Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trolling Motor Electric Vs Gas

Fidel, Hope and Charity

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz
has finally resigned from every state office and spent the powers to his brother Raul. So after North Korea, Cuba is the second nation in history marked by dynastic communism. Marx has the ethical and moral responsibility of helping to generate the greatest monsters in history, but such a massacre could not imagine even him.

Castro is widely regarded as a myth, mostly by anti-American, but I think the facts are clear. No one can certainly regret the atrocities of Fulgencio Batista , but Casto has led Cuba on a path of evolution policy which is exactly contrary to that of the rest of Center and South America . That area of \u200b\u200bthe world is marked by numerous attempts to establish democratic degimi, often failed, partly because of dell'albagia United States who lacked the courage and the ability to beat the left-wing extremists with political democracy, but almost always supported totalitarian regimes and military reactionaries. Nevertheless, after the fall of Pinochet and the Falklands War , throughout the hemisphere have been established democratic regimes, weak, imperfect, but certainly better than the past, Cuba, by contrast, advances in large passi verso il passato.

Si scrive da più parti che Castro si alleò con l' Unione Sovietica a causa del trattamento a lui riservato dagli Stati Uniti, si ricorda anche come Ike Eisenhower si rifiutò di incontrarlo personalmente e delegò l'allora Vicepresidente Richard Nixon . Si tratta di una falsità: quando Castro venne processato una prima volta dagli sgherri di Batista per attività sovversiva, egli si difese autonomamente con un'arringa che divenne famosa per la frase " la storia mi assolverà ". Quell'arringa conteneva già tutti gli elementi del programma del futuro regime: espropri dei latifondi, espropri delle proprietà private, nationalization of all industries and important activities, management dellìeconomia through cooperatives controlled by the state: Is not a Marxist program?

In Cuba, from 1959 to 1970 are estimated to have been carried over 5000 death sentences, mostly for political crimes , until 1992 Cuba was forbidden to profess any religion , even in private, elections are a joke, to control and decide everything is the party, but especially the Castro family.

To the left of Castro is a hero who has improved the living conditions in their country, low infant mortality, literacy, home free for all, advanced eye care and other amenities. The thing that is ever said is that Castro has made his work thanks to the donations to the grant of the USSR and, especially, if Cuba was a paradise that Castro would not have to prosecute those who have the desire to leave. fact in Cuba is impossible for ordinary people leave the country are pursued and even those who help the fugitives. It is estimated that between 1959 and 1994, about 63,000 (!!!) rafters have fled to the hated Florida and about 16,000 others are experts in an attempt to board rafts: hardly a paradise If people at risk life to go!

Fidel Castro should be tried for crimes against humanity and the only ones who have the courage to admit this truth is, once again, the United States.

Hello Fidel, rest and take care of yourself, enjoy the applause of your minions, but do not kid yourself: the Story you have already condemned.


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