Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Home Made Toys For G-pigs


Traveling to different blogs, I found many examples of workers who call themselves "slaves . Their stories have focused on the precarious state of today in Italy. I think it important to underline that every life is sacred and important, as the pain or discomfort of the people always deserve the utmost respect. This is to explain that we do not do direct reference to people living hardships and difficulties, but the mentality that I think under the topic of some of them.

The first consideration is the most insecure young people in my time there was no talk of precariousness, but to " ranks." It was typical to have to adapt temporary jobs, or not related to the degree obtained. Raised no recrimination at having to work hard and earn little. All this not to mention the lives of our parents and our grandparents lives very hard, tiring, with very limited horizons and opportunities for growth and change: Do not forget that it was their great ability to work to build prosperity in which we live today.

as it should be, in a capitalist society, the conditions improve from generation to generation and is accurate to always look to the future: to remember our roots and our ordigini it is crucial to get things in perspective and to strengthen their identity.

The thing that impresses me most of all the events told, is how these people in need, attribute their problems to factors external to their will and always ask for as a response to the State . I know people who - despite the difficulties, but underemployed - working seriously, never give up, but the writings that I read in blogs are all marked by the total lack of responsibility: they all claim that the state will solve their problems, believe that the stable work and well-paid is a sort of divine right, speaks with disdain of the trade aspects of work in call centers, claiming the right to mock employers. The life of us all, always and forever - is clear - it is full of injustices and behavior unfair that we suffer, but they are driven - as it has always supported Dickens - the poverty of the human soul, not the economic and social system. I remember when, with foresight unbeatable, Margaret Thatcher said that there is no society, there are only individuals and their families made up of people of different sexes.

today lacks the spirit of sacrifice, dedication, determination and resolve. The problem of insecure young no longer consists only in the fact that we have not yet abolished the ' Article 18. The silly assertion that a slave in the nineteenth century a cost figure higher than the income of temporary workers is worse than stupid, it is meaningless. The economic situation in which we live is a daughter of privilege that we are paying for those who retired at fifty years of age, is the daughter of the weight of nearly four million civil servants. We live in the capitalist state nationalized most of the world and continue to blame everything to the market whose rules we did not want to take.

Sample Thank You Card For Church After Funeral


E 'of these days the news that the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to former Vice President Al Gore for his commitment to the environment. There are now many years that people talk and strap ecology, since the time of the Club of Rome , though at the time someone said that the glaciers were advancing! The whole point of the question is what affects the amount of CO2 emissions on global warming. The same data are primarily derived from measurements of the overheating that are underway by the mid-nineteenth century, usually in urban areas, which are those where - of course - is experiencing the highest increase in heat: heating, cooling and traffic. The relationship between CO2 emissions and global warming is supported by many experts and challenged by others who argue the influence of temperature variation of the Sun

That said, it is clear to everyone as we take care of our planet, how it is important to assess the impact of economic development on the environment. What - always - I find intolerable is the destructive approach of ecologists who are willing to stop any work in the public interest in the name of their ideological vision of society. We need to live and work in buildings, roads, public transport, there is no development without pollution. In recent years, Verdi (which I still think Rossi be in) are covered with the fig leaf of "sustainable development". Only knows what this means to them, talk with sources of vagueness energy sources, mentioning experiments abroad, but never lead data in regard to which it would be possible to abandon fossil fuels and replace them - for example - with the wind sources. It 'clear to me that these data are not presented since they are clear that this replacement is not feasible. As for the actual behavior of the Greens, just to see how during the legilslatura have blocked any public work.

Also in recent days has given the European Community , stating that ' Nuclear Energy is the only possible solution for sustainable development and for the environment! Congratulations, we have lost thirty years, during which we pututo invest in nuclear power plants and reduce pollution! This is all a great shame for the Greens, which has always - illogically - are opposed to nuclear energy. I still remember when feared millennial disaster, produced the usual Hollywood anti-Western nonsense as " China Syndrome", while in Italy, with the infamous pact between right and left, closing the nuclear program and opening up the pipeline with Libya (then the financing of terrorism, do you remember Lockerbie ?) and the ' USSR at that time had at least two hundred warheads nuclear bets on Italian cities! The wickedness of those decisions is immeasurable, and I think that they can assume the crime of high treason.

The only funny thing is the Nobel Prize to Al Gore: I want to know how many houses have, however, how many square feet, how many cars, if any helicopters, planes, and more. Who intends to vigorously fight pollution, should set an example, before you make a film that - among others - has been criticized by many experts as being too alarmist. A final issue concerns the Kyoto Protocol which rightly has not been ratified by President Bush : it is never possible that any green initiatives should always and only to the detriment of the economy of the West? why not take action that accountability even as the Nations' India and China who are perpetrating serious havoc for years? The real point is made that speak of ecology and peace is always useful to collect easy consensus in the media and distracted population, but the practical management of these problems is extremely complex and can not be left to anti-capitalist and anti-Western demagogues.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Sims 2 Bon Voyage Mac No Cd Patch

The Good Shepherd

I seen the movie "The Good Shepherd ", I think it sounds like a subtitle "History of the CIA . like you've never heard tell." I'm not an expert on film, so I speak only about the contents: a film is blatantly dishonest and biased. The main character plays a part very close to what was the role the Central Intelligence Agency of the great James Jesus Angleton : chief of counterintelligence, another figure was inspired by the no less important Allen Welsh Dulles and De Niro plays with his usual mastery of the "copy" of General William "Wild Bill" Donovan , former head of ' OSS (Office of Strategic Services) during the Second World War and founder of the modern CIA

Much of the film focuses on personal matters and family of the protagonist, who is described as a man barren, devoid of scruples and principles, for the professional aspects, see the "pseudoAngleton" engaged in a series of operations after the war, including the attempted invasion of Cuba fall into the hands of Castro. The career of the real Angleton was different: after being Agency station chief in Rome in the late '40s, focuses exclusively on counterintelligence. Angleton helped to maintain the CIA as far as possible impervious to attempts at penetration and infiltration by the KGB . Angleton smacherò idologic also lights that were part of the Cambridge Five : Guy Burgess, Donald McLean and Harold Philby. The activity of Angleton was so intense and rewarding, you can say everything about him, but certainly not describe him as a person who orders to lay hands on a plane the bride of his son.

The figure of Allen Welsh Dulles is even more controversial: he was responsible for actions such as the Bay of Pigs and the various operations to counterinsurgency in Central America, the most famous of which were on the Guatemala. was Director of the CIA, while his brother John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State under Eisenhower weak presidency, a wealthy family, were the United Fruit Company and shareholders for years dictated foreign policy is official, the secret is in the United States . To me were two great pillars of the West, but also who does not share my views should know that Allen Dulles was not the type to carry out operations in South America for economic reasons: he did not need and was a patriot. Place that was wrong, it was to what he thought was the interest of the United States of America.

Ultimately, it is a film that has the same defects unpardonable JFK: it is a false history, which is based on figures really existed to cover them with mud. They could make a film telling anything fancy, have preferred to do a movie where these are falsehoods, only to advocate their sordid anti-Americanism.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ski Doo Online Parts Diagram


The tale of cultural hegemony of the left perpetuated for many years, is a story simply because it is a falsehood, or to limit an illusion. Despite decades of darkness Fascist Italy and we had Cross Gentile, but born in Central Europe that are the cornerstones of liberalism 900. The first is Ludwig von Mises, Austrian economist of the '20s, who opposed the centralization and centralized economic planning. Von Mises's opposition to Marxism was therefore not ideological, but based on economic analysis derived from its classic Kantian approach: establish a Teror based on the a priori, then apply a logical-deductive process to confirm or refute the thesis itself . Mises through his studies - in the first half of the 900!! - Had already shown how the prices were the only can be calculated and economic management, totally denying the nonsense propounded by Marx .

Another cornerstone of the culture of the liberal right is certainly Frederick Von Hayek, among others Nobel Prize for economics. He was tenured at the London School of Economics, and John Maynard Keynes it was Cambridge. Hayek claimed the absolute impossibility of economic centralization, on the grounds that the necessary information and make decisions would always arrive too late, compared to the rate at which changing market conditions. Hayek was a great innovator, compared to "hand invisibile" di Adam Smith ed alle teorie di David Ricardo , in quanto sosteneva la necessità di uno Stato forte per regolamentare la concorrenza, famose sono le sue 3L: Law, Legislation and Liberty. Hayek si opponeva infatti al costruttivismo razionalista per propugnare l'autoregolamentazione spontanea dei prezzi e dei mercati.
Hayek contrastava l'empirismo logico marxista e sosteneva il razionalismo critico, ovvero proposizioni universali verificate indirettamente dall'analisi delle conseguenze. Sosteneva altresì come per dare il valore di scienza ad una teoria, essa dovesse essere falsificabile, escludendo in questo modo dal novero delle teorie scientifiche sia il marxismo, sia la psicanalisi.

Hayek fu quindi sempre contrario alle teorie di Keynes, anche le sue ragioni vennero riconoscute con molto ritardo. Paradosso del '900 è anche il fatto che si siano ritenute di una qualsiasi validità teorie già criticate e smentite a livello astratto e che poi si rivelarono completamente sbagliate!! Questo vale sia per il maxismo, sia per il maoismo, sia per Keynes. Non dimentichiamo infatti che, nel dicembre del '41, negli Stati Uniti - gestiti secondo le teorie di Keynes - vi erano ancora quasi dieci milioni di disoccupati. Keynes venne visto come un possibile argine contro il comunismo, che negli anni '30 era dilagante, ma si trattava comunque di una teoria profondamente sbagliata, dal momento che si basava sull'intervento dello stato per garantire determinati livelli di consumi, e quindi di lavoro: ovvero basato sulla domanda. Quanto questa teoria fosse sbagliata venne poi dimostrato dalle teorie monetariste di Milton Friedman e dalle teorie "offertiste" di Arthur Laffer .

Come sempre la sinistra è riuscita a negare la verità per lunghi anni, ma alla fine la verità si manifesta sempre. Mises e Hayek sono comunque solo i primi di una lunga lista e una parte importante del loro contributo fu riuscire a stabilire - ed a dimostrare - come il capitalismo fosse condizione necessaria, anche se non sufficiente, per le istituzioni democratiche; ovvero vi possono essere even totalitarian regimes that adopt capitalism, but there are no, nor ever will exist democratic regimes, if not capitalists.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cost To Set Up A Vinyl Fence

burqa Eurabia

E 'of these days the news that the prefect of Treviso has authorized the use of the burqa by Muslim women, said the measure has gained immediate acclaim Rosy Bindi. Apart from the legal aspects, we can not remember the phrase coined by Bat Ye Or and reaffirmed by Oriana Fallaci: Eurabia!

The situation has reached absurd levels: changing state laws to meet requests for a minority of immigrants who have always demonstrated their willingness to not wanting to integrate. The Western democracies have always based its legitimacy on human, institutional and political respect for human life, equality of rights and duties, regardless of confession and professed by race, universal suffrage, the division of legislative, judicial and executive , majority decisions, respect for minorities, and more. The West has been offering hospitality to all flows, and rightly so: it is one of the many unwritten rules of the Judeo-Christian culture to which we belong, but many of us despise her, preferring to turn our sguadro to Buddhism or new to age. All legitimate, but only when it is the result of an intellectual and moral sense, in the absence of this (see the debauched Hollywood actors), it is not just serious regardless of its origin also from the cultural point of view only.

remains evident to anyone with a mere common sense, however, that minorities should conform to the minimum of laws that have been accepted by the majority of the host: this is fundamental to the success of the melting pot UK and U.S.. The maximum possible freedom circumscribed by a minimum of laws and zero tolerance for those who do not respect them. The will must be witnessed to integrate dagli immigrati giorno per giorno, rispettando gli usi e costumi della comunità che li ospita. L'Italia vive da sempre con successo l'integrazione di diversi gruppi etnici come cinesi e filippini, ma gli islamici hanno la pretesa di dettare le proprie leggi a casa nostra: rifiutano il nostro sistema di insegnamento, bloccano disinvoltamente il traffico per i loro riti di preghiera, applicano le loro leggi - che sono in contrasto con le nostre - nei rapporti con le donne. La condizione della donna secondo la legge islamica è quella della schiavitù, non esistono altri termini corretti per definirla. In passato le donne italiane hanno giustamente lottato per abolire la vergogna del delitto d'onore ed ora accettiamo tranquillamente che delle donne sia straniere, be Italian, live in slavery on our national territory. Where are the feminists in the '70s who refined their shouting slogans such as "repressed boy masturbated in the toilet? The left always has the pathetic claim to possess cultural hegemony, those slogans should help to dispel that nonsense!

Indeed, the behavior of Muslim immigrants is serious - do not forget that it was Masawi Ruhollah Khomeini to declare that Islam would invade the West with the wombs of their women - but the attitude of Western Europe the most serious problem. As always, the seeds of disaster was born in 1968, the real annus horribilis West! In those years, among many other filth, the seed was planted more pernicious: moral relativism, ethical and cultural. To highlight the absurdity of relativism, I usually say that it is regarded as the music of Bach on a par with African tribal music! Saying this does not say a racist vision - always considered racism un'ingnominia and a shame - but I support the value of diversity and evolutionary stages of humanity. Humans have always been different from each other on a personal, family, ethnic and national level. For a variety of historical fact, the Judeo-Christian civilization, and in the last four years, especially the Anglo-Americans are the civilization that has reached the highest level of values, the most advanced and sophisticated culture, the best socio-economic system. It was thanks only to the British and the Americans, if the troubled democratic systems, national-revolutionary extremism defeated Napoleon, the reactionaries Central Powers and the great monsters of the '900: Nazism, Fascism and Communism.

always smile when I hear about the United States of America as a nation of ignorant: it is an assessment that may possibly be correct (again maybe) from the viewpoint of the general culture of the population, but not of the institutions democratiche, che furono proprio istituite dagli statunitensi quando la vecchia Europa (con l'esclusione della Gran Bretagna), si dibatteva tra sovrani assoluti e spaventose diseguagliaze sociali e politiche. Fu l'Inghilterra a donare all'umanità la Magna Charta, il Bill of Rights, il Palamento, la suddivisione dei poteri, i sindacati.

Tutto questo deve essere riconosciuto non con arroganza e sterile senso di superiorità, bensì come sosteneva Kipling, ovvero il "White man's borden" inteso come diritto-dovere dell'uomo bianco ad estendere il meglio delle proprie conquiste a popoli ed etnie che - non per colpa loro - si trovano a step evolutivi inferiori.

Ora però dobbiamo chiederci da dove arrivi tutto questo fervore, tutta quest'ansia di misconoscere il valore di ciò che rappresentiamo e che ci caratterizza: i valori cristiani, il rispetto per l'umanità intera, la democrazia, il capitalismo. Chi disprezza questi valori, considerandoli eguali a quelli dei Simba congolesi, sono sempre coloro i quali osteggiavano l'Occidente, consideravano furto la proprietà privata, propugnavano la coppia aperta, il superamento della famiglia (ovvero la sua distruzione, cosa che venne puntualmente messa in atto da Pol Pot). Essendosi risolte in un bagno di sangue e di miseria le esperienze dell'URSS e della Cina di Mao, hours they are not references and are always very ready to bring in the palm of your hand and any political sub-culture alternative to the West free, democratic and capitalist. Only and only this is the basis of the attitude of continental Europe against Islam.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Salary For Sun Tan City


One of the most famous spies of all time was Harold "Kim" Philby, the man who betrayed him for over 30 years their country .... Philby was part of the "Circle of Cambridge, also known as the Cambridge Five ... the others were spies Guy Burgess, Donald McLean, George Blake and John Cairncross.

were all of good family, the university turned to communism and became informers of the KGB. Burgess came to be director of the department of SIS (the British CIA) Mac Lean deputy ambassador to the United States, Blake consultant staff of the crown for the painting.

John Cairncross was the last to be discovered, but during the war he worked in Bletchey Park, where they were the decrypted radio messages of the Third Reich and Cairncross spent a lot of information to the Soviets.

Philby had the longer career, romance and bloody, he became head of the USSR where detecting a large number of SIS operations from the KGB and had killed many transughi about to flee. was discredited and rehabilitated several times, until - definitivamante discovered - in '63 he fled to Moscow where he became a consultant to the KGB.

his greatest accuser in the West was the legendary James Jesus Angleton ("The Good Shepherd") , head of CIA counterintelligence who also unmasked Burgess and McLean. no one believed the allegations of Angleton (said he saw communists everywhere, as usual) and Philby was able to do damage to other years. Among other things, Angleton was the head station CIA a Roma alla fine degli anni '40 e contribuì segretamente alla sconfitta dei comunisti alle elezioni del '48.

Si trattava di spie ideologiche, che tradirono il loro Paese, i loro concittadini furono responsabili di gravi danni alla sicurezza dell'Occidente e di diverse morti.

Altra spia ideologica ed estremamente dannosa fu Klaus Fuchs, faceva parte dei progetti Tube Alloys e Manhattan e fu colui il quale, attraverso Julius ed Ethel Rosenberg, trasmise ai sovietici i piani per la bomba atomica. A capo del progetto sovietico c'era quel maniaco sanguinario di Lavrenti Pavlovic Berja. I sovietici they only test the atomic four years after the Americans without the lights there would never have succeeded so quickly. This fact had serious implications in the siege of Berlin ('48-49) the communist coup in Poland and the Korean War ('51-'53).

Where Should Tie Backs Go


I believe that what is happening in Burma should make us reflect, let's start with some signs of recent history: Burma was administratively separated from India in 1937, but remained under the British Crown. Became independent like India in '47 and in 1962 there was a coup after which political rights were abolished, were nationalized all economic activities and thus became part of Burma then, many communist paradise. There were other coups that led Burma to be unique in history, a military regime - communist. In the late 80's last free elections were held, which led to a democratic regime that was overthrown and violently suppressed, and the rest is history.

What I want to emphasize, is also what happened in India since 1947: now a million deaths among Hindus and Muslims (who had lived peacefully under British rule), two wars with Pakistan, India is also endowed with nuclear weapons and the Indian navy is the fifth in the world! While Indian leaders thought to arms, to save millions of lives in India was the usual orrible making its first U.S. multinational food transegnico history: the magic rice

Here I refer not - obviously - to the people India and its ancient culture, do not criticize the great work of human, social and policy pursued by Gandhi, what is the total support of the political elite and criminal failure of the subcontinent India.

This failure was not an exception but the rule all the nations that emerged from the decolonization of the Congo and Lumumba Kasavubu, Gaddafi of Libya, Algeria, Angola and Mozambique (among other things in the hands of the Cubans), the only case in which emancipation was resolved positively was perhaps the Kenya Jomo Kenyatta.

The question that arises is therefore: it was all bad colonialism and the so-called emancipation, all right? I think not: at the present time is patently absurd to imagine colonies ruled by regimes such as paternalistic which persisted until the 60s, but I believe that these arrangements have evolved and have gradually ceded power to the natives, while ensuring the protection of human rights, civil rights, and would give an impression to those democratic nations. What happened instead was the expulsion of Westerners from sordid characters that often bloody, under the guise of the struggle for independence, in a case aimed at personal power, in the statement of Marxist or Maoist worse.

The story was repeated in Egypt, where the Westerners were to build the Suez Canal, then we were thrown into badly and ended the power in the hands of a character as Gamal Abdel Nasser, head of two wars that had as its objective the extermination of Israel and said that one day that the Palestinian problem will never be resolved, as is the best tool of blackmail against the West.

We should stop and reflect on the fact that the law - supported by the white man's duty Kipling has perhaps taken damage, but also did much good (education, health, religion, work) and this is going on for 50 years in the so-called emancipated Nations is nothing but an ocean of violence and abuse.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Why Do I Ache So Much After Gym


The story of Rhodesia is illustrative of how the process of decolonization was negative, negative for the Africans. Between 1947 and 1964 was accomplished - almost in its entirety - the decolonization of all African states. colonial regimes were clearly paternalistic, was necessary, however, an evolution, not the transfer of political power to people with blood on his hands, almost all Marxists or Maoists (Lumumba, Mugabe).

The history of Rhodesia is particularly significant: the great nation was founded by Cecil John Rhodes in the last 800 years, but are present in the soil of valuable minerals, the riches of Rhodesia always depended on agriculture schemes that allowed life comfortable for both whites and to Negroes.

Because of cultural differences between ethnic groups Bantu and Zulu, in the early '60s the Northern Rhodesia broke away giving birth to two new countries: Malawi and Zambia. It was full when he came onstage ferfore colonial Ian Smith, farmer, member of parliament, but also one of the greatest visionaries of the twentieth century. Smith, to prevent the UK to hand over la Nazione ai neri comunisti, nel 1964 proclamò l'indipendenza della Rhodesia del Sud, che rimase tale fino al 1979.

Furono anni nei quali il potere politico era saldamente in mano ai bianchi, anche se veniva concessa una rappresentatività anche ai negri. L'economia prosperava e l'unico vero problema era l'attività terroristica dello ZANU e dello ZAPU alla cui testa era Robert Gabriel Mugabe il quale aveva dichiarato di voler fare della Rhodesia uno stato marxista leninista. Qui vediamo un'altra caratteristica di quegli anni: si diceva l'Africa ai neri, quando in realtà la si voleva consegnare ai Rossi.

Alla fine Smith dovette cedere sutto le sanzioni imposte dall'ONU (che era in mano ai neri, ma soprattutto ai Rossi), nel '79 venne stipulato un accordo trilaterale tra ZAPU, UK e Rhodesia e salì al potere Robert Mugabe.

Non vi fu il bagno di sangue tipico di quei casi in forza dell'accordo, i bianchi dimasero proprietari del 70% delle terre coltivabili consentendo il il mantenimento della ricchezza, ma nel 1999 Mugabe espropriò i bianchi di TUTTI i loro averi e li nazionalizzò per concederli in regalo ai propri scherani i quali ben si guardarono dal lavorare considerandoli (tipico degli africani) solo un simbolo di prestigio. La produzione agricola della Rhodesia crollò di oltre il 75% (sic!!!) ed ora la popolazione non that has to eat, not to mention the levels of education and health that are also collapsed.

It 's time to be told the truth: the decolonization was an abomination, do not you have to allow blacks to Africa, but Africa, the Africans, of whatever color they are.

Viva Rhodesia, Ian Smith to honor

Friday, October 5, 2007

New Member Church Letter


Uolter is an old opponent, has been ever since I worked Mediaset but, unlike other opponents with whom nothing is consistent (D'Alema) Uolter not even enjoy any respect from me.

The story begins with his repeated attacks of Uolter Berlusconi and above the income of Mediaset's advertising. I still remember the silly slogan "you can not stop an emotion." Only arguments were clearly instrumental in damaging the income of those who had dared to challenge and beat the monopoly of RAI so dear to Uolter. The attacks are reflected in the three referendum at the end of 1995 against Mediaset, which establishes the right of citizens to survive Mediaset, Reaffirming also the right to private property.

Uolter però aveva fiutato l'aria e non si era esposto; una delle caratteristiche di Uolter è proprio questa, oltre al fatto di riemergere sempre vittorioso da disastri da lui provocati: distrusse il conto economico de "L'Unità" e venne nominato Segretario dei DS, venne sconfitto alle elezioni da Berlusconi, portò i DS al minimo storico e divenne Sindaco di Roma: una vera salamandra!!

Uolter proviene - buon per lui - da una famiglia agiata; nonostante questo non ha terminato gli studi, non solo non si è laureato, non è riuscito neppure a finire il liceo, ha dovuto rimediare sul diploma di cineoperatore. Tutto ciò è emblematico del personaggio e credo che sia un fatto molto negativo per chi ha la claim to be not only an intellectual (sic!), but to lead Italy.

Many politicians lie, but can Uolter own good: to Fazio said, prostrate in front of the left, after his second term as mayor he was going to do good in Africa, unfortunately, will remain in Italy to do damage. Uolter was for years the head of FGCI over the years PCI Longo, now claims to have never been a communist but only (!!!!!) berligueriano and even Kennedy. Now, Berliguer WAS COMMUNIST! Certainly a gentleman, certainly an honest man of high values \u200b\u200b(a rare pearl in PCI), but the Communist! John Kennedy is considered - wrongly - a great President left, while it was only a mediocre President right! Part of the myth of JFK is due to his tragic and untimely end, but we must not forget the reality: it was the President of the Bay of Pigs invasion, decided the massive commitment of U.S. troops in Vietnam, he worked at the naval blockade of Cuba during the missile crisis (if it were not for Oleg Penkovskij But perhaps it would end very badly!), when he gave the speech "in Berlin are" Anglo-American aid was referring to the armored Berlin besieged by Stalin in '48, a of the hardest moments of the Cold War. Saying that the inspiration for both shows Uolter is to ignore history is to be unbiased.

The most inferior del comportamento di Uolter è però il suo coinvolgere nei progetti e nella gestione politica persone che nulla hanno a che vedere con il centrosinistra, gli ultimi esempi sono i tentativi nei confronti di Gianni Letta e Veronica Lario. Uolter è privo di coerenza (d'altra parte i comunisti, esperti della doppia morale sostenevano che la coerenza fosse la virtù degli sciocchi!!), egli tuttavia non è un "buonista", bensì un cinico opportunista.

Coinvolgendo figure politicamente incompatibili, assicura il perfetto immobilismo e la certezza di non poter fare alcunché di pratico per i cittadini. Nello stesso tempo, distribuendo privilegi e prebende ad ampissimo raggio, si assicura l'unica cosa alla quale tiene: consenso and maintenance of power! Until the late '80s to the communist ideology was important, when communism collapsed under the blows of Reagan and Thatcher, began to say that you had to overcome the ideologies, because they had failed in a bath of misery Blood! Uolter is not modern, is an old Communist who reinterprets the old consociativismo Democrat.

yours, andrea Goldwater