Friday, January 4, 2008

Can You Wash And Dry A Northface Jacket

Alitalia, Campania and the national pride

Talvolta mi chiedo se non ci meritiamo veramente il debito pubblico, se non siamo consapevoli del fatto che pretendiamo di considerarci europei, mentre ci avviciniamo sempre più a standard del quarto mondo. Per non smentire la pessima fama di cui giustamente godiamo come italiani, pensiamo solo agli aspetti superficiali e meramente formali. Durante un mandato Craxi, the Italian government announced that it had exceeded the UK in the ranking of most industrialized countries: it was simply the result of the change in some coefficients, determined unilaterally. Margaret Thatcher once argued that it was made costume of Italians do not respect the rules .

heatedly debated in recent days that the Spain there has or has not passed, but some things are happening much more indicative. From fourteen years (sic!) Activity collection and disposal in Campania was commissioner and the region is drowning under tons of garbage . Many have blamed on the Camorra , alluding to which they have earned handsome profits to inefficiency. It is clear that context, the statement itself, but someone should do the courtesy to explain it. I understand that both the local prefect in charge of all activity and hence of the contracts for collection and smaltimanto: we can not even trust the Prefect? I understand that in other Italian regions and there are powerful criminal organizations operate, how come only in Campania can not handle the garbage? Now that the Germany has offered to dispose of all waste from Campania, some estimates claim that there still would be cheaper than disposal in Italy!

Over the last few years I have visited some places: Nairobi (yes, the African city!) Is a garden compared to Naples, Calcutta (yes, the Indian city of thirteen million souls, where Mother Teresa began to collect the dying in the street!) the garbage is collected by hand Castes and the city is very clean , well Soweto (yes, the very famous South West Township South Africa!) does not have the problem of waste. While no one acts, all make reference to wider responsibilities, to give assistance and some feel entitled to utter grandiose nonsense, such as reducing the amount of waste at source and to push and invest (or ask more money) in the collection!

Another significant issue is the sale of Alitalia and consequences for the airport of Malpensa . The situation is the result of the many aspects of state capitalism perverse Italian. First the golden share (abolished in countries truly free as UK), which enabled the government to control private company in name only, the second - not least - the very fact that a State should or should not have a national airline: what's the point? The State should simply provide air links to those places in the country who do not have enough traffic to ensure a return to a private company, but to do this is not necessary to a national company. Another problem is the indecipherable ' HUB of Mapensa, without falling into excesses "anti-Roman" by some politicians, it is true that in of Lombardy produces 20 percent of GDP National would be simple common sense to the national hub of the airport of Lombardy. Now, however, findings that are communicated to Malpensa Alitalia lost 200 million euro per year (sic!) Mainly due to the cost of internal connecting flights (ie the value added of any HUB, compared to other airports) . The news appeared in newspapers a couple of days, no one has confirmed or denied, and the citizens continue to read about the hypothetical overtaking English, on the winter transfer market, with Sarkozy's romantic vacations and other amenities.

The starting point is that you can never know exactly what the situation, the single most perverse is the unions that protect minorities against the majority of members and politicians who think only in terms of constituencies. Everything is permitted however dall'ignavia arrogance and superficiality of the Italian people which is proud to be such when the football team back in Napoli Serie A and when she sees around the world the flag painted on the rudders tail of an airline that has produced decades of debt.

In U.S. airlines are not state when, in 1991, failed the Pan American ( the first company in the world to make oceanic flight regular!) nobody felt hurt national pride.

Self-respect, honor, love for their homeland, should consist first of all in the determination not to spend more than we can afford and not to give up what constitutes the true dignity. Can we afford two HUB? I think not. We can afford to send our garbage abroad? I do not think that is honorable. We can afford an airline ever in the past? I find it shameful. It really gives the way to deregulation (such as Reagan, not the usual fiction italics): the market will solve the problems, as always. The State is not the solution, the state is the problem .

Thursday, January 3, 2008

4 Way Molex Connector

Bravo Gordon, but we need another Lord Kitchener

's just a little play on words regarding the current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and General Charles Gordon , massacred by the bloodthirsty dervishes the Mahdi in Khartoum in 1885. The uprising was finally quelled the dervishes at the battle of Omdurman 1898, won by the expeditionary force of Lord Kitchener , best known for winning the Anglo-Boer War.

Starting from ' independence in 1956, have been established in Sudan especially dictatorial Islamic governments, but also communists. in 1964 were driven from the country all Western missionaries and to date there have been with extraordinary regularity civil wars, ethnic cleansing, famine, massacres . The condition of Christians in the region of Darfur has been known for years, but it seems that no Western power has the will to stop the massacres. The China, after trying unsuccessfully in the past years, to establish a socialist regime, is now the first partner commerciale del Sudan, in barba a qualsiasi cosiderazione etica. La situazione economica e sociale sudanese è il solito paradosso dell' Africa post - coloniale: grandissime ricchezze nel sottosuolo e straordinaria miseria della popolazione.

L'attuale dittatore del Sudan - ove vige la Sharia - è Omar Hassan Hamad al Beshir , il quale è stato ricevuto con tutti gli onori alla conferenza UE - Africa che si è tenuta a Lisbona all'inizio di dicembre. con eguali onori è stato ricevuto un'altro degli ultimi mostri africani: Robert Mugabe .

the tragic history of Rhodesia I have already written, I must point out here as the European media have bothered to highlight the joint nature of the meeting in Lisbon and subsequent agreements. The only European who has proven to be a man worthy was the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who did not attend the conference due to the presence of Mugabe. Both Brown and the ' Archbishop of York, John Sentam , recalled how Mugabe is directly responsible for the appalling living conditions of that country which at the time the white was considered the garden of southern Africa. In the former Rhodesia years are not the most important Repeated human rights and people are dying of hunger. Javier Solana, Manuel Barroso and the Prime Ministers of Germany, Holland , Sweden and Denmark while participating in the meeting, condemned the criminal policies of Mugabe. I may be wrong, but I have not read similar positions by the Italian government . For good measure, supporters of the present South African dictator in Lisbon, attacked and beat up the peaceful demonstrators who marched in support of human rights in Africa.

The measure is full for years: we're talking about thousands of people are killed and no one remove from power governments that are only ex-military coup or former terrorists. The first to rebel against having their own African leaders should be moderate: they should be not to accept those monsters at his side. The other culprits are the politicians and the media continental Europeans: they should not accept to deal with common criminals rose to power simply because all'ignavia European and violence. E 'Before the days of Elizabeth that Britain is the beacon of' West : first against obscurantism English, then against the autocracy of the kings, against the criminally insane French Revolution, against the project's despotic Napoleon , reactionaries Central Powers against fascism , Nazism and communism . It 'clear, however, as now no longer enough: we need a jolt of responsibility and common sense on the part of the whole' Europe, the first battle to be fought is cultural, we can not and we must continue to despise our values \u200b\u200band to be equated with those who have chosen violence as a system of government. We can no longer listen to that anti-Western utter stupidity like the fact that the problem of Africa are the riches of the subsoil: the problem of Africa are Africans.

Kosovo Visa Invitation Letter

Kenya, Pakistan and decolonization

These days, after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto , it was learned that the party chairmanship will go to the son, il padre in veste di reggente. Nello stesso periodo si sono avuti oltre duecento morti in Kenya per le elezioni del nuovo presidente. Dei fatti indiani sappiamo ormai molto, sottolineo solo come in tutto il subcontinente la leadership politica sia un fatto - oltre che connesso al credo religioso - meramente famigliare: Pandit Nerhu e sua figlia Indira , Alì Bhutto , la figlia Benazir ed ora un ragazzo di appena diciannove anni.

Il caso del Kenya è completamente diverso, ma egualmente peculiare. Il Kenya divenne indipendente sotto la guida di Johnstone Kamau , passato alla storia with the name of Jomo Kenyatta , which had the unquestionable merit of supporting the British after the bloody suppression of the Mau Mau revolt the late fifties, of which he was one of the instigators. During that revolt 14,000 blacks were killed and hundreds of white, as always the first murders and rapes about missionaries and nuns. After independence, Kenyatta maintained a moderate and remained close to the United Kingdom : thanks to that there were development and better living conditions. Daniel Moi succeeded Jomo A who, through coups in white, electoral fraud and the fragmentation of tribal opposition, remained in power for over twenty-five years, during which the country sank into poverty and corruption.

The successor was the current president Mwai Kibaki , always ethnic Bantu as Moi. Kibaki has now won the election against Raila Odinga , 's Luo ethnic group and former Communist, despite polls completely unfavorable. The international monitors had declared that there had been fraud: they had to deny themselves after the evidence of the facts. Now Kenya is in total chaos and it is added to the violence and ethnic cleansing to the innumerable evils that are eating the people, the most serious of which is 's AIDS: Although the press talks about it recently, Kenya has a high rate of HIV. Now in Kenya free, independent for more than forty years, the police fired on demonstrators, civilians roaming the streets armed with machetes and fifty people were burnt alive in church where they sought refuge.

During the disastrous years of decolonization, the few common sense that is opposed to that which was not merely a decision ideological, moral and respectable, they argued - correctly - as it was necessary to overcome the tribal culture, before granting independence to their African colonies. The English colonists in India claimed that it would be criminal to grant independence until you have instilled in the people and respect for diversity and different faiths: Hindu, musiulmani, siksa and other minorities.

Now, more than sixty years after independence, India, for over forty from Kenya, you can pull some money on the current state of these nations. India and Pakistan are two nuclear powers have fought three bloody wars between them and Pakistan has for years been close to terrorist movements. India is achieving high growth rates for years and now excels in studies and activities such as advanced computing and mathematics. Culture India - always - has aspects that can only be appreciated and respected dignity, kindness, extraordinary capacity for work, a concept of simplicity that is the product of the synthesis of a sophisticated philosophy of life. All of this clashes with elements of shocking violence and backwardness: the abominable caste subculture, the subjugation of women. The caste system is firmly entrenched and virtually nothing is worth the lives of outcasts in Indian society, the birth of a child, especially in poor families, is seen as a misfortune, since it is almost impossible to find the necessary resources for dowry and the result are countless victims of "accidents" in the kitchen, causing the death of women. I remember it was a British law to ban the killing of widows, who were burned alive on the funeral pyre of her husband. India is a democracy in name only, the Brahmin oligarchy dominates the important choices of the nation and not given any chance to the underprivileged classes. Pakistan has made some timid attempts to democracy, both in India and in Pakistan itself is still in use the assassination of political leaders. I think you do not need to add anything else: no one questions the heritage of Indian culture, but that wealth is used as a popular excuse from a reactionary ruling class, corrupt and violent, to cover up their crimes, their lack of sense of the state and respect for all people.

With regard to Kenya in particular and Africa in general, the discourse is much more simple: they have adopted a blanket of institutions that are based on real power, the only power that black Africans know, violence . They adopted a mantle of state institutions, covering the only form of aggregation that Africans recognize: that tribal.

So after sixty years of violence, massacres, rapes, wars, poverty and disease, the reasons for the failure of these nations have proved to be always after those much-despised by the colonists. Ora è impossibile riproporre le vecchie forme coloniali, ma certo è il fatto che l'indipendenza ha portato in queste nazioni molto più dolore di quanto ne avessero portato i regimi occidentali. I governanti locali si sono dimostrati nella migliore delle ipotesi non all'altezza della situazione, nella peggiore dei delinquenti sanguinari. Molto hanno da rimproverarsi gli occidentali, per non essere stati all'altezza del " white men's borden ", ma è nulla rispetto a ciò che videro e vedono riflesso nello specchio politici come Zia ul Haq , Patrice Lumumba , Joseph Mobutu , Robert Mugabe , Idi Amin Dada , Muammar Gheddafi , Jean Bedel Bokassa and the list is endless.

Husband Nose Piercing

Hello Benazir ... not forgotten you

Benazir , non ci scorderemo di te, come di tutte le figure importanti del 20° secolo nate nel subcontinente indiano. Figure eroiche, tragiche e naturalmente contraddittorie. Forse non è un caso che proprio in India siano nate tante persone che cambiarono la storia del secolo scorso. L'immane tragedia indiana si è sempre infulcrata nella propria cultura millenaria, profonda, umana; nell'unica cultura che si possa pensare costituisca un'alternativa al grandioso progresso umano e scientifico dell' Occidente giudaico cristiano .

Figure Benazir heroic and contradictory, as the father of your country Muhammad Ali Jinnah : true patriot, a man of culture who worked closely with Mohandas Gandhi and Pandit Nerhu to construct the Indian nation. Brave man, but not to the point to follow the Mahatma in his idea of \u200b\u200ba single Indian state. The same Jawaharlal Nerhu, while faithful follower of Gandhi, agreed to split the subcontinent into India proper and western Pakistan and eastern Europe, also endorsed it on a pure folly to Jinnah: a state into two sections separated by 1500 km. However, the most terrible consequence of the separation was the exodus of millions of Muslims to Pakistan and millions of Hindus to India. They had lived together peacefully under British rule, and then seemed to be no longer possible: the brutal undeclared war that followed caused more than one million deaths.

Nerhu clear his undoubted ability as a statesman in the first few difficult years, but proved to be disoriented on the international scene and heard the sirens and the Yugoslav Third World in that sad little theater that was the non-aligned movement. He could not handle the problem of Kashmir , because of which there were two wars between India and Pakistan. India had also had another - and discussed questionable - Patriot: Subhash Chandra Bose Bengali , a strong supporter of independence, several times imprisoned, fled during the Second World War in Germany , where - with the support of Hitler - tried to incite the Bangladeshi against the United Kingdom . He then moved in Burma - then occupied by Japan - where he organized the Indian army to fight the British. Certainly his courage deserved a clearer view of what was good and what was evil.

not we forget you, Benazir, as we will not forget your father Ali Bhutto, who fought with the sacrifice of life to make Pakistan a democratic nation, but also said to be willing to eat grass on their own people, just to have nuclear weapons which he had with the ' India, where he then died of hunger. There's not forget Indira Gandhi , the daughter of Nerhu that seemed to represent a hope for the miserable and shameful condition of women in India but that brought the nation from the alliance with gray non-alignment 's Soviet Union.

Now that your life was tragically and prematurely extinguished by hate and violence, we remember with admiration and respect, but do not make you an icon: you were not afraid, but you had spots just like any human being. You always remember your vision for democratic and pragmatic at the same time, for your extraordinary moral courage and physical - in the end it cost you your life - but your arrogance will not forget about the scandals in which you were involved and how you have supported the Taliban movement .

We continental Europeans, however, we should draw some lessons from Indian and Pakistani political leaders: they were all controversial figures, who worked many times bad choices and even outrageous, but they were women and men who never hesitated to expose themselves in person, always put themselves at risk and their families to get the results they thought right - to go back or to reason - for their people. Again we see the greatness and the hope of the Indian continent: in the fact that some of their leaders are servants of the people feel. The Hindu extremist who assassinated Gandhi knelt before him, before shooting, would not have happened anywhere else in the world.