Monday, November 12, 2007

How Many Bottles Of Champagne For 100 People

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

The brutal murder of Giovanna Reggiani has aroused a wave of grief, anger, aroused political debate, a law and parliamentary initiatives. Now that the emotional reflex was muffled, everything returns to the so-called normal and nothing concrete is done to prevent future recurrence of similar events.

The murder of Giovanna Reggiani is actually a death foretold a long time. As often happens in Italy is also the result of a lack of respect for the parties about the rules of democracy or rather, the fundamental rule of democracy: the fact that decisions should always be taken by majority vote on the facts of great importance that the electorate should consulted directly, and non si possa decidere tutto al solo - pur fondamentale - livello parlamentare. Siamo entrati nell'area Euro senza referendum, รจ stata approvata la Costituzione Europea senza referendum ed, infine, anche i successivi allargamenti dell'Unione e della conseguente Area Schengen non hanno avuto l'avallo diretto del popolo.
Tutte queste iniziative - votate assieme da destra e sinistra - hanno mutato profondamente la vita del popolo italiano ed hanno implicato la devoluzione di diritti nazionali, sanciti dalla Costituzione Italiana , all' Unione Europea .
Da tempo i media sostengono che gli italiani sono europeisti e che i referendum avrebbero been successful: this is not a valid region to the sovereign people to remove their prerogatives. Voting avrebbro then allowed exchange of ideas and insights and involved an awareness by the electorate.

Tornanado the Reggiani case it must be said that the conditions of the Romanian people are very difficult: the cost of living similar to ours and pay equal to one fourth of our own, it was obvious to anyone that the entry into the Schengen area would cause a mass exodus. live in Romania also many Roma , they do not accept the rules imposed by the EU itself (eg permanent residents), not all but many of they have a moral and social vision is incompatible with ours. The men considered unseemly to work, they prefer to prostitute his wife, daughters and send their children to a beggar. We
usual paradox: we are dealing with ethnic groups who do not accept our values \u200b\u200band the left calls for greater acceptance. As always, this is the wave of rot son who was born and raised from dall'Annus horribilis, the 1968 that brought us - among other things - the moral relativism , ethical and cultural .

Our nation no longer guarantees the safety citizens, no longer has the means to do so, since it has renounced its powers, Giovanna Reggiani was slaughtered in Rome, the city managed to Ciccobello Uolter before and now, the city of Festival Film , the city of White Nights . Political responsibility is to be divided between left and right, the cultural and moral is the only exclusively left. All the Italians were expecting massive problems caused by migration of Romanians and Roma underpaid, but no one has taken into account. Inside the prestigious salons of Parioli and other centers of power lurk demagogues who do not meet the their responsibilities, have no respect for the lives of citizens and who are prepared only to warn against possible unseemly and racist attitudes, which are actually caused by their laziness and their stubborn determination to bring reality to their flawed ideology.


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