Thursday, January 3, 2008

Kosovo Visa Invitation Letter

Kenya, Pakistan and decolonization

These days, after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto , it was learned that the party chairmanship will go to the son, il padre in veste di reggente. Nello stesso periodo si sono avuti oltre duecento morti in Kenya per le elezioni del nuovo presidente. Dei fatti indiani sappiamo ormai molto, sottolineo solo come in tutto il subcontinente la leadership politica sia un fatto - oltre che connesso al credo religioso - meramente famigliare: Pandit Nerhu e sua figlia Indira , Alì Bhutto , la figlia Benazir ed ora un ragazzo di appena diciannove anni.

Il caso del Kenya è completamente diverso, ma egualmente peculiare. Il Kenya divenne indipendente sotto la guida di Johnstone Kamau , passato alla storia with the name of Jomo Kenyatta , which had the unquestionable merit of supporting the British after the bloody suppression of the Mau Mau revolt the late fifties, of which he was one of the instigators. During that revolt 14,000 blacks were killed and hundreds of white, as always the first murders and rapes about missionaries and nuns. After independence, Kenyatta maintained a moderate and remained close to the United Kingdom : thanks to that there were development and better living conditions. Daniel Moi succeeded Jomo A who, through coups in white, electoral fraud and the fragmentation of tribal opposition, remained in power for over twenty-five years, during which the country sank into poverty and corruption.

The successor was the current president Mwai Kibaki , always ethnic Bantu as Moi. Kibaki has now won the election against Raila Odinga , 's Luo ethnic group and former Communist, despite polls completely unfavorable. The international monitors had declared that there had been fraud: they had to deny themselves after the evidence of the facts. Now Kenya is in total chaos and it is added to the violence and ethnic cleansing to the innumerable evils that are eating the people, the most serious of which is 's AIDS: Although the press talks about it recently, Kenya has a high rate of HIV. Now in Kenya free, independent for more than forty years, the police fired on demonstrators, civilians roaming the streets armed with machetes and fifty people were burnt alive in church where they sought refuge.

During the disastrous years of decolonization, the few common sense that is opposed to that which was not merely a decision ideological, moral and respectable, they argued - correctly - as it was necessary to overcome the tribal culture, before granting independence to their African colonies. The English colonists in India claimed that it would be criminal to grant independence until you have instilled in the people and respect for diversity and different faiths: Hindu, musiulmani, siksa and other minorities.

Now, more than sixty years after independence, India, for over forty from Kenya, you can pull some money on the current state of these nations. India and Pakistan are two nuclear powers have fought three bloody wars between them and Pakistan has for years been close to terrorist movements. India is achieving high growth rates for years and now excels in studies and activities such as advanced computing and mathematics. Culture India - always - has aspects that can only be appreciated and respected dignity, kindness, extraordinary capacity for work, a concept of simplicity that is the product of the synthesis of a sophisticated philosophy of life. All of this clashes with elements of shocking violence and backwardness: the abominable caste subculture, the subjugation of women. The caste system is firmly entrenched and virtually nothing is worth the lives of outcasts in Indian society, the birth of a child, especially in poor families, is seen as a misfortune, since it is almost impossible to find the necessary resources for dowry and the result are countless victims of "accidents" in the kitchen, causing the death of women. I remember it was a British law to ban the killing of widows, who were burned alive on the funeral pyre of her husband. India is a democracy in name only, the Brahmin oligarchy dominates the important choices of the nation and not given any chance to the underprivileged classes. Pakistan has made some timid attempts to democracy, both in India and in Pakistan itself is still in use the assassination of political leaders. I think you do not need to add anything else: no one questions the heritage of Indian culture, but that wealth is used as a popular excuse from a reactionary ruling class, corrupt and violent, to cover up their crimes, their lack of sense of the state and respect for all people.

With regard to Kenya in particular and Africa in general, the discourse is much more simple: they have adopted a blanket of institutions that are based on real power, the only power that black Africans know, violence . They adopted a mantle of state institutions, covering the only form of aggregation that Africans recognize: that tribal.

So after sixty years of violence, massacres, rapes, wars, poverty and disease, the reasons for the failure of these nations have proved to be always after those much-despised by the colonists. Ora è impossibile riproporre le vecchie forme coloniali, ma certo è il fatto che l'indipendenza ha portato in queste nazioni molto più dolore di quanto ne avessero portato i regimi occidentali. I governanti locali si sono dimostrati nella migliore delle ipotesi non all'altezza della situazione, nella peggiore dei delinquenti sanguinari. Molto hanno da rimproverarsi gli occidentali, per non essere stati all'altezza del " white men's borden ", ma è nulla rispetto a ciò che videro e vedono riflesso nello specchio politici come Zia ul Haq , Patrice Lumumba , Joseph Mobutu , Robert Mugabe , Idi Amin Dada , Muammar Gheddafi , Jean Bedel Bokassa and the list is endless.


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