Thursday, January 3, 2008

4 Way Molex Connector

Bravo Gordon, but we need another Lord Kitchener

's just a little play on words regarding the current British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and General Charles Gordon , massacred by the bloodthirsty dervishes the Mahdi in Khartoum in 1885. The uprising was finally quelled the dervishes at the battle of Omdurman 1898, won by the expeditionary force of Lord Kitchener , best known for winning the Anglo-Boer War.

Starting from ' independence in 1956, have been established in Sudan especially dictatorial Islamic governments, but also communists. in 1964 were driven from the country all Western missionaries and to date there have been with extraordinary regularity civil wars, ethnic cleansing, famine, massacres . The condition of Christians in the region of Darfur has been known for years, but it seems that no Western power has the will to stop the massacres. The China, after trying unsuccessfully in the past years, to establish a socialist regime, is now the first partner commerciale del Sudan, in barba a qualsiasi cosiderazione etica. La situazione economica e sociale sudanese è il solito paradosso dell' Africa post - coloniale: grandissime ricchezze nel sottosuolo e straordinaria miseria della popolazione.

L'attuale dittatore del Sudan - ove vige la Sharia - è Omar Hassan Hamad al Beshir , il quale è stato ricevuto con tutti gli onori alla conferenza UE - Africa che si è tenuta a Lisbona all'inizio di dicembre. con eguali onori è stato ricevuto un'altro degli ultimi mostri africani: Robert Mugabe .

the tragic history of Rhodesia I have already written, I must point out here as the European media have bothered to highlight the joint nature of the meeting in Lisbon and subsequent agreements. The only European who has proven to be a man worthy was the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who did not attend the conference due to the presence of Mugabe. Both Brown and the ' Archbishop of York, John Sentam , recalled how Mugabe is directly responsible for the appalling living conditions of that country which at the time the white was considered the garden of southern Africa. In the former Rhodesia years are not the most important Repeated human rights and people are dying of hunger. Javier Solana, Manuel Barroso and the Prime Ministers of Germany, Holland , Sweden and Denmark while participating in the meeting, condemned the criminal policies of Mugabe. I may be wrong, but I have not read similar positions by the Italian government . For good measure, supporters of the present South African dictator in Lisbon, attacked and beat up the peaceful demonstrators who marched in support of human rights in Africa.

The measure is full for years: we're talking about thousands of people are killed and no one remove from power governments that are only ex-military coup or former terrorists. The first to rebel against having their own African leaders should be moderate: they should be not to accept those monsters at his side. The other culprits are the politicians and the media continental Europeans: they should not accept to deal with common criminals rose to power simply because all'ignavia European and violence. E 'Before the days of Elizabeth that Britain is the beacon of' West : first against obscurantism English, then against the autocracy of the kings, against the criminally insane French Revolution, against the project's despotic Napoleon , reactionaries Central Powers against fascism , Nazism and communism . It 'clear, however, as now no longer enough: we need a jolt of responsibility and common sense on the part of the whole' Europe, the first battle to be fought is cultural, we can not and we must continue to despise our values \u200b\u200band to be equated with those who have chosen violence as a system of government. We can no longer listen to that anti-Western utter stupidity like the fact that the problem of Africa are the riches of the subsoil: the problem of Africa are Africans.


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