Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trolling Motor Electric Vs Gas

Fidel, Hope and Charity

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz
has finally resigned from every state office and spent the powers to his brother Raul. So after North Korea, Cuba is the second nation in history marked by dynastic communism. Marx has the ethical and moral responsibility of helping to generate the greatest monsters in history, but such a massacre could not imagine even him.

Castro is widely regarded as a myth, mostly by anti-American, but I think the facts are clear. No one can certainly regret the atrocities of Fulgencio Batista , but Casto has led Cuba on a path of evolution policy which is exactly contrary to that of the rest of Center and South America . That area of \u200b\u200bthe world is marked by numerous attempts to establish democratic degimi, often failed, partly because of dell'albagia United States who lacked the courage and the ability to beat the left-wing extremists with political democracy, but almost always supported totalitarian regimes and military reactionaries. Nevertheless, after the fall of Pinochet and the Falklands War , throughout the hemisphere have been established democratic regimes, weak, imperfect, but certainly better than the past, Cuba, by contrast, advances in large passi verso il passato.

Si scrive da più parti che Castro si alleò con l' Unione Sovietica a causa del trattamento a lui riservato dagli Stati Uniti, si ricorda anche come Ike Eisenhower si rifiutò di incontrarlo personalmente e delegò l'allora Vicepresidente Richard Nixon . Si tratta di una falsità: quando Castro venne processato una prima volta dagli sgherri di Batista per attività sovversiva, egli si difese autonomamente con un'arringa che divenne famosa per la frase " la storia mi assolverà ". Quell'arringa conteneva già tutti gli elementi del programma del futuro regime: espropri dei latifondi, espropri delle proprietà private, nationalization of all industries and important activities, management dellìeconomia through cooperatives controlled by the state: Is not a Marxist program?

In Cuba, from 1959 to 1970 are estimated to have been carried over 5000 death sentences, mostly for political crimes , until 1992 Cuba was forbidden to profess any religion , even in private, elections are a joke, to control and decide everything is the party, but especially the Castro family.

To the left of Castro is a hero who has improved the living conditions in their country, low infant mortality, literacy, home free for all, advanced eye care and other amenities. The thing that is ever said is that Castro has made his work thanks to the donations to the grant of the USSR and, especially, if Cuba was a paradise that Castro would not have to prosecute those who have the desire to leave. fact in Cuba is impossible for ordinary people leave the country are pursued and even those who help the fugitives. It is estimated that between 1959 and 1994, about 63,000 (!!!) rafters have fled to the hated Florida and about 16,000 others are experts in an attempt to board rafts: hardly a paradise If people at risk life to go!

Fidel Castro should be tried for crimes against humanity and the only ones who have the courage to admit this truth is, once again, the United States.

Hello Fidel, rest and take care of yourself, enjoy the applause of your minions, but do not kid yourself: the Story you have already condemned.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Aluminium Boat Project Coins

Thanks Giuliano

Thanks Giuliano Ferrara, thanks to whatever position you support. What nation is one where there are concerns of abandoned dogs in August, the extermination of seals, animal da pelliccia, dei fagiani, e non ci si preoccupa dell'aborto ? Negli Stati Uniti ci sono centinaia di movimenti che si occupano di ogni cosa, ma da sempre esiste un acceso dibattito sulla legge " Roe contro Wade ", che norma le interruzioni di gravidanza.

Premesso che la " 194 " è una legge indispensabile per evitare i drammi ancora possibili degli aborti clandestini, le eccezioni sollevate da Ferrara hanno il pregio di spostare l'attenzione dai fagiani agli esseri umani e di essere un'ottimo spunto per confrontarci su che tipo di società e di Nazione vogliamo essere.

Le reazioni almost all of the politicians and the media initiative of Ferrara, were hot. They even go back to the streets, after thirty years, feminists. Given that you do not miss them, I wonder why they are not taken to the streets to the status of women in Afghanistan the time of the Taliban and the present condition of women in India and China . We talk about defending a woman's right, as if she were a normal thing to abort. Reiterating that the law should be, is not it bleak and nihilistic - and I say especially to you women - MISUSE outlook on life? You do not find such a radical approach that favors only the irresponsible behavior of many uomini? Non vi rendete conto che fare sesso in modo irresponsabile è da sempre prerogativa dell'uomo a cui viene offerta un'ulteriore via d'uscita dalle proprie responsabilità? Non vi rendete conto di essere ancora vittime di una violenza?

Ronald Reagan , a proposito delle diverse posizioni abortiste, diceva che loro sostenitori avevano tutti una cosa in comune: essere stati in passato bambine e bambini nati. La battuta è mano banale di quanto sembri. Non si può parlare dell'aborto se prima non si dichiara l'assoluta importanza della vita umana. Anziché combattere Ferrara, si dovrebbe propugnare indefessamente la maternità e paternità responsabili. La percezione è invece that many and many things are okay and that abortion should and can do a normal part of life.

There is another disturbing aspect of our society, of which abortion is not the case, but that they actually say: the widespread sense of omnipotence and irresponsibility that permeates much of our so-called culture. The great scientific discoveries have greatly improved our lives, but has developed a mindset in which reason there is a remedy to any chemical or physical, is always expected that every health problem can be solved by medicine or surgery, even apart from the mortal nature of man. Similarly, si pretendono cure e rimedi per l'AIDS o per le gravidanze indesiderate, prescindendo dai propri comportamenti sociali.

E' su questo che dovremmo riflettere: ci rendiamo ancora conto del fatto che siamo esseri mortali? Accettiamo o meno il fatto di dover rispondere delle nostre azioni?

Doushinji Read Online Ichiruki

Uolter Strikes Again

Uolter è sceso finalmente in campo, ci ha deliziato con un discorso pregevole per l'assenza di aggressività e di sciocchi riferimenti a Gandhi , Luther King , Kennedy . E' stata notevole anche la mancanza di contenuti, ma ora argomento point by point the twelve points of the program published by the Corriere della Sera . As is well known Courier sided openly in favor of the center of the latest political, so it should be a source not suspected.

1) Investment in infrastructure : perfect, is conceptually the same point for years proposed by the center, the left to change your mind? Why not admit to being mistaken in the past? The only reference to the past is the lack of investment in nuclear power, a sign that ideology counts more,
2) Investments to the south : here is modeled on those that are the intentions the right for years;
3) control of public spending : Uolter says "spend more to spend less, not even demagoguery, is just silly;
4) Fee reduction : congratulations! ! Berlusconi was right then ! Of course it's impossible to trust, when Prodi was president of the PD and was the star of a "massacre tax" never before seen in Italy, and Padoa Schioppa said "taxes are wonderful;
5) Valuing women in the labor market : you do not understand it to mean, in parte il fatto di essere il solito tentativo per ingraziarsi l'elettorato femminile a prescindere dalla proposta politica; che vuole fare Uolter? Proporrà forse "quote rosa" nelle aziende e nei relativi CdA?
6) Dote fiscale e 2.500 per ogni primogenito : questa non ricorda Berlusconi, bensì Benito Mussolini . Come sempre non si parla di defiscalizzare, besì di erogare risorse che pagheranno tutti i cittadini. E' l'ennesima dimostrazione che a guidare sono le ideologie, ammetterlo farebbe - almeno - chiarezza;
7) Realizzazzone di 700 mila case da darsi in affitto a 3/500 euro al mese : benissimo, tra poco lo Stato ricomincerà a fare pomodori! It 'a delusion and Communist interventionist, the problem must be addressed case by failing to provide certain investment to lose. How did Margaret Thatcher , we must make available loans, we need to transform Italy into a country of owners ;
8) 100 new campuses, we are the pure madness, we run the existing universities (which never appear at the top of the charts of the best in the world), just want to create other means to expand the pool of votes of the other teachers left with useless
9) Minimum Salary 1,000 per month : here we are in full spirit of Soviet The Government wants to establish retribuzioni a prescindere sia dalla produttività, sia dall'impatto di tale provvedimento sui prodotti, sia dai sindacati!
10) Sicurezza : sempre cose dette da anni dal centrodestra; cosà dirà Prodi, presidente del PD che fu il protagonista di quel disastro che fu l'indulto?
11) Fuori gli inquisiti dal Parlamento : Uolter è sulle stesse posizioni di Grillo , Rifondazione Comunista e dell'alleato Di Pietro , non sono necessari altri commenti;
12) Innovazione : Uolter si preoccupa solo delle TV , dice che riproporrà la Gentiloni , but Di Pietro has already said he would leave only one network Mediaset. We go back to the time of the referendum of 1995: the Democratic Party pretends to take moderate positions, and sends out its foolish servants such as shock troops.

summarize, we have taken four points from the center right that contradict the policy made by UL, a bit 'of demagoguery and four points that would be good even Communist left: this is the "new" Democratic Party?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kate Playground Look Alike

The province of

In United States are being held for several months and the Primary elections are true: standards, the rules of different states, not the trifles invented by the Italian left. Among the Republicans is great advantage Senator John McCain III that while the much acclaimed young is debauched alcoholic, smoking blunts and sang peace and love, remained a prisoner for over five years of communist nordvetnamiti. What to do his duty is a "vice" of the family McCain: John I commanded a naval division under the command of the Pacific Spruance and John II made war on a submarine under the command of Charlie Lockwood. John III is Bushists in foreign policy and liberal on domestic issues, has never been part of the apparatus of republican power. On the left, things are still undecided, but Barak Obama ha già stravinto la sua sfida personale: a prescindere dalle sue idee e dal sul programma politico, che non condivido, quella di Obama è una meravigliosa favola che si sarebbe potuta concretare solo negli States. Barak ha messo in un angolo niente meno che l'intero apparato democratico e la famiglia Clinton. Se la sfida per la Casa Bianca dovesse essere Mc Cain - Obama, sarebbe comunque la vittoria dei singoli contro gli apparati: in Italia una cosa del genere non potrà mai accadere.

In Italia, come sempre - ci dobbiamo accontentare. Siamo riusciti - finalmente - a mandare a casa un governo di farabutti che si è distinto per molte nefandezze:
- la creazione della Fabbrica Program which produced an incomprehensible monster of over two hundred pages (but a lot of jobs for their cronies)
- after winning the House and lost by 24,000 votes in the Senate, have occupied the top three positions in the State with figures certainly not ecumenical, a Communist, a trade unionist and a communist trade unionist;
- have held up for 22 months thanks to the votes of senators for life: technically legitimate, politically undemocratic;
- have legislated a number of measures ridiculously low;
- increased taxes for everyone from 40k annual
- have bloccato tutte le opere infrastrutturali;
- hanno scientemente confuso la cultura laica con l'ateismo;
- hanno propugnato strumentalmente i diritti degli omosessuali, per distruggere la famiglia;

In definitiva l'ex democristiano Prodi , pur di rimanere al governo ha concesso tutto alla sinistra comunista, con il risultato di propugnare il relativismo etico , l'intolleranza religiosa (da parte degli atei intolleranti) e azioni paradossali come impedire al Papa di parlare in un'università a causa di una sessantina di cosiddetti professori.
Ora a sinistra scende in Veltroni field, representing the "old" as Napolitano , but immediately hailed by anyone hate Berlusconi. Yes their hatred, I believe it is now ascertained that the left is tolerant with itself and with the "foolish servant" of the moment.

From the time of Elizabeth I the British culture dominates the world and - now - the ' continental Europe is the province of' Empire el ' Italy the province of the province. Since we do not want to look at the U.S. as a guide, we should at least have the humility to be guided by the spirit e dai valori dell' ex Europa orientale che, dopo aver sofferto oltre cinquanta anni sotto il giogo sovietico - ha rialzato fieramente la testa e guarda al futuro facendo leva sui valori giudaico cristiani, sulla democrazia e sull'etica capitalista.