Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Can You Get Warts On Your Chest

No Dal Molin: negative experience and to learn from defeat

No Dal Molin, a negative experience and a defeat from which to learn for future mobilizations against the militarization of the territories and the war of Julius Todescan

In the Card number of 3 / 9 September 2010, which illustrates the organization of the fourth year of the festival of self-managed permanent garrison No Dal Molin, there are two important steps in showing the results from the mobilization of these years against the construction of the new U.S. base in Vicenza: the creation of the Park Peace in an area that the government has to sdemanializzato 'mo of compensation, and a rich social capital made up of new relationships between individuals, associations, groups that heralds a cultural movement in the city.

little, so, what was possible? It has done all that was needed to prevent the construction of the base?

While the construction site of the base going well, Giulio Todescan in his article, a glimpse of the critical positions of parts of the movement against the permanent garrison, and the question of all questions: why the movement failed to stop the base ?

A question that would require a lengthy dissertation and probably refers to the historical weakness of the movement for peace in our country, incapable, their legs, a coherent strategy anti-war, and that it always has been to bend to the logic of manipolarizzatrici and electoral "politics."

The role of the Communist Party and the Left, at the time of the fight against the installation of Cruise in Comiso, in the early '80s, was a role as a brake and barrier to the development of the popular movement. A Left that shook a long time - three years - in calling for a response to the Italian Government, 12 December 1979 decided that the installation of U.S. missiles. A left that stubbornly refused to exit the watchword of U.S. and NATO bases in Italy and Italy from NATO and declared himself head thinking di un movimento per la pace vasto e composito, che però doveva corrispondere alla loro visione e ai loro interessi.

La “sinistra radicale” operante a cavallo del nuovo millennio ha partecipato alla mobilitazione contro la base di Vicenza, ma contemporaneamente era nel governo Prodi che ha sancito l’OK alle decisioni e alle scelte del governo USA e ha votato i finanziamenti per le missioni militari della guerra preventiva bushiana.

A Vicenza l’appoggio e i voti a Variati, diventato sindaco , si è rivelata un’operazione a perdere non difficile da prevedere. Errore? Sottovalutazione? Ripiegamento e arretramento localista?

Quello che è certo è che ad un certo punto la "Political leadership" of the permanent garrison largely characterized by the social centers of the northeast, has consistently rejected any request coming from reality as that of the Covenant permanent anti-war recovery of mobilization at the national level. You chose the local dimension and the tables in the pseudo institutional logic of accepting the lesser evil. A serious error. At one point it was consciously theorized the folding room, the limited size of the community, the refusal to discuss ways and means of renewed conflict in the new political environment nationally determined.

Many pacifists and activists have had this choice as an imposition incomprehensible, a willingness to move away from the symbol of the struggle against war. In short, in the city of Palladio and solipsism municipalities, someone has become aware that we must not disturb the basic maneuver in combat, and someone else is still wondering if it's worth it to come back and return often to Vicenza to be the last 'mockery of the grant of the "Peace Park" near the base of the war. What is too much, is beyond all measure.

Perhaps, as an alternative to the testimony and the antiwar realpolitik of varied and co. indicated by Giulio Todescan in his article, there was another way, another possibility, namely the opening of a new phase of political battle against the warmongering of the Italian government could decide to field real social forces in the crisis.

Someone pointed out as the fight against the construction of the military base has enjoyed broad sympathy among the Italian public opinion and that a national government was in crisis, as well as the City Council was sent to Vicenza home. A sign of a real force in the No Dal Molin movement and protests against the war.

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Submit an event in my opinion interesting, Sergio
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The day of Saturday, October 9 provides for carry forward work on the preparation of Working Test

La giornata di Domenica 10 ottobre prevede lavoro in riserva su selvatico abbattuto in preparazione gare di Field Trial.

Al fine di organizzare al meglio le giornate vi invitiamo fare la vostra iscrizione entro mercoledì 29 Settembre.

Abbiamo previsto un numero minimo di partecipanti (5) al di sotto del quale il corso verrà annullato.

Vi invitiamo inoltre a compilare in ogni sua parte la scheda di iscrizione precisando, oltre al numero delle persone presenti ai pasti ,anche il numero di fagiani che desiderate abbattere.

Il costo del selvatico verrà pagato direttamente presso l’Azienda Faunistica.

Come sempre potete far riferimento al nostro sito www.retrieverallavoro.it

Sunday, September 19, 2010

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Carissimi Amici vi inviamo il calendario Autunno 2010.

9 - 10 Ottobre 2010 Parma - Preparazione WT e Field Trial

23 - 24 Ottobre 2010 Crocetta del Montello - Sabato Verifica lavoro svolto e Domenica Test per passare ai corsi di Specializzazione al Riporto

28 Novembre 2010 Parma - Riserva

26 Settembre 2010 Crocetta del Montello - Corso di Base Cuccioli

23 Ottobre 2010 Crocetta del Montello - Corso di Base Puppies

November 21, 2010 Crocetta del Montello - First Base Puppies

Crocetta del Montello December 19, 2010 - First Base Puppies

As always you can refer to our website www.retrieverallavoro.it

Saturday, September 18, 2010

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beginning of the mission in 2004, 30 Italian soldiers have died in Afghanistan

With the death of Lieutenant Alexander Roman killed in Farah, the death toll rises. The last two years have been more bloody: in 2010 already eight and nine the previous year
FROM: Repubblica.it

ROME - With the death of Alexander dell'incursore Romans, who was killed this morning in Farah province, rose to thirty the number of Italian soldiers killed in Afghanistan since the beginning of the ISAF mission in 2004. Of these, the majority have suffered attacks and gun battles, while others died in accidents, some for ill, and one committed suicide. The last two have been the bloodiest year for the Italians already eight victims in the 2010, were nine in 2009.

On 28 July 2 killed some twenty kilometers from Herat, after the explosion of a crude bomb, the first sergeant and the corporal Mauro Gigli Pierdavide De Cillo.

On 25 July 3 die, perhaps suicidal, an Italian soldier. He would shoot a firearm in his office in Kabul. The police investigate the incident of the military police.

On 23 June 4 died in Shindand, in western Afghanistan, the Corporal Francis Xavier chose Positano. He lost his balance and fell from an armored vehicle, showing a strong head injury. Belonged to the 32nd Engineers Regiment, Brigade Alpine Taurinense.

On 17 May 5 a vehicle armored vehicle blown up by exploding a bomb in Herat province. Die Sergeant Ramadù Massimiliano, 33, and Corporal Louis Pascazio, 25 years. The victims belonged to the 32nd regiment of the brigade Taurinense genius.

26, was killed Feb. 6 Pietro Antonio Colazzo, an official of Aise, the external intelligence and security agency, during a suicide attack in Kabul by the Taliban against two 'guest house'.

On October 15, 2009 the seven corporal Rosario Pontian fourth Alpine Parachute Regiment died in a car accident on the road between Herat and Shindad.

On September 17, 2009 8 killed six soldiers in a suicide bombing in Kabul claimed by Taliban. Victims of lightning 186esimo Parachute Regiment stationed in the capital, are Lt. Anthony Fortunato, the first Mureddu Corporal Matthew, the first corporal David Curley, the first Massimiliano Randino Corporal, Sergeant Major Robert Valente and the first corporal Gian Domenico Pistonami.

On July 14, 2009 9 die in an attack in Farah 50 km from the corporal Alessandro Di Lisio, 25 years. Parachutist eighth genius of the Thunderbolt sappers, was part of a team that specializes in cleaning up the streets.

On January 15, 2009 Arnaldo Forcucci cardiac arrest die, Marshal. The

21 settembre 2008 muore per un malore a Herat il caporal maggiore Alessandro Caroppo, 23 anni, dell'ottavo reggimento bersaglieri di Caserta.

Il 13 febbraio 2008 10 muore in un attacco il maresciallo Giovanni Pezzulo, 44 anni, del Cimic Group South di Motta di Livenza. L'attentato avviene a una sessantina di chilometri da Kabul, nella valle di Uzeebin, mentre i militari italiani sono impegnati in attività di distribuzione di viveri e vestiario alla popolazione della zona. Rimane ferito il maresciallo Enrico Mercuri.

Il 24 novembre 2007 11 muore in un attentato suicida nei pressi di Kabul il maresciallo capo Daniele Paladini, 35 anni. Altri tre militari rimangono feriti.

Il 4 ottobre 2007 12 muore al Policlinico militare del Celio a Roma l'agente del Sismi Lorenzo D'Auria. Il militare era stato sequestrato il 22 settembre 2007 assieme a un altro sottufficiale del servizio di sicurezza e a un collaboratore afgano, ed era stato gravemente ferito due giorni dopo, durante un'operazione delle forze speciali 13 britanniche per cercare di liberarlo.

Il 26 settembre 2006 14 perdono la vita i caporal maggiori Giorgio Langella, 31 anni, e Vincenzo Cardella 15, in seguito all'esplosione di un ordigno lasciato lungo una strada nei pressi di Kabul. I due militari appartenevano alla 21esima compagnia del secondo reggimento alpini di Cuneo.

Il 20 settembre 2006 16 muore in un incidente stradale, a sud di Kabul, il caporal maggiore Giuseppe Orlando, 28 anni. Faceva the second company of the 22nd Regiment Alpini Cuneo.

On July 2, 2006 17 Lieutenant Colonel Charles Liguori, 41, died of a heart attack in Herat.

On May 5, 2006 18, following the explosion of a bomb left on a road near Kabul, killed Lieutenant Manuel Fiorito, 27, and Marshal Luca Polsinelli, 29, both the Second Regiment of the Alps. The two soldiers were on board of two armored vehicles "puma", south-east of the Afghan capital, when they were invested by the explosion.

October 11, 2005 19 die Corporal Michele Sanfilippo, 34. Sanfilippo, real genius in the fourth regiment of sappers Palermo was wounded with a blow to the head, accidentally left in the dormitory of the engineering battalion in Kabul. He died shortly after being admitted to hospital.

On 3 February 2005 20 Bruno Vianini the naval officer is killed in the crash of a civilian plane on which he was traveling between Kabul and Herat. The captain of a frigate was 42 years old.

On October 3, 2004, Corporal John Bruno, 23, the third regiment of Alpine, is the victim of a traffic accident while on board of half the army in the territory of Sorobi, 70 kilometers from Kabul. Four other soldiers were injured in the incident.

(September 17, 2010)

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Italian Blood

Taliban raise its game, attacks and violence on the eve of the vote

FROM: Corriere.com
One or more rounds of Kalashnikov rifles during a raid to capture four insurgents, shortly before, had planted a bomb along a road. He died so, in Farah province, the Romans Lieutenant Alexander, 36, Rome, Journal of 9 / regiment or assault paratroopers of the Folgore Moschin Col.

A new grief that falls on the eve of a day seen as crucial because of the vote in the election laws, and characterized by a number of incidents across Afghanistan. Lieutenant Romans - unmarried, with many missions in the first line behind him - was killed in the district of Bakwa, in the eastern province of Farah very high risk, exactly one year after the massacre of Kabul, in which six others were killed paratroopers of the Folgore. It all began when an unmanned Predator airplane Italian Air Force has seen four people intent on placing a bomb under the asphalt, the road linking Delaram in Farah. Always the Predator then followed the attackers and the reported place where they had fled. At this point and click operation entrusted to the Task Force 45, composed by Italian special forces. The team of rangers of 9 / Col Moschin or left from the Folgore in Farah Ch 47 helicopter, escorted by two Mangusta attack helicopters. Shortly after he landed near the house where insurgents were hiding. During the raid, however, two Italian commandos were centered by an unknown number of rounds of gunfire. They were rescued and taken away, military field hospital in Farah. Their conditions, at first, it appeared serious. Lieutenant Roman was then subjected to a surgical procedure in which, however, there were complications. The news of his death came unexpectedly to the Italian headquarters in Herat. The other injured, a military troop Col Moschin, now seems to be out of danger. About the operation that you know, for the moment, other details. Well as the unknown fate of the Taliban, what is certain is that the two Mangusta helicopters have downloaded their shelter against the massive firepower of which are equipped. "They're back exhaust," said one source, and this makes the idea of \u200b\u200bhell would be stato.Una day, yesterday, hot everywhere. Outbursts of ordnance in Herat, a candidate for Adraskan kidnapping, attacks on trucks carrying ballots to Shindand. In this case, spoke of a team of 'rapid response' Italian place to ensure the safety of the expected election date.
The Taliban, on the eve of the vote for the renewal of the parliament, have carried out numerous attacks against coalition forces and Afghan police.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

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Italy: fifth largest exporter of arms contracts record with the South

Giorgio Beretta ( UNIMONDO.ORG )

Italy stood in 2009 among the five largest international suppliers of conventional arms and its exports were mainly directed to countries development.

It is learned from the report "Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations 2002-2009" compiled by Richard F. Grimmett that was delivered last Friday at the Congress of the United States of America. The contracts signed by the Italian companies amounted in fact 2009 - according to the report - a $ 2.7 billion, of whom 2.4 billion (almost 90%) were stipulatio with developing nations, a figure, it never reached the last eight For years, the report examines to show that Italian exports of arms are increasingly facing the countries of the South.


The report prepared annually by Congressional Research Service (CRS), the research department of the Library of Congress, the Library of Congress, Members of the United States provides the "official data and not kept secret" on trade international conventional arms paying specific attention to their transfer to developing countries (Developing Nations): under this heading are included all the countries of the world except the United States, Canada, all European nations (including Russia and Turkey), Australia , Japan and New Zealand.

The report takes into account all categories of conventional arms and all transfers of military systems were among the forty or so tables in presenting the figures - contained primarily in U.S. dollars constants calculated on the last year, but sometimes also in current values - or "contracts" (agreements) and the "rendition" (Deliveries) relativi alle esportazioni di armi. Proprio per queste caratteristiche i dati che vengono presentati nel rapporto si differenziano da quelli forniti da altri istituti di ricerca – come ad esempio il SIPRI di Stoccolma le cui informazioni si concentrano soprattutto sui trasferimenti dei “maggiori sistemi di armamento convenzionali” (“major conventional weapons”).


Nonostante un certo decremento di ordinativi dovuto alla recessione internazionale “i Paesi in via di sviluppo continuano ad essere il principale destinatario delle esportazioni di armamenti da parte dei paesi produttori” – si legge nel sommario del rapporto. I contratti (agreements) concluded in 2009 from developing countries have exceeded 45.1 billion dollars (they had reached 48.8 billion dollars in 2008), representing 78.4% of international trade in arms which - in 2009 - is is located about 57.5 billion dollars, down 8.5% compared to 2008 when he passed the 62.8 billion dollars.

rather more regular deliveries (Deliveries) world of weapons that were stationed in 2009 on 35.1 billion dollars to 36.7 billion were in 2008. In 2009, over 17 billion dollars (ie 48.5% of total) deliveries of military equipment were made to developing countries: this is the lowest of the past eight years can be explained - as the report says - even with the decision of several countries to postpone the purchase of arms as a result of budget constraints put in place in view of the international economic downturn.

Among the major buyers included with respect to contracts entered into in 2009 primarily as Brazil (7.2 billion), Venezuela (6.4 billion), Saudi Arabia (4.3 billion), Taiwan (3 , 8 billion), UAE (3.6 billion), Iraq (3.3 billion) and Egypt (3 billion), while for actual deliveries of arms in 2009 (Table 24) the main target are Saudi Arabia (2.7 billion), China (1.5 billion), South Korea (1.4 billion), Egypt (1.3 billion), India (1.2 billion), Israel (1 2 billion) and Pakistan (1 billion).


The United States maintains the primacy of world exports of arms: Despite the substantial reduction of contracts compared to 2008 - the year in which Washington had reached a record last decade (38.1 billion dollars) - with 22.6 billion dollars in 2009, the U.S. retain world leadership in this particular area but saw a sharp decline in its market share is reduced to 39% on 60.5% in 2008. A record from which the United States in the coming years are unlikely to be undermined if - as reported by the Wall Street Journal - Obama administration intends to approve the agreement by Congress for military equipment to Saudi Arabia worth $ 60 billion, which represents the largest weapons contract ever made.

Russia is still in second place in the ranking of the major exporting the $ 10.4 billion of contracts made in 2009 accounting for just over 18% share of the world. Despite almost doubling from 2008 ($ 5.5 billion) mark, however, is a contraction from 2007 (nearly 11.2 billion) and, above compared to 2006 when they had come close to selling $ 16 billion as a result of agreements for military supplies to India and especially China.

China, moreover, with 1.7 billion dollars in contracts and 1.8 billion of direct deliveries almost exclusively in developing countries to maintain - despite a clear decrease in both areas - its position among the top seven major international exporters of arms. The leading European

Among the countries that resist the decline of the international arms trade and indeed succeed in increasing exports despite the global economic crisis to be counted especially the four major European military systems: France, Germany, Italy and the UK.

France, with 7.4 billion dollars in contracts in 2009 doubled its portfolio of orders over the previous year (3.2 billion), marking the second best performance of the last eight years, came to occupy almost 13% of world exports of arms: 96% of French contracts in 2009, ie $ 7.1 billion, were signed with countries in the developing world, among which especially those with Latin American nations.

increase their contracts for systems over 16% between 2008 and 2009, even taking them to Germany last year to 3.7 billion dollars representing a record last five years and cover 6.4% share of the world. What distinguishes Germany than the other three European countries - and more generally to other major arms producers - is the target of military systems in 2009 only 2.7% are directed to developing countries, but the 2 , $ 8 billion of supplies last year to see these target countries over 37.5% of German armaments.

declining - but the data must be carefully considered - are instead the export of arms of Italy: the contracts issued by our country in 2009 amounted to 2.7 billion dollars in net decline compared to a record of nearly $ 3.8 billion in 2008. Nevertheless, are the second best performance of the last eight years examined by the U.S. reports and, above all, confirms a trend growth trend compared to $ 494 million in 2002. The contracts, which - as already mentioned - place Italy in fifth place among the leading world exporters of arms before Israel (2.1 billion dollars), China (1.7 billion) and the United Kingdom itself (1 , 5 billion), bringing Italy to detect a 4.7% share of international trade in military systems.

Recipients of these contracts are for almost 89% in developing nations: Italy in 2009 had reached $ 2.4 billion with a record number of contracts with these countries nearly quadrupled (compared to 651 million dollars in 2006) over the past four years the size of their orders to the South enough to put our country - after the United States, Russia and France - as the fourth worldwide supplier of developing countries with a share of 5.3% of total supply in these countries.

Among the areas of the South, the largest share of exports of Italian arms in the four years 2006-9 is covered by one of the areas of greatest tension in the world, the Middle East in four years with the countries of this region Italy contracted for $ 3.7 billion or nearly three-quarters (71%) of all their international contracts.

should finally be noted that the report data to the U.S. Congress are still lower than those officially presented last March by the Italian Presidency of the Council: as we reported on Unimondo , according to the report of the Prime permissions to 'export of arms issued by the Government in 2009 to companies in the sector amounted to € 4.9 billion in the same year and the actual deliveries of military goods alone have exceeded 2.2 billion euro. Although this difference can be explained by the fact that the "permissions" Italian government cover a wider scope of "contracts" (agreements) examined by the U.S. report, although the actual deliveries of military equipment are somewhat undersized in the U.S. report noted that Italian deliveries in 2009 to just 600 million dollars compared to 2 , € 2 billion reported by the Italian government report. Returning

European sphere, are also growing contracts in the UK - in 2008 after reaching the lowest figure ever recorded - in 2009, stood at 1.5 billion dollars. The contracts entered into by UK industries are strongly fluctuating: you pass it by 988 million dollars in 2002 to more than $ 10.3 billion in 2007 to $ 205 million in 2008. In the four years 2006-9, with contracts for nearly 16.6 billion dollars the United Kingdom is confirmed, however, the fourth largest exporter of conventional arms.

If the four major European weapons producers as a whole remain unchanged at 23% its share of exports in world military two four-examined by the report, that increases considerably in the last two years is actually the amount of exports to in developing countries: it goes, in fact, from less than $ 7 billion in 2008 which covered 14% of the world total to these countries to more than 10.6 billion dollars in 2009 representing 24% share of the world. A clear signal that - as evidenced by the report - "the four major European suppliers of arms have strengthened their competitive position in the export of military systems through strong government support (government marketing support) to sales of armaments." Support that - as is clear from the report - has helped to ensure that "the four major European suppliers of arms contracts signed with various countries in developing snatching them from the United States."

giorgio.beretta @ unimondo.org


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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

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Friday, September 10, 2010

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new European Directive on vivisection - A SHAME!


"Ue, the new directive on vivisection

Played on: 08/09/2010

The Anti-Vivisection League criticized the measure: "The text agreed

is disappointing, especially in view of scientific progress

, the affirmation of alternative methods to 'use of animal and public

espressasi so clearly contrary to the

animal testing. "said Michael Lo Kuan, a biologist and responsible national

Alloy antivivisection. "The proposed

in its first version in November of 2008 - continues the charge - was strongly

innovative compared to the current and, although not totally consistent with the optical

animal rights, has numerous improvements for the protection and

the welfare of laboratory animals, but unfortunately this text during the months

has been changed through several steps, all pejorative.

Among Articles negative, the possibility of recourse, even if

notwithstanding, in cats and dogs (but this practice is forbidden in Italy since

since 1991), the possibility of using specie in via d'estinzione e/o

catturate in natura (compresi i primati e in particolare le grandi

scimmie), il ricorso a soppressione per inalazione di anidride carbonica

come metodo di uccisione di riferimento, definito dalla legge come

"umanitario" ma che in realtà provoca alti e prolungati livelli di

sofferenza, fatto riconosciuto scientificamente". Rimane inoltre la

possibilità di effettuare esperimenti senza anestesia, nonchè

l'autorizzazione per esperimenti altamente dolorosi. Ma non sono ancora

del tutto perse le speranze per i 12 milioni di animali che ogni anno

muoiono nei laboratori europei: "At this point - said

Gianluca Felicetti, president of Lav - will be crucial procedure in the

national transposition of the Directive, the government and parliament result in

made statements in recent days, including provisions more restrictive

those of Strasbourg and the practical development of methods

research not using animals. "

-------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

is the black list of MEPs who have x voted for the approval of the new directive on vivisection ...

HERE WE ARE THE NAMES OF ALL THOSE WHO VOTED FOR DIVIDED X Constituency ... http://www.europarl.europa.eu/members/public/geoSearch/zoneList.do?country=IT&language=ITQUESTI VOTED YES HAVE ORDERED THE SUFFERING, DEATH, millions of animals ... STAMPATEVELI WELL IN MIND: 1 - Gabriele Albertini (EPP - PDL) 2 - Magdi Cristiano Allam (PPE - I love Italy) 3 - Robert ANGELILLI (PPE - PDL ) 4 - Antonella Antinori (PPE - UDC) 5 - Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE - PDL) 6 - Pino ARLACCHI (ALDE - IdV) 7 - Raffaele Baldassarre (PPE - PDL) 8 - Paolo Bartolozzi (PPE - PDL) 9 - Sergio BERLATO (PPE - PDL) 10 - Luigi Berlinguer (S & D - PD) 11 - Mara BIZZOTTO (EFD - Northern League) 12 - Vito Bonsignore (PPE - PDL) 13 - Mario Borghezio (EFD - Northern League) 14 - Antonio CANCIAN (PPE - PDL) 15 - Carlo Casini (PPE - UDC) 16 - Sergio Gaetano COFFER (S & D - PD) 17 - John COLLINO (PPE - PDL) 18 - Lara COMI (PPE - PDL) 19 - Paul DE CASTRO (S & D - PD) 20 - Luigi Ciriaco De Mita (PPE - UDC) 21 - Herbert DORFMANN (PPE - SVP) 22 - Carlo girlfriend (PPE - PDL) 23 - FONTANA Lorenzo (EFD - Northern League) 24 - Elisabetta Gardini (PPE - PDL) 25 - Roberto Gualtieri (S & D - PD) 26 - Salvatore Iacolino (PPE - PDL) 27 - Vincenzo Iovine ( ALDE - IdV) 28 - John WAY (PPE - PDL) 29 - Clemente Mastella (PPE - EDU) 30 - Barbara Matera (PPE - PDL) 31 - Mario MAURO (EPP - PDL) 32 - Erminia Mazzoni (PPE - PDL) 33 - Claudio Morganti (EFD - Northern League) 34 - Alfredo BALL (PPE - PDL) 35 - Pier Antonio Panzeri (S & D - PD) 36 - Aldo Patriciello (PPE - PDL) 37 - Mario Pirillo (S & D - PD) 38 - Gianni PITTELLA (S & D - PD) 39 - Vittorio Prodi (S & D - PD) 40 - Fiorello Provera (EFD - Northern League) 41 - Licia RONZULLI (PPE - PDL) 42 - Oreste Rossi (EFD - Northern League) 43 - Potito Salatto (PPE - PDL) 44 - Matteo Salvini (EFD - Northern League) 45 - Amalia SARTORI (EPP - PDL) 46 - David-Maria SASSOLI (S & D - PD ) 47 - Giancarlo Scotti (EFD - Northern League) 48 - Mark Scurr (PPE - PDL) 49 - Francesco Paolo Sergio Silvestris (PPE - PDL) 50 - Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD - Northern League) 51 - Salvatore TATARELLA (PPE - PDL) 52 - This Mortal Coil (PPE - PDL)