Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tenagers Bmi Calculation

the new gun that fires behind walls


show is the new hi-tech rifle Beretta ARX160 can fire behind the walls.

An in-depth Antonio Camuso 's Observatory on the Balkans in Brindisi

The news of the official presentation of the new Beretta ARX160 that will be used in the experimental stage by special units of the Italian army, it is these days .

That Beretta worked on the study and testing of this rifle was known for some time and that it was part of that project Future Soldier carried on with pride by the Defence and industry sector, it could be read in all military journals for at least ten years. The wait for the first out in public in recent times had become spasmodic because there was a risk, following the U.S. elections, to assist the withdrawal of Italian troops from the one in front of "hot war" and its failure to put in line "operational" field testing and final jewel Beretta.

a shame if they were, because by the time our armed forces in their missions of peace "abroad have become the best advertisement for the sellers of weapons made in Italy.

The announcement, March 31, 2009, the official blessing of Neptune in the polygon of what should become the standard weapon system of the Italian soldiers, used in the endless global war, came a few hours prior to the NATO meeting that sanctioned the increase of troops and logistics from all participants in operations in Afghanistan, including Italy and its forecast that the new ARX160 in that context can be soon honor and advertising.

The enemy is near!

addition to its mechanical nature of innovations (use of lightweight materials, composites and the ability to change size, and ergonomics), the piece de resistance are the optical systems through which this gun will allow the soldier to shoot to keep the body hidden from the firing line, the so-called shooting absent. One option miraculous how they defined the enthusiastic media commentators, but that brings us back mournfully to other times, when the need to shoot from behind the walls became the pressing worry for the Nazi army besieged and forced to fight house to house in Germany itself, under the pressure of the Red Army troops. There

invention of German scientists tried to square the circle, or better to bend the trajectory of the bullets of the rifles in order to shoot the German infantry being hidden behind street corners

This led to the gun Stg.44 more as an accessory Krummerlauf with a cane at an angle from 30 ° C (That is considered better for accuracy than for the stress on the shell and the length of the barrel) with a Zeiss optical system in the past few months 100,000 copies were produced and subsequently fell into the hands of the Allies.

Today the enemy is coming, as confirmed by those who advertise the future scope of use of this weapon system: the war now being fought in cities, yet the Southern Hemisphere but it could spread under the thrust of the global capitalist crisis and a likely fall of social stability, even in our cities, involving the weaker social strata and numerous, multiplying until the enemies to make them become the vast mass identical to that in uniform with the red star, the soldiers found themselves in the Whermacht try to stem the last 45 months of

The ideal weapon for non-conventional scenarios

today (and even more in the future ) armies are at war against civilians in rebel arms for various reasons and otherwise, in common epithet of international terrorists, need to be driven back out of the red lines of the city, the suburbs of the metropolis, from caves or from the highlands desert.

Against this enemy that increases in number, as the crisis of the capitalist system is becoming more serious, not enough drones or stealth bombers and push it from uptown or drilling platforms, we must reject it street by street, and a gun as the ARX160 seems to be less than ideal. But suffice?

For mopping up operations in class neighborhoods, to break through doors and walls and gates should be properly designed launcher GLX160, a small and effective gun capable of pulling 40 grenades and 46 mm, inserted in the barrel of ARX 160 and makes it highly versatile half-insurgency and the devastating power.

The GLX160

It 's a gem dell'antiguerriglia that urban version rifle is not equipped with special handle, while the single version, for police and riot control is a real shotgun antidimostrante and unfortunately we will see very soon in action here and in other places on the planet in revolt.

If these means can stop the course of history need only wait for events and find out if, as it was in the past, the weapons falling into the oppressor than the oppressed will determine his release.

E 'already happened at Little Big Horn where the horses and Winchester fell in the hands of the Indians became the weapon that defeated Custer or Vietnam in 1957 where the weapons falling in the hands of the Japanese Army the Vietnamese defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu

The ideal weapon of the terrorist guerrilla

The ease of disassembly (no tools it disassembles but simply relying on the hooks with the tip of a bullet) , the reduced number of components, lack of safety equipment (ie blocks on the secure password), it makes the weapon in seconds snatched from the hands of the enemy becomes an integral part of the guerrilla

The ability to quickly change the barrel, shutter and direction of expulsion of the bullet, cause a difficulty in tracing the weapon if used in attacks, because the bullet every time you change barrel moderate its mark and the marks left on cartridge cases change changing shutter and method (right / left) of expulsion.

The same capability can be used and modified by shooting left or right, do it more easily accessible to irregular combatants in that mix left-handed, right-handed or ambidextrous. Finally, the near absence of maintenance, light weight and change their size are ideal for an irregular army in which calibers of weapons used were never standardized: in this case, you just get some 'shut-off of rods and parts and in the absence of U.S. and NATO to 5.56 bullets you can use the good old 7.62 or vice versa.

Not everything that glitters is gold

In the blog discussion of the Italian soldiers who have tested it turns out that what is the main dish dell'ARX160, or optical tracking system, is basically a problem in theater of operations: if it goes haywire in the heat of the action or simply becomes impractical to move onto the conventional optical viewfinder is not easy, as we need to be realigned and now our "friends Rambo counselors" advise you have at hand dear AK47 old who never leaves you in his underwear when he shoots and makes a mess of the devil. If they say our advisers in uniform we really believe them, considering that they have come in Iraq, put his hands on kalashinov, they were so enthusiastic that they made a feast smuggled into Italy a fine assortment.

pity that they were "Stay" from CC and Finance, but the investigation ended with tarallucci and souvenir wine lovers and the military had only a pull of ears instead of a better indictment of international trafficking in weapons of war ...

Antonio Camuso

Brindisi April 5, 2009

Red Lobster Dish Washer


Some considerations on days anti NATO in the capital of the EU Delegation of the written National Network Disarmiamoli ! the counter-summit of the 3 - 4 April 2009

Switched off the fires on the outskirts of Strasbourg, the "grandeur" of France from now on will be measured within an alliance that is right now not inclined to please the little round of De Gaulle , Nicolas Sarkozy.

The clash with the United States on Turkey is just one of many contradictions that are likely to increase rather than resolving the serious problems of management of an alliance increasingly sick with elephantiasis, unable to resolve the Afghan conflict on the ground in impasse on the draft "shield antimissile”, bloccata dalla Russia nell’offensiva georgiana contro l’Ossezia del Sud.

Il sofferto allargamento della NATO ad Est, il tentativo di integrazione con le strutture militari della UE, le ipotesi di proiezione di potenza ben oltre l’area eurasiatica e mediorientale indicano però una tendenza alla “soluzione militare” per affrontare la gravissima crisi economica attraversata dal sistema capitalistico.

Montare sul treno della guerra è di vitale importanza. Chi ne rimane escluso rischia di esserne schiacciato. Ecco quindi il feroce sgomitare di Stati e classi dirigenti: Tutti sui vagoni, possibilmente in prima classe, con il rischio di far deragliare l’intero convoglio. Al when the contribution of the global justice movement is the desired rail accident in the light of the facts of Strasbourg, quite weak.

The hosts of the summit were to ensure, at the time of the "big return" in the alliance, an absolute calm in the heart of the city around the palaces of the Western military power. So it was.

To keep at a safe distance from the militant anti-NATO meeting places of "adults" were used more than 10,000 policemen in the sky, on land and in water, with dozens of patrol boats and distributed around the bridges that cross the ' Ill.

Strasbourg has become in a few days a city under siege, with the citizens of orange and red areas reduced to a condition of supervised special. Each with a background color of the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, then proved useless in the important moments of the summit in the morning and afternoon of Saturday, April 4, when even that is served to move from one area to another.

We have seen some complaints of individual citizens, but on the whole body of a town that thrives around the European institutions are not organized against the state of siege imposed by NATO. The "Western democracy" has its costs, which are obviously more fortunate subjects willing to pay.

The diverse movement flowed against the war in the French city has never found a moment of true political synthesis, both with respect to current and future strategies of war against the alliance, and for the management of the square on the same days of the summit.

We have observed the work of the many souls of the movement, or what's left of it, in the historical forms of the European Social Forum, through the various expressions of political, cultural, trade union.

During the counter-summit Friday, April 3, held inside the sports center of Illkirch Lixenbhul (on the far outskirts of the city), in front of about 800 to 1,000 participants compared to the exponents of the various forces present, PCF, the French CGT, NPA (New French anticapitalist party), Socialist Workers (English), the German Linke, the Greek Committee for International Peace (Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace - EEDYE), some Members GUE, Attac France, women in black and other small political groups eminently German, Polish, English. The Italian presence was much reduced with the presence of about 30 activists of the pact against war and women in black.

The counter summit was organized by the Social Forum, in our opinion, substantially watered down in content and weak in political points of reference.

No direct reference to the role of imperialist Europe, not a word about the war "constituent" of the new NATO, or the bombing of former Yugoslavia, the Greek side of the issue EEDYE the ouster by the organizing committee. Despite this, it was thanks to them that the aggression in the Balkans has been reported and discussed through an entire session of the counter top.

Invitations to say the least objectionable to the final debate (which we participated) of 5 April, with a revived Lidia Menapace among the speakers. Yes, just that old lady during the Prodi government, to justify his vote in favor of employment and the NATO bombing Afghanistan invented the chilling theory of "harm reduction".

revealed a weakness with the additional clarity during the organizational meeting for the anti-NATO demonstration on 4 April, with representatives of the French Social Forum to propose acceptance of the route indicated by the last minute: a path to 8-10 km from the center, practically between the hangars of industrial and commercial area.

The debate on the topic revealed a deep and substantial differences in the management of the square, between those who accepted the representation in the suburbs and those who wished to retain the initial leg of crossing the bridge of Europe, towards the summit. The

events determinatisi square the next day will highlight the substantial factual inconsistency and futility of that comparison. But we will mention this later.

No wonder if some of the most radical anti-war movement is to be agglutinated in other places and in other ways, such as the social center Molodoi ", rue du Ban of Roche and camping International Rue de Ganzau, in the suburb of Neuhof, confined to 7 km from the city center. In these places, other themes, other stakeholders and the objectives in question.

Surprisingly, some political forces in different countries expression of content and consequent struggles against imperialist militarism, continue to attend areas where these are now feeble and inadequate to meet the new challenges posed to humanity by capitalism in profound crisis and is particularly aggressive.

Saturday, April 4. On the outskirts of Strasbourg

Needless to describe the dynamics of the real events of the main day of the summit and the false summit, the clashes between demonstrators and police (about the events we are preparing a very detailed video). Have spoken of this abundantly hired agencies regime, with endless freeze on fires and revived and "fierce" black block.

The management of the square by the system of control and repression the States concerned (France and Germany in particular) was nearly flawless.

After a full day of fighting, an 8-storey hotel is completely burned up along with the large structures that contained the offices near the border bridge in Europe, the injured and arrested could be counted on the fingers of a few hands. Looking at the work the police

French / Germans have realized even more how the hatred that drives and informs the hand of "our", as admirably demonstrated in Genoa in 2001.

The event has been channeled into the default enclosure, on the outskirts of Strasbourg, predominantly inhabited by workers, immigrants, temporary workers, as well as many other suburbs in Europe. From the houses and windows of this corner of town a few flags of peace and even less expressions of solidarity and participation in the parade. Some strains, however, between young and sectors like banlieusards procession reluctant to accept an interlocutor that we euphemistically call "rude".

In fact, the various social fabric of this metropolis of over 450,000 inhabitants - from center to periphery - appeared largely impervious to anti-NATO mobilization.

The absolute refusal to cross the bridge of Europe, as had been agreed in the days precedenti, la divisione della città in zone off limits e l’impressionante militarizzazione del territorio hanno evidenziato nel contempo il fallimento della cosiddetta “democrazia occidentale” e la sostanziale inutilità di contro /vertici che tentano in contemporanea di imporre un altro punto di vista politico rispetto alle determinanti prestabilite dai cosiddetti “grandi della terra”.

In queste condizioni accettare la logica del recinto – come proposto da alcuni leader del forum sociale - avrebbe significato divenire parte integrante del meccanismo “democratico”, funzionali alla sua legittimazione.

Ecco allora la legittima reazione all’impedimento fisico di un esercizio elementary as to manifest. Several thousand protesters have repeatedly - and legitimately - tried to force the blocks of the police. Among the most organized they were the ones who are dismissed as "black block", youth phenomenon remains to be investigated, but that has little to do with political expression defined. A lot of tactical mobility and para military, no idea beyond that of destroying all the symbols of civilization, from phone booths and hotels.

We are not among those who tear their clothes in front of fire and devastation. Of completely different nature and weight are "surgical operations" of NATO's bombing on Afghan villages. The

problema, come sempre, è politico, ed attiene alla capacità dei futuri movimenti di rafforzare la propria presenza nel tessuto sociale delle metropoli. Se e quando le banlieu diverranno un retroterra strategico della lotta contro la guerra imperialista saremo in grado di risolvere anche la “contraddizione” black block.

La lezione di Strasburgo deve servire per affinare la riflessione sui metodi di azione nella nuova fase politica che abbiamo di fronte. Non è più tempo di contro vertici, ma di radicamento delle idee forza antimilitariste ed antimperialiste all’interno dell’impetuoso flusso di lotte che la crisi capitalistica determinerà in tutto il continente europeo e ancora più in là.

edited by Network "Disarmiamoli"
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Friday, April 10, 2009

Housewarming Potluck Invitations

broken dreams EAGLE

di Romeo Lucioni

Occhi sbarrati e attoniti
davanti all’immane tragedia
La primavera ha perso
i suoi profumi novelli.
Narici piene di polvere
dei resti di una storia.
Sono silenti le voci
schiacciate dalla cupola della chiesa
nello schianto delle preghiere
senza risposta
delle implorazioni dell’angoscia.
Campane che danno rintocchi
inutili richiami automatici
ad una “raccolta” impossibile.

Dispersi i corpi feriti
nelle membra e nello spirito
nella ricerca di
altri corpi freddi
sepolti nell’involucro amaro
della città distesa
come un mare di morte.
Anche le rondini sono fuggite
non amano il triste destino
della fine
non partecipano
alla disperazione composta
delle onoranze funebri.

Sono i bambini
lo strazio della realtà
… non riesce a coprire
non apre i battenti
alle promesse … per il futuro.
L’ospedale ha chiuso anche
the functionality of the birth cry of anger and pain

its walls are marred by cracks

announced a destiny marked by prejudices
indifference of a science
useless outdated belief of a
impossibility of a useless ... .

eyed and speechless in front of the immense tragedy

The spring has lost its perfume
nostrils filled with dust
the remains of a story. They are the silent voices

crushed by the dome of the church

fall in the crash of unanswered prayers

entreaties of anxiety.
Bells chimes that give
inutili richiami automatici
ad una “raccolta” impossibile.

Dispersi i corpi feriti
nelle membra e nello spirito
nella ricerca di
altri corpi freddi
sepolti nell’involucro amaro
della città distesa
come un mare di morte.
Anche le rondini sono fuggite
non amano il triste destino
della fine
non partecipano
alla disperazione composta
delle onoranze funebri.

Sono i bambini
lo strazio della realtà
… non riesce a coprire
non apre i battenti
alle promesse … per il futuro.
L’ospedale ha chiuso anche
la funzionalità delle nascite
cry of pain and anger
its walls are marred by cracks

announced a destiny marked by prejudices
indifference of a science
useless outdated belief of a
a useless ... impossible.

Lerro April 10, 2009