder gives rise to images, in any event I like, could be the mirror of what goes on in my mind."

Hugs Daniela

Tony Kospan

agree with Daniel ... Life is Chaos .... Chaos tried to order ... but be aware that there will never.

But it is precisely during this motion / continuous effort to settle the chaos that takes place in our lives.

Besides the classical mythology

"In the beginning there was Chaos.

Then Uranus created the universe. He joined with his mother Gaea, the Earth, and had many children who killed. Cronos was saved, Time. Cronos mated with his sister Rhea, but like his father, killed the children. But he managed to save Zeus Rea ... This already marks the ancient myth of human anguish about the reasons of life and death. "...

Hello ...

Antonia Colamonico

Biostoricamente: Chaos is the life ... order knowledge!

mistakenly believed that the order is life!

If you read the dialogue as a vital dynamic communication, I / you, in every action / response will reverse the roles of receiver / broadcaster which is forever, forced to confront the mess that the other does within us and ... the need for order that is the ability to understand, to answer ... I answer in-law in the chaos that is bound to give peace for the new-order reply ... this is biostoria: the vital game .. the beautiful story! :-))))

In this

taking and leaving, life, as in a dance of love, opens the Syntropy of chaos or simply the ORDER + OF DIFFERENCE '! ****___****

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Astra Isuzu Fuel Pump Problems

importance of presence: facebbok

Antonia Colamonico (biostorica)

Only the words of the heart are eternal, I scrolled through at all times and for all times, while the words of the mind is susceptible to aging and be stupid! For this POEM is eternal and not the science!! (I)

When tyranny and anarchy meet, form of democracy ... so this is poised between an order that tends to be rock and a disorder that calls for dynamic ... energy ... (I)

Power is power and tends to be rock! But the rocks are carved by water and we must be water ... invade, inundate all his plots with our awareness ... quiet and attentive to capture a crack to fill our diversity! (AC = I)

Poetry requires a large dialogue with the infinite. Being able to stay awake all night waiting for a syllable, a nuance of meaning, an echo of life, an interweaving of images, a face, an eye, a fire ... (I)

Without love there is less respect for ourselves ... we lack the courage ... We folded ourselves by partaking of our personality and destroying it bit by bit with our hands. With the love we are creative, we march tirelessly. With love and only love, we are able to sacrifice for others. (Dan George, chief)

Your eyes ... will be an empty word, a silent cry, a silence ... that day we too will know that you are life and nothingness. For every death has a look. (C: Pavese)

I do not know one that you lifted his eyes, feeling that God sent an angel on earth just for you, to save you from the depths of hell. (The genius rebel)

... s not 'proud and my heart is not haughty my eye, I'm not looking for great things ... are quiet and peaceful as a baby in his mother's arms. (Ps. 131)

Remove the right and let me dream, let me dream in peace. Free as we were yesterday by inches of books under your feet to pull the door handle and go out ... (Judgement)

Love me, and remember, take the old sling and beat me hair. You'll see me grow as black as the Amazon forest, but if you deviate from my branches you will see colorful birds in my language and earthly paradises. So do not pray to the Lord, because the wealth of my hand I have stolen from him in a day of distraction. Alda Merini

In the silence of the night, I chose you. In the splendor of the firmament ... In the enchantment of the dawn ... In most tormenting storms ... Nell'arsura drier, I chose you. For better or for worse, I chose you. In joy and sorrow ... In my heart of hearts, I have chosen you. (St. Lawrence)

There is a freedom that ultimately applies to all, but a lot of freedom for the many moments in life that is played in every second of this. There a democracy that is absolute, but many different degrees of democracy, freedom and democracy are measured continuously with the bonds of tyranny and hypocrisy. (From constellations of meanings for a topology of complex thought. Colamonico A)

Idealizing technical progress, or contemplating the utopia of humanity back to the original state of nature are two opposite ways to separate from the progress its moral evaluation, and therefore its responsibility. (CV)

Structured, close now, called Liberian. Help me! In my if I am lost and a sense of life no! Liberian listened silently silly conceited ... he believed to be the strongest! You wanted to command directing the flowers in here, the stars down, the marks up, the men in there. And then God? Space no longer exists! You wanted to order and do not know that someone has ordered you well. (From nursery rhymes ... I)

'll send you a kiss with the wind and I know you feel, you turn around without seeing me, but I'll be there. We are made of the same stuff of which dreams are made of ... (P. Neruda)

... Only an encounter with God can not "only ever see in each other," but to recognize in lui l'immagine divina, giungendo così a scoprire veramente l'altro e maturare un amore che diventa cura dell'altro e per l'altro (Caritas in Veritate...)

… con un po’ di malinconia, se ne stavano in dolce compagnia nella grossa nube blu. Un bel cuore li investì. Fatto solo di note: mi fa sol. Sol la si. Re do mi. Re mi fa sol la si. Fatto solo di colori: rosso verde giallo rosa. Celeste viola. Bianco.... Fatto solo di parole: lacrima goccia rugiada. Riflesso brivido. Soffio. Era il cuore dell’amore. (Le filastrocche di Spazioliberina, AC = io)

Morire sì, non essere aggrediti dalla morte. Morire persuasi che un siffatto viaggio is the best. And in that last moment to be happy as when you count the minutes of the clock and each station is worth a century. Then that death is the faithful wife who takes over treacherous lover, we do not receive it from intruders, or escape with her. (V Cardarelli)

"Whether you're brave as the sand of the sea does not fear the waves advance to cover it, you have the faith of those who fight to win, the hope of those who take this to building the future, the love of those ch ... and do not fear death, because love does not die but are reborn. " (Poetry of the Brazilian held his newborn daughter)

Nella camera degli specchi ho spezzato un mio pensiero e come cineasta innamorata ho filmato la ballata delle idee… Tra giri e giri le parole si accoppiavano e si sdoppiavano, aprendosi e chiudendosi, a intese sempre nuove. Fu così, che, tra un valzer e un folk-song, quel pensiero si quintuplicò. (Moltiplicazioni, in Il Filo. A. C. = io)

Voglio sbriciolare il mio amore. Frantumarlo in miriadi di attimi che si allontanano gli uni dagli altri. Troppo fragili sono i ritorni alla piena di andate. Voglio disperdere al vento il mio amore e darlo ai flutti, alle nubi, alla polvere. E toglierlo a te che annoiato sbadigli, mentre io ti parlo. (Prosa e poesia da Il filo. A.C.)

Spazioliberina, walking one morning, glimpsed from behind a door Structured Spaziostretto: all intersecting lines, all bearing walls, pillars, all rotating, all private rooms ... an idea ... the whales! To leave in one go, if its structured Spaziostretto. A fairy helped her, sent her a song, a voice intonation, light framing ... (from The Story of a flight in the nursery rhymes ... AC)

tonight but it was the mask fall. It was so wanted to be naked with her face ... My face, whether the bearer of pain, but also from time to smile ... (By C. Ramondino masks).

If all you hear screams, whispers, if only people around, but if you're silent, you hear only one who loves you. (Mahatma Gandhi).

Progress has become a sort of "musical chairs" without end and without rest, in which a moment of distraction results in irreversible loss and exclusion irrevocable. Instead of high expectations with dreams of gold, the "progress" evokes insomnia filled with nightmares of being "left behind", losing i. .. the train, or fall from the window of a vehicle that accelerates quickly. (Zygmunt Bauman)

I will do a casket of my soul for your soul, my heart a residence for your beauty, my breast a grave for your sorrows. I will love you as the lawns love the spring, and you live in the life of a flower under the sun. I will sing your name as the valley sings the echo of the bells, listen to the language of your soul like the beach listening to the history of the waves. K Gibran

Intuition is never wrong! the first impression we get about who we meet, over time, it reveals the exact one.

Love gives nothing except himself, and that does not draw from himself. The counts with no love or would it be possessed, for love is sufficient unto love. K Gibram

The word takes shape, like a bubble, from a quantum vacuum, a precursor of the same is not said that awareness of its significance and it is the secret. Learning to read the silence of words, opens the door and allows you to see into the soul of your party. AC = I.

We have developed an idea of \u200b\u200blove so refined that it becomes almost impossible to find a man or a woman can compete with such beauty! (I)

The real reaction is to reclaim our time and start investing in our Consciousness. Biostoricamente we are talking about consumers of time, our life is a full-time, so our real wealth is the only time in our day! Ownership of their time and become historical actors! (I)

The words of poets, warped response to the disorder of my thoughts. Card game to new pages on old threads. I also want to plot the intricacies of your thoughts. (Again the words of The Wire. AC)

I'd be ... the dream of your sleep ... the memory of your song ... the syllable of your poetry. The acceleration of your heart. The idea of \u200b\u200byour mind. The reflection of your mirror ... the thrill of your skin. The disorder of your order. The order of your existence. (From The rhymes Spazioliberina, AC)

I do not think anything of the poet. I do not believe in the tombs of homelands virtue. I do not believe in the whitewashed walls indicate that the travelers have the courage of heroes. Give the poet a plaque to seal anything. Homelands to an altar to the border limit. A plaster to the simple screen of intrigue. To me a breath, a wing, a wave, a thrill as signs of life. A Colamonico

I was sitting in the loggia of the mind, return to castle and empty of thoughts. When, in a jar and a geranium, crouched Poetry from the wires do not claim to beg me to take a shuttle, for her singing. (Discontinuity of time. Antonia Colamonico)

Order of Chaos ... harmony. Access Key harmony ... contemplation. Access key for contemplation ... loss of time. Key to the loss of time ... dream. I would like to be the key to the loss of your time ... I would be your dream. (From The rhymes Spazioliberina, A Colamonico)

me is wearing a dress like lisa ... life roughly washed with soap in the water of a restless river, left there ... on that bush to dry between desserts and more prickly thorns, prey hour wind cold time of the sun .... (The robe, G. De Vita)

Spinning Words. Reassemble the balls of the signs. The coils of the points. The levels of thought. E. .. then ... Carding thoughts. Dial the skeins and balls. Weaving words. (A Colamonico)

From my wall on Facebook

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Christian Golden Wedding Anniversary Poems

thoughts in the democratic thrust of '68: chat biostorica The sense of sin

Antonia Colamonico

(Nardo 2003. Colamonico Antonia and Edgar Morin. Creators of biostorico as dialogic paradigm of life.)

It is much gossip of '68, almost, with the mean to exorcise it, because at a distance of 40 years ago are still afraid.

  • What was really '68?

The collective consciousness of a generation that decided to take possession of their freedom of conscience.

Only those who lived it can tell the breath of freedom that fluttered in the afternoon meetings of student committees that met over the speakers of the churches have become places of democracy.

There are two Faces of '68 , as two sides of same coin: face the Democratic and authoritarian demagogue impression.

Biostoricamente talking about every historical process can not be read as a dynamic one-dimensional, there is always an ambivalence in the trend in history, because every event is the result of a choice and a chance to close opens a new , so if you look at it as a single process with a sponge, full / empty ridges are built together as every building has its own vital shadows / light that s'accompagnano as the other side of himself.

  • What were the two faces of '68?

The face of the participation of people born in the years between 1943-1953 who had internalized the moral value of post-conflict reconstruction. And the attempted monopolization of that social mobility strategies to overthrow the established order, because one can speak of two phases of '68: the first spontaneous movement (years '67-''70) and second attempt parcelling out of conscience towards the extremist revolutionary right / left (70).

sessantottino I was born in poverty, years in which their fathers made reputations the moral urgency of the reconstruction, seen as a booming industrial and cultural boom. This was the historical moment of the reshuffle area with south-north migration and awareness that the dignity of the person passing through the culture and work.

The children had internalized those values \u200b\u200bfor which they were released from a provincial vision and therefore limited, and class of membership of the local and knew that only through the appropriation of the right to work and the right to know you could make the leap.

work as the pivot around which to develop true democracy was already enshrined in the constitution as the distinctive element of a civil society and with it the right to education, seen as an instrument of emancipation from the logic of power.

on these two nodes exploded '68, first as a request for the opening of universities to the children of the working class and then as women's emancipation from the state of captivity in which for centuries was required.

at work and the study was implemented, we would say today, the metaposizione, so we analyzed the job with the right that goes with it and woken up to the dark side of the exploitation of the working class, so as to achieve greater document the history of democracy: status of workers, which was then systematically undermined with the consent of the mass trade unions, subservient to the logic of party patronage . And today we are witnessing the disintegration of the very idea of \u200b\u200bwork for which young people are the real poor, eternally precarious. But on closer insecurity is the condition of oppression that makes intellectual and moral born free, biologically, socially a servant.

is entered in those years, in the fabric of culture and began to make a comprehensive study on the dynamics of logic so as to develop a capacity of thesis and antithesis, analysis e di sintesi dei discorsi, da fare paura. I sessantottini svilupparono in quelle assemblee una tale capacità ad argomentare da essere in grado di tenere testa alla classe genitoriale che educata in età fascista ne aveva conservato i modi e le sembianze mentali.

Ricordo l’impegno era imparare a smontare un discorso, a fare, oggi diremmo, la destrutturazione del linguaggio, per svuotare di senso il discorso autoritario . Ricordo ancora lo studio sui modi del come argomentare, partendo dai propri genitori, per rivendicare le piccole richieste delle piccole libertà che erano per noi adolescenti le più grandi conquiste della storia. Ricordo come avevamo una parola d’ordine:

  • use the power of words to claim the right to miniskirt with blue jeans, access to university, to go outside the region to exercise the right to work, and then the great battles as the one on asylums, divorce.

But if this was a beautiful face of '68 there was the downside.

This collective breath awareness was afraid to lobby party of power and economic and institutional. Among the network's claims about the dignity della persona, si annodarono le trame oscure di chi, avendo paura della democrazia, voleva imbrigliare il movimento e piegarlo verso il rovesciamento dello stato democratico.

In tale gioco entrano in scena i demagoghi della cultura, i gran maestri della storia che cercarono di piegare le spinte libertarie o verso la sinistra rivoluzionaria di stampo tardo-romantico , o verso un revival tardo-fascista o verso un mai domato assolutismo, tardo-medievale.

Tra il gioco oscuro dei servizi segreti deviati, dei terroristi rossi e neri, il movimento fu liquidato nella violenza degli anni di piombo . By this time the label "sessantottino" acquired a negative connotation, a generational boost, lack of maturity .

But on closer '68 was a wind of freedom that swept the world , changing in an irreversible way the human mind, we could say using appropriate terminology, was a true paradigm shift .

  • In retrospect what was missing in the generation of '68?

The implosion of the movement was a direct result of a lack of response of the niche-area historical saw the adult class in the ability logic of children is not a factor in civilization, but one of rudeness and thereby deprive them of that moral support necessary to strengthen and consolidate the achievements, working together.

Deprived of democratic response of the field, young people, because of their physiological emotional fragility, or were bent by the conservative system with the logic of carrot or marginalized, with the logic of the stick , as defined foolish idealists.

Many came to the expertise developed within the frameworks of management and many were kept on board of the company, accused of childishness. The first sono entrati nella logica consumistica, i secondi hanno tenuto, nel silenzio, vive le ceneri della democrazia.

I primi hanno fatto del tempo lavoro l’oggetto del culto in grado di poter soddisfare le voglie infinite. Gli altri sono divenuti le sentinelle nella notte , sapendo che una volta avviato un processo non può essere più fermato.

Esiste il tempo pieno della storia che esplode da un tempo vuoto di storia :

  • è nel vuoto che si creano quelle variazioni minime in grado di innescare il processo farfalla!

Oggi di fronte allo sfascio generazionale dei nuovi nati, si stanno creando le premesse per un nuovo salto paradigmatico che riproporrà la dignità della persona come diritto dialogico individuo/campo… conoscenza/lavoro… finito/infinito… essere/avere… bene/male… io/tu/dio.

Ma perché la dialogica, intesa come la coesistenza pacifica di due logiche che dialogando implementano la vita , non si trasformi in dialettica che pone il potere di un discorso su di un altro, necessita fare tesoro degli errori passati e non farsi ingabbiare dalle logiche violente che scatenano risposte altrettanto violente.

http:/ / biostoria.blogspot.com/2008/06/la-democrazia-bloccata-e-la-crisi.html






Saturday, June 6, 2009

Uk Phone Socket Wiring Red Blue Green White

di Antonia Colamonico (biostorica)

Rileggendo con occhio biostorico la Lettera ai Romani di Paolo di Tarso , emerge una sfumatura di significato che merita di essere approfondita: il senso del peccato!

Risulta interessante constatare che alle origini del cristianesimo ci sia una visione molto evoluta di dinamica storica, almeno per chi, come me, è allergica al concetto-preconcetto di peccato, che le fa tornare alla mente i roghi e la caccia alle streghe; i dualismi di società tra buoni e cattivi; i sensi di guilt, often used to prevent freedom of choice ...

Paul, the father of modern democracy, poses an interesting duality between the believer and the unbeliever is based on the act of faith.

Sin is not believing in God, as the failure to embrace the logic of God, the vision of God, the joy of God So the sin of which he speaks is not so much action in itself as an attitude, a feeling :

  • not being able to open our hearts and minds to God! Not being able to rely / trust God!

The believer è il giusto, meglio colui che è nel giusto, precisa anche che Abramo non fu ritenuto giusto da Dio per le azioni, ma per aver creduto.

Il non credente è nell’ingiustizia-menzogna. È nella falsità che lo fa peccare cioè sbagliare.

Il rapporto di giustizia/ingiustizia si gioca tutto intorno al riconoscere o non riconoscere il legame Dio/uomo , inteso come il rapporto creatore/creatura ; di qui la giusta/ingiusta relazione-direzione.

Paolo allarga lo sguardo a tutta l’umanità e supera le chiusure ideologiche del tempo, ponendo le basi della attuale visione di universalità che fa riconoscere pari dignità a tutte le genti .

  • La radice che crea la differenza è tutta nell’ammettere la dipendenza, di quella che poi si fa figliolanza: essere figli di Dio !

La visione di peccato in tale accezione è quindi quella di un’idea male indirizzata, cioè che segue una direzione sbagliata dello sguardo. La direzione è l’inclinazione che assume nello spazio-tempo la spugna storica, come dinamica uno/tutto della vita.

Si immagini una quercia con dei rami che si allarghino a chioma , verso il cielo. Occupare un pezzo di cielo the second is not a rigid form, required, but is the result of a dynamic communication between the branch, its growth, other plants, the play of light and shadow, the richness of the soil of substances, etc..

If the location of the space-employment is conditioned on the contingent factors that make it dependent on the growth of oak, then this, in connection with the report that will weave its habitat, will have more or less opportunities for growth.

return to the sense of sin, according to Paul, there is a right way and a wrong relational dynamic creator / creature. Words, there is a duality of choice in addressing historical action that affects the future dynamic evolution of the entire human system.

Then choose the direction A (believe) that or B (not believe) has the same meaning, in choosing the historic opening of the ridge may be contracted or enlarged, will have more empty or more full of life. The full / empty sponge are the historical dynamics that have or have not been followed.

In this sense we can start a good discussion of the relationship to read / dynamic evolutionary history . In other pages I have highlighted as a point of view biostorico there is a close link between gaze direction and construction of human actions:

  • if you have the cult of the past or the future, automatically change the attitudes and opinions that make virtuous / vicious historical actions!

A careful eye to perpetuate the states of the past, will be a traditionalist, authoritarian, less inclined to accept the change that will be evaluated as an error. Lack of respect. Think of all the agricultural societies, patriarchal.

If you prefer the future, there will be more tolerant and willing to get involved, to accept criticism, to converse with the other, to learn new things, and so on.

Nel tempo le due organizzazioni storiche daranno due differenti forme storiche:

  • La prima sarà bloccata nella crescita, poiché per assenza di nuove idee, soffrirà di asfissia.
  • La seconda si evolverà e amplificherà dando spazio al nuovo che mescolandosi con il già acquisito darà maggiore spessore alla vita.

Se la dinamica storica è fortemente vincolata al modo d’indirizzare lo sguardo, allora Paolo introduce una argomento estremamente interessante circa la possibilità di accrescere o ridurre la possibilità di vita.

If the man believes he decided to implement a dialogue with God which led him to amplify his knowledge. Enter into communication with the logic of God, means split your logic and learn to see from many points of view, the course of events, select that event, then we'll really more suitable for life.

If the man denies God, he will become prisoner of his own observation that will be a source of selfishness. Consequently, the sin is to uni-directional that is given to the story. From this myopia, would be born i vizzi, come dei cicli viziosi che rendono l’uomo prigioniero di se stesso.

  • Lascio questa riflessione a quanti abbiano voglia di mettersi in gioco!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tenagers Bmi Calculation

the new gun that fires behind walls


show is the new hi-tech rifle Beretta ARX160 can fire behind the walls.

An in-depth Antonio Camuso 's Observatory on the Balkans in Brindisi

The news of the official presentation of the new Beretta ARX160 that will be used in the experimental stage by special units of the Italian army, it is these days .

That Beretta worked on the study and testing of this rifle was known for some time and that it was part of that project Future Soldier carried on with pride by the Defence and industry sector, it could be read in all military journals for at least ten years. The wait for the first out in public in recent times had become spasmodic because there was a risk, following the U.S. elections, to assist the withdrawal of Italian troops from the one in front of "hot war" and its failure to put in line "operational" field testing and final jewel Beretta.

a shame if they were, because by the time our armed forces in their missions of peace "abroad have become the best advertisement for the sellers of weapons made in Italy.

The announcement, March 31, 2009, the official blessing of Neptune in the polygon of what should become the standard weapon system of the Italian soldiers, used in the endless global war, came a few hours prior to the NATO meeting that sanctioned the increase of troops and logistics from all participants in operations in Afghanistan, including Italy and its forecast that the new ARX160 in that context can be soon honor and advertising.

The enemy is near!

addition to its mechanical nature of innovations (use of lightweight materials, composites and the ability to change size, and ergonomics), the piece de resistance are the optical systems through which this gun will allow the soldier to shoot to keep the body hidden from the firing line, the so-called shooting absent. One option miraculous how they defined the enthusiastic media commentators, but that brings us back mournfully to other times, when the need to shoot from behind the walls became the pressing worry for the Nazi army besieged and forced to fight house to house in Germany itself, under the pressure of the Red Army troops. There

invention of German scientists tried to square the circle, or better to bend the trajectory of the bullets of the rifles in order to shoot the German infantry being hidden behind street corners

This led to the gun Stg.44 more as an accessory Krummerlauf with a cane at an angle from 30 ° C (That is considered better for accuracy than for the stress on the shell and the length of the barrel) with a Zeiss optical system in the past few months 100,000 copies were produced and subsequently fell into the hands of the Allies.

Today the enemy is coming, as confirmed by those who advertise the future scope of use of this weapon system: the war now being fought in cities, yet the Southern Hemisphere but it could spread under the thrust of the global capitalist crisis and a likely fall of social stability, even in our cities, involving the weaker social strata and numerous, multiplying until the enemies to make them become the vast mass identical to that in uniform with the red star, the soldiers found themselves in the Whermacht try to stem the last 45 months of

The ideal weapon for non-conventional scenarios

today (and even more in the future ) armies are at war against civilians in rebel arms for various reasons and otherwise, in common epithet of international terrorists, need to be driven back out of the red lines of the city, the suburbs of the metropolis, from caves or from the highlands desert.

Against this enemy that increases in number, as the crisis of the capitalist system is becoming more serious, not enough drones or stealth bombers and push it from uptown or drilling platforms, we must reject it street by street, and a gun as the ARX160 seems to be less than ideal. But suffice?

For mopping up operations in class neighborhoods, to break through doors and walls and gates should be properly designed launcher GLX160, a small and effective gun capable of pulling 40 grenades and 46 mm, inserted in the barrel of ARX 160 and makes it highly versatile half-insurgency and the devastating power.

The GLX160

It 's a gem dell'antiguerriglia that urban version rifle is not equipped with special handle, while the single version, for police and riot control is a real shotgun antidimostrante and unfortunately we will see very soon in action here and in other places on the planet in revolt.

If these means can stop the course of history need only wait for events and find out if, as it was in the past, the weapons falling into the oppressor than the oppressed will determine his release.

E 'already happened at Little Big Horn where the horses and Winchester fell in the hands of the Indians became the weapon that defeated Custer or Vietnam in 1957 where the weapons falling in the hands of the Japanese Army the Vietnamese defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu

The ideal weapon of the terrorist guerrilla

The ease of disassembly (no tools it disassembles but simply relying on the hooks with the tip of a bullet) , the reduced number of components, lack of safety equipment (ie blocks on the secure password), it makes the weapon in seconds snatched from the hands of the enemy becomes an integral part of the guerrilla

The ability to quickly change the barrel, shutter and direction of expulsion of the bullet, cause a difficulty in tracing the weapon if used in attacks, because the bullet every time you change barrel moderate its mark and the marks left on cartridge cases change changing shutter and method (right / left) of expulsion.

The same capability can be used and modified by shooting left or right, do it more easily accessible to irregular combatants in that mix left-handed, right-handed or ambidextrous. Finally, the near absence of maintenance, light weight and change their size are ideal for an irregular army in which calibers of weapons used were never standardized: in this case, you just get some 'shut-off of rods and parts and in the absence of U.S. and NATO to 5.56 bullets you can use the good old 7.62 or vice versa.

Not everything that glitters is gold

In the blog discussion of the Italian soldiers who have tested it turns out that what is the main dish dell'ARX160, or optical tracking system, is basically a problem in theater of operations: if it goes haywire in the heat of the action or simply becomes impractical to move onto the conventional optical viewfinder is not easy, as we need to be realigned and now our "friends Rambo counselors" advise you have at hand dear AK47 old who never leaves you in his underwear when he shoots and makes a mess of the devil. If they say our advisers in uniform we really believe them, considering that they have come in Iraq, put his hands on kalashinov, they were so enthusiastic that they made a feast smuggled into Italy a fine assortment.

pity that they were "Stay" from CC and Finance, but the investigation ended with tarallucci and souvenir wine lovers and the military had only a pull of ears instead of a better indictment of international trafficking in weapons of war ...

Antonio Camuso


Brindisi April 5, 2009

Red Lobster Dish Washer


Some considerations on days anti NATO in the capital of the EU Delegation of the written National Network Disarmiamoli ! the counter-summit of the 3 - 4 April 2009

Switched off the fires on the outskirts of Strasbourg, the "grandeur" of France from now on will be measured within an alliance that is right now not inclined to please the little round of De Gaulle , Nicolas Sarkozy.

The clash with the United States on Turkey is just one of many contradictions that are likely to increase rather than resolving the serious problems of management of an alliance increasingly sick with elephantiasis, unable to resolve the Afghan conflict on the ground in impasse on the draft "shield antimissile”, bloccata dalla Russia nell’offensiva georgiana contro l’Ossezia del Sud.

Il sofferto allargamento della NATO ad Est, il tentativo di integrazione con le strutture militari della UE, le ipotesi di proiezione di potenza ben oltre l’area eurasiatica e mediorientale indicano però una tendenza alla “soluzione militare” per affrontare la gravissima crisi economica attraversata dal sistema capitalistico.

Montare sul treno della guerra è di vitale importanza. Chi ne rimane escluso rischia di esserne schiacciato. Ecco quindi il feroce sgomitare di Stati e classi dirigenti: Tutti sui vagoni, possibilmente in prima classe, con il rischio di far deragliare l’intero convoglio. Al when the contribution of the global justice movement is the desired rail accident in the light of the facts of Strasbourg, quite weak.

The hosts of the summit were to ensure, at the time of the "big return" in the alliance, an absolute calm in the heart of the city around the palaces of the Western military power. So it was.

To keep at a safe distance from the militant anti-NATO meeting places of "adults" were used more than 10,000 policemen in the sky, on land and in water, with dozens of patrol boats and distributed around the bridges that cross the ' Ill.

Strasbourg has become in a few days a city under siege, with the citizens of orange and red areas reduced to a condition of supervised special. Each with a background color of the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, then proved useless in the important moments of the summit in the morning and afternoon of Saturday, April 4, when even that is served to move from one area to another.

We have seen some complaints of individual citizens, but on the whole body of a town that thrives around the European institutions are not organized against the state of siege imposed by NATO. The "Western democracy" has its costs, which are obviously more fortunate subjects willing to pay.

The diverse movement flowed against the war in the French city has never found a moment of true political synthesis, both with respect to current and future strategies of war against the alliance, and for the management of the square on the same days of the summit.

We have observed the work of the many souls of the movement, or what's left of it, in the historical forms of the European Social Forum, through the various expressions of political, cultural, trade union.

During the counter-summit Friday, April 3, held inside the sports center of Illkirch Lixenbhul (on the far outskirts of the city), in front of about 800 to 1,000 participants compared to the exponents of the various forces present, PCF, the French CGT, NPA (New French anticapitalist party), Socialist Workers (English), the German Linke, the Greek Committee for International Peace (Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace - EEDYE), some Members GUE, Attac France, women in black and other small political groups eminently German, Polish, English. The Italian presence was much reduced with the presence of about 30 activists of the pact against war and women in black.

The counter summit was organized by the Social Forum, in our opinion, substantially watered down in content and weak in political points of reference.

No direct reference to the role of imperialist Europe, not a word about the war "constituent" of the new NATO, or the bombing of former Yugoslavia, the Greek side of the issue EEDYE the ouster by the organizing committee. Despite this, it was thanks to them that the aggression in the Balkans has been reported and discussed through an entire session of the counter top.

Invitations to say the least objectionable to the final debate (which we participated) of 5 April, with a revived Lidia Menapace among the speakers. Yes, just that old lady during the Prodi government, to justify his vote in favor of employment and the NATO bombing Afghanistan invented the chilling theory of "harm reduction".

revealed a weakness with the additional clarity during the organizational meeting for the anti-NATO demonstration on 4 April, with representatives of the French Social Forum to propose acceptance of the route indicated by the last minute: a path to 8-10 km from the center, practically between the hangars of industrial and commercial area.

The debate on the topic revealed a deep and substantial differences in the management of the square, between those who accepted the representation in the suburbs and those who wished to retain the initial leg of crossing the bridge of Europe, towards the summit. The

events determinatisi square the next day will highlight the substantial factual inconsistency and futility of that comparison. But we will mention this later.

No wonder if some of the most radical anti-war movement is to be agglutinated in other places and in other ways, such as the social center Molodoi ", rue du Ban of Roche and camping International Rue de Ganzau, in the suburb of Neuhof, confined to 7 km from the city center. In these places, other themes, other stakeholders and the objectives in question.

Surprisingly, some political forces in different countries expression of content and consequent struggles against imperialist militarism, continue to attend areas where these are now feeble and inadequate to meet the new challenges posed to humanity by capitalism in profound crisis and is particularly aggressive.

Saturday, April 4. On the outskirts of Strasbourg

Needless to describe the dynamics of the real events of the main day of the summit and the false summit, the clashes between demonstrators and police (about the events we are preparing a very detailed video). Have spoken of this abundantly hired agencies regime, with endless freeze on fires and revived and "fierce" black block.

The management of the square by the system of control and repression the States concerned (France and Germany in particular) was nearly flawless.

After a full day of fighting, an 8-storey hotel is completely burned up along with the large structures that contained the offices near the border bridge in Europe, the injured and arrested could be counted on the fingers of a few hands. Looking at the work the police

French / Germans have realized even more how the hatred that drives and informs the hand of "our", as admirably demonstrated in Genoa in 2001.

The event has been channeled into the default enclosure, on the outskirts of Strasbourg, predominantly inhabited by workers, immigrants, temporary workers, as well as many other suburbs in Europe. From the houses and windows of this corner of town a few flags of peace and even less expressions of solidarity and participation in the parade. Some strains, however, between young and sectors like banlieusards procession reluctant to accept an interlocutor that we euphemistically call "rude".

In fact, the various social fabric of this metropolis of over 450,000 inhabitants - from center to periphery - appeared largely impervious to anti-NATO mobilization.

The absolute refusal to cross the bridge of Europe, as had been agreed in the days precedenti, la divisione della città in zone off limits e l’impressionante militarizzazione del territorio hanno evidenziato nel contempo il fallimento della cosiddetta “democrazia occidentale” e la sostanziale inutilità di contro /vertici che tentano in contemporanea di imporre un altro punto di vista politico rispetto alle determinanti prestabilite dai cosiddetti “grandi della terra”.

In queste condizioni accettare la logica del recinto – come proposto da alcuni leader del forum sociale - avrebbe significato divenire parte integrante del meccanismo “democratico”, funzionali alla sua legittimazione.

Ecco allora la legittima reazione all’impedimento fisico di un esercizio elementary as to manifest. Several thousand protesters have repeatedly - and legitimately - tried to force the blocks of the police. Among the most organized they were the ones who are dismissed as "black block", youth phenomenon remains to be investigated, but that has little to do with political expression defined. A lot of tactical mobility and para military, no idea beyond that of destroying all the symbols of civilization, from phone booths and hotels.

We are not among those who tear their clothes in front of fire and devastation. Of completely different nature and weight are "surgical operations" of NATO's bombing on Afghan villages. The

problema, come sempre, è politico, ed attiene alla capacità dei futuri movimenti di rafforzare la propria presenza nel tessuto sociale delle metropoli. Se e quando le banlieu diverranno un retroterra strategico della lotta contro la guerra imperialista saremo in grado di risolvere anche la “contraddizione” black block.

La lezione di Strasburgo deve servire per affinare la riflessione sui metodi di azione nella nuova fase politica che abbiamo di fronte. Non è più tempo di contro vertici, ma di radicamento delle idee forza antimilitariste ed antimperialiste all’interno dell’impetuoso flusso di lotte che la crisi capitalistica determinerà in tutto il continente europeo e ancora più in là.

edited by Network "Disarmiamoli"
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Friday, April 10, 2009

Housewarming Potluck Invitations

broken dreams EAGLE

di Romeo Lucioni

Occhi sbarrati e attoniti
davanti all’immane tragedia
La primavera ha perso
i suoi profumi novelli.
Narici piene di polvere
dei resti di una storia.
Sono silenti le voci
schiacciate dalla cupola della chiesa
nello schianto delle preghiere
senza risposta
delle implorazioni dell’angoscia.
Campane che danno rintocchi
inutili richiami automatici
ad una “raccolta” impossibile.

Dispersi i corpi feriti
nelle membra e nello spirito
nella ricerca di
altri corpi freddi
sepolti nell’involucro amaro
della città distesa
come un mare di morte.
Anche le rondini sono fuggite
non amano il triste destino
della fine
non partecipano
alla disperazione composta
delle onoranze funebri.

Sono i bambini
lo strazio della realtà
… non riesce a coprire
non apre i battenti
alle promesse … per il futuro.
L’ospedale ha chiuso anche
the functionality of the birth cry of anger and pain

its walls are marred by cracks

announced a destiny marked by prejudices
indifference of a science
useless outdated belief of a
impossibility of a useless ... .

eyed and speechless in front of the immense tragedy

The spring has lost its perfume
nostrils filled with dust
the remains of a story. They are the silent voices

crushed by the dome of the church

fall in the crash of unanswered prayers

entreaties of anxiety.
Bells chimes that give
inutili richiami automatici
ad una “raccolta” impossibile.

Dispersi i corpi feriti
nelle membra e nello spirito
nella ricerca di
altri corpi freddi
sepolti nell’involucro amaro
della città distesa
come un mare di morte.
Anche le rondini sono fuggite
non amano il triste destino
della fine
non partecipano
alla disperazione composta
delle onoranze funebri.

Sono i bambini
lo strazio della realtà
… non riesce a coprire
non apre i battenti
alle promesse … per il futuro.
L’ospedale ha chiuso anche
la funzionalità delle nascite
cry of pain and anger
its walls are marred by cracks

announced a destiny marked by prejudices
indifference of a science
useless outdated belief of a
a useless ... impossible.

Lerro April 10, 2009