Saturday, August 21, 2010

Should I Drive After Waxing

Wikileaks revealed: the secret troops sent by Prodi

ROME - Private negotiations between Rome and Washington and soldiers sent to Afghanistan "with discretion" not to knock the "political sensitivity" national, ie the relationship between strenuous President of the Council and to the left of his coalition.
The revelations of the Prodi-Bertinotti Wikileaks-Ferrero (2007)
Some of the revelations about Italy's Wikileaks describing the "behind the scenes" of the Prodi government in 2007, when the "professor" had to sweat to disentangle between the need for essere presente sulla scena internazionale, le pressanti richieste americane e l’avversione all’impegno militare dell’ala radicale della sua esigua maggioranza. Sono passati solo tre anni ma sembrano trenta dal punto di vista politico e i rapporti riservati diffusi da Wikileaks aprono uno squarcio sul lavoro diplomatico che si svolse tra le due sponde dell’Atlantico.
Così vengono confermati i rapporti non facili tra Romano Prodi e il presidente americano George W. Bush, nell’attesa di un incontro che, a un anno dall’elezione del leader democratico a Palazzo Chigi, era diventato “un problema politico”. E vengono confermate tutte le difficoltà di Prodi a fare fronte alle richieste di Washington for an increase of Italian troops in Kabul.
According to a file classified as "confidential" in the May 30, 2007, Italy was so willing to increase its military contribution, but on condition that the issue "is not treated in public, but only at a technical level" data "political sensitivity National "on the ISAF mission. Gianni Bardini and Achilles America, the two diplomats cited in the text, explained as "the Italian laws make it difficult for your donation of military equipment," even if the government would, however, "found a way" to send more soldiers. Moreover, as revealed by the document, Rome "discreetly" was already increasing its military capabilities in Afghanistan.
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Wikileaks on a confidential document on Italy
In 2007, Rome sending more troops but claiming confidentiality
by: teletext
More Italian troops in Afghanistan? Okay, but with discretion. This is the political sense that is made from an American document is classified as 'confidential', 30 May 2007 and published by Wikileaks.

The 'file' tells reserved a piece of history recently by describing the difficulties of the then Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi - never mentioned directly in the U.S. dossier - in having to make a difficult decision as the increase of troops in Afghanistan leading a coalition being conditioned by the positions of the extreme pacifist next Fausto Bertinotti. Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema at the time was.

Rome, according to the documents, he said, is ready to enhance its military capability in Afghanistan, but only if the argument was dealt with publicly. The source of the information, reads the file, the U.S. embassy in Rome.

The document, titled''Italy plans other contributions ISAF - Necessary work with discretion, at a technical level,''contains a number of Gianni Bardini, then Minister Plenipotentiary and responsible for security issues and the issues NATO's Directorate General for Multilateral Political Affairs and Human Rights, and another diplomat, Achille Amerio .
The text explains that the two Rome,''in a discreet,''is already increasing its military capabilities in Afghanistan. ''The Italian laws make it difficult for your donation of military equipment''Bardini points out, adding, however, '''that Italy would find a way.'' In addition, it says,''Italy could announce further contributions during a meeting between defense ministers in Brussels.''
La condizione, tuttavia, come ''sottolineato'' dalle fonti italiane, e' che il dibattito sull'invio di militari italiani ''non sia trattato pubblicamente ma solo a un livello tecnico'' a causa ''della sensibilità politica nazionale'' sulla missione Isaf in Afghanistan


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