Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dessy Group Dress Patterns

Invitation to reflection on: dialogue of life

Dalla nota di Antonia Colamonico in Facebook del 22-23-24/11/2009

(da Le filastrocche di Spazioliberina,. A. Colamonico, in Fatto time space. OPIUM, Milano 1993.)

The difficulty in the dialogue between men and women, born of a different way of ordering and interpreting the reality that, in its richness of texture and shape, we show how CHAOS .. .

Massimo Pregnolato

For those who have already made the quantum leap the eternal conflict between man and woman is exceeded. A common core logic allows the sharing of a new common reality, from which it derives affinity and love. For those who had not yet reached the "quantum leap" I do not propose to linger over a hug :-) Massimo

Antonia Colamonico

Thanks Massimo for your clarity! * _ *

Mariagrazia Di Bello

unkempt in a simple structure is disordered free flexibility in winning gift box, on the reception capacity in natural selection ... women are in greater numbers than men for this

Valeria Spinelli

CHAOS ..... I should first define who I am and what I have to say about tonight ... are floundering, Antonia. Neither man nor woman. Simply sinking.

Francesco Izzo

Neither. Both believe that there is real: what is stato, ciò che sarà, la potenzialità dell'essere. La realtà sta sempre un passo dietro o un passo avanti a ciò che siamo, sempre più nostra, sempre più estranea a noi.

Claudio Cannella

ho il sospetto che più di una persona qui intorno soffra della neccesit133 tipica delle culture posthegeliane di un nemico o di un diverso a cui contrapporsi

Claudio Cannella

cio138 tenda più alla dialettica che alla dialogica

Pileria Vaccaro

Io ho compiuto il "salto quantico" e finalmente mi ritrovo nella struttura semplice...meno complicata.....e vi assicuro che c'è ne voluto tanto!!!!!

Angela Graziano

Credo che tutti, uomo o donna, dovremmo alternativamente passare da una struttura semplice ad una complessa, senza preavviso. l'incontro fortuito genera l'amore...

Marizia Mandara

Con il grande passo di qualità che ha fatto la donna ... in linea di massima... i due generi si sono uniformati… condividendo entrambi una nuova visione di realtà .

Maria Albano

Antonia....ho la presunzione di sentirmi un frammento dell'uno e come tale non riesco a identificare me e nessun altro in delle categorie rigide.....mi piace think you can be all ..... I like to contradict any theory ..... I think the beauty of the human being ....

I have respect for all students who spend a life trying to catalog ...... but when it comes to the man I like to think that there is always a variable that makes it impossible ....

Antonio Loffredo

would be nice not to order or interpret any of the structures DIALOGUE ... and make their own based on what evidence and mentally. Perhaps a matter of biological make-up ... codizioni by a single universal law.

Thanks Antonia!

Antonia Colamonico

Dear all contributi hanno in sé una pillola di verità! non esiste un punto di vista definitivo, né dentro, né fuori di noi, siamo tanti "frammenti" "quantici" che tendono ad un equilibrio che se è raggiunto si fa semplicità se no, complessità! Il sentirsi semplici o complessi è in funzione del grado di chiarezza con cui si vive quel attimo di realtà che come fa notare Francesco nella sua essenza ci sfugge!!!

Siamo dei funamboli in eterno bilico tra la vita e la morte, tra il disordine e l'ordine... lo stesso vale per il rapporto di coppia.

Importante è la di-a-logica stessa che si pone come un dialogo tra due parti, di pari dignità... a differenza della dialettica, in cui c'è a report of abuse.

Thanking you for participating ... tomorrow. Good night! :-)))

Angela Graziano

thanks for everything. goodnight

Tony Kospan

Males and females ... differences but no difference ...

But the chaos that comes ... more ...

the order comes boredom ...


Antonia Colamonico

He felt the lack of POET!

Rita Benigno

@ Antonia, arriving only now but thank you for raising an issue that personally, However, I find it very complex.

I understand that you carry-overs, in a sense, the difficulties of dialogue between men and women to a difference in identity of gender.

Thinking back to Hegel, I would say that the identity is always "the identity of identity and difference: identity, that is, always contains within itself the otherness. But the way in which identity and alterity are interpreted in the oneness of the ego is what defines a culture and society.

In this sense, gender is a social construct, as individuals who are born for sex male or female come through this process, the categories of men and women. Recognized this, then you are certainly right when you say that the difficulties of relationships arise from an inability to enhancement of dialogue of the person through the gender difference.

Just the "dialogical philosophy" could then assist us by providing the tools for "re-start" the knowledge of the other. Grasp the other as an "epiphany" as a mystery and what would motivate us to know and could not keep it in stereotypical definitions and closed. A happy ending? ...

The reality is that of "happy purpose "in the history of men and women, there are not many then.

The point is that relations between the sexes is always the sexual element: more or less manifest or latent or repressed, but always present. E 'useless to deny that, even today, Western society is also marked by a' conversion atavistic cultural, historical and social differences in asymmetry, ie from riconoscin1ento of 'otherness women only through an exercise to reduce male unit. Sexual relations act as social regulators therefore, both visible on the behavior of collective representation.

If this is true (as I think it is), then the urgency is that of a reflection can lead to a radical reinterpretation of the foundation of the dominant (male) sexuality. As long as we fail to do this, the scene of the relationships will always be that of the conflict: in many cases masked, and in many others (too) violent, as the chronicle tells us, unfortunately.

Antonia Colamonico

Rita, thank you for your consideration.

Yes, the problem is the difficulty to feel sure that the report-a-logical I / you ... which implies the recognition of equal value, dignity. E 'in diversity-complementarity that is built the couple and the two become one!

If the other does not have an equal value, automatically taking the power relations that also affect the sexual ... the other as the object of submission ... to affirm the personal domain, and this is a low level of organization of thought +!

therefore requires that "quantum leap" mentioned by Maximus, in his speech.

Rita Benigno

@ Antonia, thank you for the question asked. I would just like to reiterate and emphasize that the reports and powers originally triggered in the first place from the sexual (and not "also"). As I wrote above, these relations power originating from their function as social regulators.

Antonia Colamonico

do not think you can make a hierarchy, Rita, are all interdependent and that it occurs + in the sexual sphere, ok!

The conclusion is that there is still a long way to go to build a true democracy!

Rita Benigno

is not a question of hierarchy, Antonia. But the speech is too long ... :-)

However, the way to go is still very much, you're right.

Antonia Colamonico

Yes ^ _ ^

Cristina Dondi

oggi in tempi di ciarpame la donna ha sentito il bisogno di dimostrare che conta solo se si omologa o si sottomette alla visione che di lei hanno i maschi perdendo ciò che era considerato il suo principale vantaggio competitivo: l'intelligenza emozionale. La difficoltà di questo modo di procedere sarà sempre più problematica, ..

Antonia Colamonico

Cara Cristina, siamo in un'epoca in cui si è sostenuta la sola dimensione corporea della vita, se l'aspetto spirituale è una bufala, il sesso è la dimensione + importante, come espressione della privata e collettiva umanità!

I giovani e non solo si sono di conseguenza adequate deception of the seduction of the body, which has behind him a tour of billions, run by the mafia! Today he lives

hurt those who believe in two sizes and thinks that man does not dissolve in a time segment entropy!

accept a spiritual dimension requires to start talking about consciousness, free will, the assumption of responsibility toward life and history, to be able to admit the mistake and want to have to change!

involves the paradigm shift from the world of appearance to that of being: I have the ego, the ego are !!!...

But personally I trust, I suck too, so from that sense of loss will be born sense-new direction!

... the truth is that long-term measure! ^ _ ^

Mario Esposito

Here I am :-) Antonia

It never ceases to amaze me how the basic questions of mankind - "inevitably" - almost always remain unanswered and they lend themselves to continuous re-interpretations , denials, rediscovered.

The man-woman relationship is one of those "eternal" subjected to constant monitoring by the development of both humanistic and scientific disciplines, and especially the "everyday social experience."

This process somehow "Hegelian (dialectical) must be transformed as you say in a where dialogue can recompose in a "natural" separation that the biological and socio-cultural undoubtedly exists.

I agree very much with what he told Rita about sex ....

never forget that evolution is a process that proceeds by mutations and continuous adaptation to the environment and its stimuli - thanks to natural selection - and to arrive at this stage the route was long and detailed.

In our mind there is still the reptile and mammal, then it is "adding" the neo cortex / Seat bearer of higher cognitive functions.

Our emotions and behavior are often associated with non-screened from consciousness, and then reproduce in any way our "being animals" with the primary instincts and impulses necessary for survival, but they are sublimated, repressed and transformed by the changed socio-cultural and technological.

In summary, the reason to rationalize our instincts, and then it still implies a very low level of consciousness and awareness of both man and woman. One way to go, without end I would say, is to know, then to understand and still know each other, understand each other ... to change and improve together.

The beauty is just that we're different, but we must transform the culture within which this difference can become real wealth and not "Absurd" mutual incomprehension.

the end, the "mystery" will always remain, but we will be more aware and we have begun, as you and others who have commented, to make "quantum leaps relational and cognitive."

Antonia Colamonico

Thank you, Mario, the better your analysis ... the evolutionary process is being changed to stay together, so there is the animal in us / the people / the divine ... but also the mineral ... The plant ... only a culture of knowledge can allow us to communicate with the + parts of us!

From a good dialogue with us, then created a good dialogue with others, be suffering from or simple knowledge o come dico io tutto il sistema vitale.

Credo molto nella forza creatrice della parola che scava/edifica le nicchie/creste mentali... per cui alla fine a base di tutta la relazione uomo/donna c'è il parlarsi, evitando i mutismi e le ripicche.

Spesso si scorda che i silenzi allontanano l'altro che essendo un diverso non può comprendere fino in fondo quello che si agita dentro di noi, per cui basta semplicemente raccontarsi gli stati d'animo, per chiarirsi... Essere sentinelle nella notte!

Rita Benigno

Lodi, lodi, lodi a Mario Esposito, soprattutto all'uomo. Sono ammirata ;-)

Antonia Colamonico

The beauty of the dialogue is in this open questioning and listening ... I think the network would be a good vehicle for broadening the horizons of cognitive and emotional ... turn requires a lot of "talk bubbles" to generate reflection and sharing ...

and with your permission I would like to thank all recover everything to save it on my blog: eye biostorico, so that should be deleted.

Thanks to all you dear friends! * _ *

Clary Dionisio

Antoniaaa!! You are innovative and creative .. your provocations I love them .. grrr are with me and this period of commitments III & IV, but you are my priorities for study, because it is so !!!!!!!!!!!

Mario Esposito @


"People often forget that the peace and quiet away the other that being different can not fully comprehend what dwells inside of us, so simply tell the states of 'mind, to clarify ... Being in the sentries at night! "

SHARE !!!!!

@ Rita

Praise the Women and Women! ;-)

Antonia Colamonico

Yes, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe watchman in the night is beautiful ... Biblical!

Ivonne Citarella

Hello Antonia excuse the delay and thanks for the tag and the note that has generated very interesting comments. Chaos is my opinion that best represents the difficulty dialogue between man and woman, I could not epresentation in any structure. Chaos, as such, is in my mirror of what we are, because in it we find the kind of social and biological difference, not only, but also the complementarity of gender is essential and that still moves the world by pushing dialogue and relational albeit with "eternal" problems. Chaos will prevail where there will always be there gender willingness to "disagree in harmony." Chaos is my opinion, more wealth and anyway! A hug!

Daniel Biga

I share the vision of Tony.

The world is chaos, art is born from the chaos with the desire to reorder reality. Francis Bacon teaches us this: "I feel at home in chaos, because the disorder gives rise to images, in any event I like, could be the mirror of what goes on in my mind."

Hugs Daniela

Tony Kospan

agree with Daniel ... Life is Chaos .... Chaos tried to order ... but be aware that there will never.

But it is precisely during this motion / continuous effort to settle the chaos that takes place in our lives.

Besides the classical mythology

"In the beginning there was Chaos.

Then Uranus created the universe. He joined with his mother Gaea, the Earth, and had many children who killed. Cronos was saved, Time. Cronos mated with his sister Rhea, but like his father, killed the children. But he managed to save Zeus Rea ... This already marks the ancient myth of human anguish about the reasons of life and death. "...

Hello ...

Antonia Colamonico

Biostoricamente: Chaos is the life ... order knowledge!

mistakenly believed that the order is life!

If you read the dialogue as a vital dynamic communication, I / you, in every action / response will reverse the roles of receiver / broadcaster which is forever, forced to confront the mess that the other does within us and ... the need for order that is the ability to understand, to answer ... I answer in-law in the chaos that is bound to give peace for the new-order reply ... this is biostoria: the vital game .. the beautiful story! :-))))

In this

taking and leaving, life, as in a dance of love, opens the Syntropy of chaos or simply the ORDER + OF DIFFERENCE '! ****___****


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