Friday, January 7, 2011

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Verso una Topologia a occhio infinito della relazione Mente/Mondo

The Geometry of Life Jump in Eco-biostorico



I Capitolo:

  • Il nodo vitale oggetto/soggetto storico

II Capitolo:

  • Lo stato attuale della conoscenza

III Capitolo:

  • Il paradigma biostorico e la dinamica dell’occhio

Chapter IV:

  • The historical role of the observer to organize reality


"Men are like their time rather than to their fathers " - Max Eastern

This work, to follow the article " Towards a multi-projective geometry of the mind "is one of the first stages of the collaboration between a historian and a mathematician. The idea of \u200b\u200bmerging the two powers came from the days of "Made Time Space" in which for the first time the story was no longer seen as a simple narration and cataloging of events related to the past, but as a process of interaction between subjects and fields. This survey system has evolved into "B iostoria ", in "Complex Orders" and " constellation of meanings for a topology of complex thought . The process of abstraction from the old to the historiography of the history biostoria as life has produced a historical agent theory , allowing jump towards the study of properties that a mind capable of dealing with the life to possess. As the study of mathematical properties of the agent has allowed the rational development of, for example, the decision theory and the various economic theories, so we hope that a mathematical study of the historical agent, will lead to Life Sciences . In this sense, this work represents a step towards designing a medium common to biostoria and mathematics.

Bari, 23/12/2010


Good reading.


Biostorico Eco-eye: a new paradigm.


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