Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Images Showing Genital Herpes

has the great result of his friend and colleague Laura, hairy dog!! Brave!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

What The Multi Colored Jelly Bracelets Mean

Verso una Geometria Multi-Proiettiva della Mente

" isolai When, in 1992, for first time in history, the 5 to size Reading , as the natural way of the mind to see the complexity of life, took on historical significance, for me, a new identity:
  • do with an eye-mind putting in place a size 5 Copernican revolution in the organization of thought, fell on the floor of and semantics of ' ethics.
Happy reading ...
Colamonico Antonia (biostorica)

Recommendeed Camcorders

In a well-known shop in Trieste is the warning appeared as a kind of big on the sale of the Bark Collar ... only 15 € !!!!! I wonder how many will sell ...???!!!! And many inexperienced owners expecting to find the solution to all problems of living together ...
Well we know that unfortunately this tool just like the electric collar are also sold online and at portals "dog lovers"
sold as the egg of Columbus, an instrument, the electric collar, can train your dog quickly and well .... totally painless (just think about that .... the 6-pulse adjustable which says a lot ....) practically a godsend!! I wonder why so many people talk about the method and study all crazy ... so nice!! Bark Collar ... then my mammmmmaaaa! A colossal bargain!!
But think about it, than to exist
specific breeds of dogs called "warning", the selection made by man's presence has brought to the report (and game) with bark, so it useless to complain if you have brought into the building of a these friends,
secondly the dog barks to previous incorrect behavior of man .... miseducate dog, which sends messages to the wrong time, percutaneous
we enter the realm of bad behavior, so it needs the dog with a rehabilitation specialist,
this is not resolved by a pulse eletrrico which effectively inhibits the normal way of communicating the dog even more frustrating .... a little like the invisible electronic fence ....
So let lose some shortcuts and dedicate yourself to your dog right now maybe let us help by experts.
In a ruling on the electric collar, certainly if it is not commmercializzato must have had great result ....

Bark Collars Electric

By LNDC - CT-June 21, 2010

Posted in: Law and judgments

The offense of cruelty to animals using the so-called collar antiabbaio, in quanto provoca reali sofferenze al cane, non assumendo rilevanza l’eventuale ordinanza ministeriale che ne legittimi l’utilizzo. Riportiamo la sentenza pubblicata su Altalex:



Sentenza 15 aprile 2007, n. 15061

(Pres. De Maio – rel.Marmo)

Fatto e diritto

Il Gip del tribunale di Vicenza disponeva il sequestro preventivo del cane meticcio di G. S., indagata in relazione ai reati di cui all’articolo 544 ter c.p., perché in K., fino all’8 luglio 2006, maltrattava il mutt abusing its coercive electrical Bark collar affixed to the neck.

The court in Vicenza, by order of September 29, 2006, dismissed the appeal brought by S..

appealed to the Supreme S. seeking annulment of the order of seizure.

With the first, the applicant alleges that the article 727 Criminal Code does not provide a measure of confiscation, so that should be considered that the kidnapping was ordered by the magistrate and confirmed by the Court of Vicenza in the absence of the requirements of Article 321 paragraph 2 Code of Criminal Procedure.

The reason is unfounded and must be rejected.

The applicant was originally investigated in order to murder under Article 544 ter that, under Article 544 sexies of the Criminal Code provides for the mandatory confiscation of the animal in case of conviction.

Moreover, even if the Court for review, in the grounds, drew only Article 727 Criminal Code, contravention hypothesis, however, has considered that question in the collar, electric, is a device that causes the dog a ' unnecessary suffering and sadistic, making him aggressive towards anyone, and upheld the decision of the magistrate.

Therefore, while they must refer the matter to the next final assessment of the final legal classification of the fact, however, must considered legitimate seizure with the purpose to avoid the continuation of a situation of unnecessary suffering for the animals constituting the offense.

With the second, the applicant alleges that by order of July 5, 2005 the Ministry of Health had planned to use the electric collar and a similar tool that does cause the effects of pain on the dogs fell in the penalty rules under Article 727 cp .

Moreover, the effectiveness of that order was limited within one year from the day following its publication in the Official Gazette No. happened 158, July 9, 2005.

It was therefore concluded that the date when the the use of the Bark collar was not prosecuted.

The second plea is unfounded.

Use Bark Collar, regardless of the specific ministerial order and its effectiveness, falling within the scope of the Penal Code prohibits the mistreatment of animals and in this case the veterinarian's medical report mentioned in the request for seizure attesting to the suffering of the animal.

In this respect, this Court has stated that constitutes cruelty to animals unnecessarily, which could give rise to the least offense under Article 727 cp each behavior production in the animal suffering are not justified nell'insuperabile need for protection not otherwise legally feasible values \u200b\u200bappreciated, even though they are not limited to the primary ones to which the Article 54 of the Criminal Code, being thus no such justification when it only convenience and opportunity to suppress any nuisance animal that can find a suitable correction treatments educational ethologically informed and therefore devoid of any form of violence or aggressive (see, for all of Cassation, Section Three, Case 43230/02).

must therefore be rejected the second ground of appeal.

It follows the dismissal of the action required of the applicant to pay the costs.


rejects the appeal and order the applicant to pay the costs.

Educator dog
responsible work group.

and still carry .....

Lesson number one, The dog barked

The bark of our dog is the communicative mode through which he draws attention.

The main situation sees the dog near a gate barking because someone is approaching.

The dog thinks, "Comrades, come here now, we need to deter an intruder."

The word ethologist

Barking is one of the most important common characteristics of dog, a mode of expression that the man selected because they are useful to alert and thus deter entry to strangers.

If the person pays attention to the bark, just to sort of stop, the dog will use it to seek attention.

soon could become a real habit, the dog barks every time he will be in a problematic situation and will want to lower the tension, for example when he is alone in the house and test anxiety, or when they are very excited and anxious.

Today the bark is one of the problems that creates more dissension among the human society, because it may give rise to communal conflicts.

How to intervene? Here we go.


■ Do not give attention when the dog barks and vice versa, please contact him and reward him when he is silent.

■ Do not put your dog in situations that call for too much, as in the balcony, at the gate, at the window, but get used to feel comfortable on the cover. ■ Lower

levels of discomfort of the dog, for example, stress and frustration by making physical activity and reducing the rewarding and aversive situations.

■ Improve your communication with your dog, reducing verbal communication and increasing the body language, turning down the volume of your speech, without focusing on the problem and anxiety but, in contrast, convey confidence and serenity.

punitive attitudes do not help because they are added to that state of inner discomfort to the dog responds precisely with the bark.

continue to analyze other letters (then other behaviors) of the alphabet canine stay tuned!

Samantha Barbero

Source: Italian Bilingual Dictionary / Dog Dog / Italian (probe) Larousee

Friday, October 1, 2010

Pernicious Anaemia In Cystic Fibrosis