Monday, November 12, 2007

World Health Organization Bmi Female


Cogne, Garlasco , Perugia, there are countless other cases, but these are the first that come to mind. Murders are heinous, they are made of such severity and brutality to shake our mind. Perhaps you should look for the source of these facts, not so much in the mind, as in the now insubstantial value that is assigned to the morale and the fundamental principles that underlie them. I usually refer to the tragic 1968 When lament the gradual deterioration of discriminant value, the continuous descent of our acceptance threshold of what may be acceptable, morally, socially viable. Within less than three centuries we have moved from the cover the legs of pianos to the widespread lack of values \u200b\u200bin fact essential for those who want to belong to human kind.

In the second half of the twentieth century there was a ferocious attack on bourgeoisie and its values. This attack was caused dall'imperdonabile sin of the bourgeoisie having defeated fascism , Nazism and communism have refused . During the attacks on the bourgeoisie, also taken from "pundits" like Moravia and Brecht, he came to question any positive value: the first to be destroyed was the family. No one questions the validity of the right to divorce, but has now reached the absurd want to treat the family with same-sex couples, the blame is attributed to the family that so many crimes are carried out precisely in the family when this is obvious, but is born from the dark side of human beings: it is in family relationships that meet and collide in the most intense desire of the individual.
In the past fifty years it has served to break the so-called taboo: sex, drugs and more. The result was to "clear" of the atrocities that have always harbored the human soul. The fact that we bring to light the dark side has not led to greater awareness, but the placid acceptance of Male . The terrible maitre a penser of our time - people like Quentin Tarantino - tried to play with a culture that is only assumed abomination.
There have always been cases of people living in unspeakable turmoil, the deep degradation of our society has meant that now they have references precise pass to the facts, and those references are proposed urbi et orbi, as if they were part of a common moral and ethical and acceptable.

The final weapon is the so-called subtle irony . People used to say - rightly in my view - but to resort to rice was due to the lack of rational arguments. Laughter is good, is typical of human beings, but now we're to the point that the rice is raised to make fun of political opponents, for disrespecting religions. The stupid irony has become the weapon of choice for all idiots: both honor the Father by Jorge de Burgos "The Name of the Rose !

We have opened the jar of Pandora , we unleashed the Beast , and now we no longer know how to beat it. Have unfortunately come true Pegg forecasts Nietzsche: God "died" and the man is abandoned to become meaningless and worthless. I do not agree the only way out given by the sad and brilliant German philosopher, who was the life of Dionysus, in fact we must reconstruct our society based on values \u200b\u200bthat are of chief concern Judeo-Christian culture.


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