Monday, October 13, 2008

Decorative Ways To Fold Bath Towels

reading levels and the proliferation of the eye: fractal thinking about the poetic

In post Mind biostoria organization poetry Antonia Colamonico , has highlighted the difference between an eye and a linear multiplier.

The consequence of this change leads, as also explained in the post biostorico The paradigm and the topology of complex thought , an acceleration of the test system.

The lyric " State change 'is a literary example of this difference.

It runs on three parallel directions, making it in fact the mark of well 729 different lyrics in the classic sense. This estimate is obtained by considering the simplest possible ways that the title should be conclusion. If, however, allows you to select at least one word in there where the line is parallel the number of possible readings to fly well 117649.

One can easily realize the expressive power to write you this way.

Unlike the poetry in the classical sense in which the status of the poet was represented by the lexical search, poetry biostorico eye with one hand, there is the lexical refinement, and the other a multiplicity of expression best suited to represent complex human expressions and that, in fact, makes the reader an active player , not just the act of reading, but in so far as to give substance to the actual reading.


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