Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monster Energy Armband


International Meeting of the tenth anniversary of NATO bombing
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

VICENZA 21 - March 22, 2009
Turra 70th Street (near Park City - Northeast area, between Avenue and Via Trieste Paintings
bus Nos 3 and 5 from the railway station)

Disarmiamoli Network!
Coord. Nat. for Yugoslavia NPO / Italijanska Koordinacija za Jugoslaviju
Belgrade Forum Italy / Italija u Beogradska Forum
Network Semprecontrolaguerra

On 24 March 1999, NATO unleashed, continuously for 78 days, his firepower against the territory of the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - a country already amputee with the secessions began in 1991, and now further broken up between Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. For his bombing NATO used weapons banned by international conventions (eg cluster bombs), weapons of serious harm to the present and future generations (eg depleted uranium), and was aimed against chemical, civil infrastructure, transportation in service, embassies of countries teri.
Those bombings represented the culmination of a process of attack on that country, multinational and sovereign which had been planned for the breakup and sale to foreign capital. In subsequent years, all the key sectors of the economy and the financial system of Yugoslavia were sold. Small republics that emerged from the breakup were gradually absorbed into euro-Atlantic military alliance, and bent to the objectives of these.

In turn, the entire issue of the Yugoslav crisis, which since 1991 can not be closed again today, is paradigmatic of the phase that began with the demolition of the Berlin Wall: a phase that, far from ensuring peace and freedom, is been characterized by war and devastation, "sold" to public opinion through rhetoric hairy "rights" and dishonest campaigns disinformation. So for example Italy, after having repeatedly violated its own constitution by acting as a launch pad for bombing and participating in numerous combat missions in countries near and far, is still found to use slices of increasing its national budget to finance the car military, despite the economic and social crisis that presses ... and to host more foreign military bases on its territory!

E 'nerve center in a city within those processes as Vicenza, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of those bombings, we promote a major initiative nationally and internationally to tell them what they represented, beyond the curtain smoke created by the media, and discuss with eyes looking to the future business and prospects in the field of international solidarity between workers and the movement across Europe that fights against war and against military bases.

They joined: Communicators' Network - Beogradska Forum / Belgrade Forum for a world of equals - GAMA.DI. - SOS Yugoslavia / Kosovo Metohija SOS - Most za Beograd / Bridge to Belgrade in the land of Bari - Vicenza Federation of the Communist Party of the PRC - Sinistra Critica Vicenza.


Saturday 21 / 3 - Beginning at 14:45
The session
PROPAGANDA WAR: misinformation between strategic and political culture derives
introduces: Andrea Martoccia (CNJ Onlus)
Giulietto Church (where a video link)
Juergen Elsaesser (reporter): How was it built the 'emergency Kosovo " (video documentation)
Session II (16:00) THE NEW CRUSADES: macroeconomic crisis and military policies
introduces: Andrea Catone (CS CNJ Onlus and Ass Most za Beograd)
Diana Johnstone (writer): The "Kingdom of Heaven madmen "
Luciano Vasapollo (Cestes-Proteus, CS CNJ Onlus): From Welfare to Warfare
Videointervento Manlio Dinucci (video documentation)
session III (17:30) Beyond Beef: the effects of war
introduces: Cinzia Della Porta (Disarmiamoli!)
Tarozzi Alberto (University of Molise): The social, environmental and health effects of the chemical bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999
Valerio Gennaro (medical epidemiologist): Some proposals for doctors and epidemiologists anti-war speeches
Video documentation
Theme (18:45)
Domenico Gallo (magistrate, CS CNJ Onlus): Crime without punishment of war crimes NATO
Enrico Vigna (Belgrade Forum Italy): Kosovo yesterday and today
Video documentation

20:30 to 23:00 hours Dinner
bio-Fair by the service catering “Maninpasta” di FILEO onlus (www.fileonlus.org)
serata musicale-teatrale con I giovani strumentisti Milenkovich - Orchestra serba di Vicenza - NeMaPrObLeMa! Orkestar
- Scene dallo spettacolo "Target - Belgrado 1999" di e con Mario Mantilli

domenica 22/3 - INIZIO ore 9.30


- La condizione dei lavoratori nei Balcani, in Italia, in Europa
introduce: Germano Raniero (RdB-CUB)
Zoran Mihajlovic (presidente del Samostalni Sindikat, Zastava Auto, Kragujevac, e vicepresidente del settore metalmeccanici Samostalni Sindikat della Serbia): La condizione del lavoro in Serbia
Nereo Turati (RDB-CUB Migrants Vicenza): Immigrants on the Yugoslav territory
Giorgio Cremaschi (FIOM-CGIL): Relocation and exploitation
- From the bombing of the Zastava great movement of solidarity
introduces: Gilberto Vlaic (CS CNJ Onlus and Ass Bombs not only sweets)
Alessandro Di Meo (A Bridge to ...) - Riccardo Pilate (Ass Zastava Brescia) - Enrico Vigna (SOS Yugoslavia - Kosovo Metohija SOS) - Rajka Veljovic (Samostalni Sindikat, Zastava, Kragujevac) - Slobodanka Ciric (author of a book on the experiences of a Yugoslav in Italy)
Video documentation

12:30 to 14:30 hours Meeting-debate: The movement against the war, military bases and NATO

In Ginatempo interventions (net Semprecontrolaguerr a) - Vladimir
Kapuralin (resp. MS An. internat.
Socialist Workers' Party-SRP-Croatia) - Paul Consolaro (Disarmiamoli! Vicenza) - Valter Lorenzi
Committee (No Camp Darby) ...

and then ... in Belgrade to mark the anniversary of the attack NATO
(on http://www.cnj. it/24MARZO99 / \u200b\u200b2009 / all events on the program)

Join! Get involved! Contact:
disarmiamoli@libero.it or jugocoord @ tiscali. it

All information at:
www.cnj. it


To contribute to the organization initiative we invite you to subscribe using the
Bancoposta Account No 88411681 made out to JUGOCOORD ONLUS, Rome
IBAN: IT 40 U 07601 03200 000088411681 - causal: INITIATIVES VICENZA 2009


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