Sunday, March 1, 2009

Luggage Combination Unlock

text released by the door of Strasbourg

The program of mobilization against the NATO summit from 3-5 April in Strasbourg
/ Baden Baden

No to War - No to NATO

Five hundred people from 19 countries attended the meeting on 14 and 15 February 2009 at the Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg organized the International Coordinating Committee "No to war No to NATO," and hosted by the "Collective anti Born in Strasbourg, all in preparation for the Summit of the activities of anti 60th anniversary of NATO to be held in Strasbourg by between 1 and April 5.

60 years is too much - this is the unifying point among the participants from the anti-globalization and peace movements, political parties and political organizations of the left, trade unions and student groups. They are all opposed to the war policy of NATO, are against the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East, counter to the strategy of intervention and repeated forcefully their "No NATO ". They refuse to accept ties with NATO and European Union calling for a drastic reduction in military spending, "we do not want to pay for your crisis, not for your wars."

In the context of the official celebrations for the 50th anniversary of NATO, to be held in Strasbourg and Baden-Baden on April 3 and 4, the participants drew up a list of actions and mobilizations:

1. international field of strength 1 to 5 April in Strasbourg, Kehl and information points in Baden-Baden;
2. demonstration and civil disobedience actions on April 3 in Baden-Baden at the meeting of Foreign Ministers and the gala dinner of the Heads di Stato;
3. convegno internazionale a Strasburgo il 3 e 5 aprile con plenarie, gruppi di lavoro ed una “Peace Assembly” conclusiva;
4. punto culminante sarà la manifestazione internazionale “No alla guerra! No alla NATO” che si terrà nel centro di Strasburgo il 4 aprile;
5. per il 4 aprile, sempre a Strasburgo, diverse organizzazioni stanno preparando azioni di disubbidienza civile.

Nonostante le autorità di Strasburgo abbiano annunciato che non autorizzeranno le azioni non violente nel centro della città, i partecipanti hanno riaffermato il fondamentale diritto democratico di assemblea, manifestazione e libertà di espressione. Hanno sottolineato che esprimeranno their protest and their call for freedom, in the city center. They have approved an international campaign of protest for a free Strasbourg, a city of peace and democracy. To support the delegation for the negotiations, the International Coordination Committee set up a group of international support and a support group.

basic democratic rights can be defended on the strength of extra-parliamentary movements and international parliamentarians to the European Union.

The following appeal was endorsed by conference participants.

Appeal to support the democratic right to protest against NATO in the historical center of Strasbourg on April 4

NATO will celebrate its 60th anniversary in Strasbourg in the presence of Heads of State, including the new President of the United States.

The petitioners reject the policies of NATO, which means wars, military interventions, use of new military bases and missile installations, expansion of a permanent fitting. We work on the basis of the appeal "No to NATO, No to war".


- the NATO military intervention in Afghanistan;

- the logic of war and over-crossings, in particular nuclear weapons practiced by NATO;

- The reintegration of France into NATO's military command.

We wish to express our rejection of these policies, we want to give, both to the citizens of Strasbourg and social movements, the ability to publicize their refusal.

These are the requests made to the prefecture, which has refused the Committee's proposal to demonstrate against NATO in the historical center of Strasbourg on April 4.

The holding of the NATO summit in Strasbourg will be a fortress, this is not right or its citizens or for the thousands of peaceful demonstrators from around the world.

will be put in place special measures of security will be established red zone, will develop a list of citizens, there will be a new video surveillance system.

This bridging of Heads of State in the historical center of Strasbourg and its surroundings, it will mean for its inhabitants, the inability to maintain their daily lives, not to have freedom of movement, all this is intolerable for us and we prevents to know the true face of NATO. While citizens will pay and the glorification of the NATO summit, those who disagree will be marginalized.

The mobilization against the summit of NATO is playing worldwide with great success. On April 4, citizens of the world will come to Strasbourg to express, a spirit of nonviolence, their "desire for peace" and their "No to NATO".

Our mobilization calls for the redistribution of financial resources, moving from war to a policy that addresses the challenges faced by the peoples of the world in the social, economic, democratic and environmental.

the question naturally arises, what will be a global picture of Strasbourg?

A city transformed into a fortress in the service of NATO or a city that celebrates the values \u200b\u200bof democracy and peace?

We want the right to demonstrate in the center. The request to speak to the French government and local authorities is to ensure il diritto democratico di una libera, indipendente e pacifica manifestazione.

International Activity Conference, composta da più di 500 partecipanti, Strasburgo 14-15 febbraio.

La Conferenza ha significato un passo importante nella costruzione della mobilitazione internazionale contro la NATO e il summit per il 60° anniversario, mobilitazione iniziata 6 mesi fa con l’appello internazionale di Stoccarda. Molte forze, da tutto il mondo, stanno convergendo per esprimere il loro desiderio di un pianeta più giusto e pacifico. Dal 1 al 5 aprile facciamo di Strasburgo una capitale di pace!


Notes on the 60th anniversary of NATO in Strasbourg in April 2009.
January 26, 2009 - Rossana De Simone da Peacelink

For the 60th anniversary of NATO is expected to mobilize against the European summit to be held in Strasbourg

Also in Italy Permanent war against the Covenant is preparing its participation in the meeting with meetings at Vicenza in the tenth anniversary of NATO bombing against Yugoslavia, for the dismantling of military bases and against the cooperation between NATO and Italy in particular, with Israel .

To have a idea chiara circa i cambiamenti interni alla NATO e come si presenta al suo 60° anniversario si può guardare la cartina “NATO 60 anni dopo. Da organizzazione di difesa a organizzazione di sicurezza” e tenere presente che l’Italia viene usata come trampolino naturale sia verso la regione balcanica sia verso il Nordafrica e il Medio Oriente. Il potenziamento della base di Aviano insieme a quella di Sigonella, l’elevazione della forza di paracadutisti della Setaf di Vicenza da livello di battaglione al rango di brigata, l’apertura a Napoli e sempre a Vicenza del comando Africom, ne costituiscono alcuni esempi.

In generale we can say that the war in the Balkans, the likely reintegration of France into NATO's integrated military command and the decision to support the building of a defense system against ballistic missiles (BMD), Europe has strengthened its cooperation with NATO.
According to the report compiled by a special committee appointed by the Minister of Defense, Robert Gates, the U.S. should dismantle the nuclear arsenals at their disposal in the European territory: in fact, would do well to modernize in order to maintain credibility with allies ..

Born in 1949 in response to the Soviet threat, NATO has always been right on the principle of collective defense enshrined in Article 5 che prevede vincoli di difesa comune in caso di attacco contro uno dei partecipanti al Trattato. Nel quindicennio seguito alla fine della guerra fredda l’Alleanza Atlantica ha definito i nuovi compiti sulla base dell’evoluzione del nuovo concetto strategico (vertice di Washington del 1999), cioè la possibilità di operare in modo preventivo per gestire le crisi al loro insorgere senza attendere che vengano attaccati gli interessi delle Nazioni dell’Alleanza. Da qui la graduale ridefinizione delle missioni, capacità militari, composizione interna e partner esterni.

I problemi sollevati dalla minaccia terroristica dopo l’attacco alle Torri Gemelle, l’impegno politico ed economico in missioni come quella in Afghanistan and changes in the international system followed by the end of the Cold War, have opened discussions about its role and strategic theoretical and practical-operational. To understand all the processes at work must be added the transformation of military capabilities (the ability to deploy forces quickly in theaters outside the alliance) and the enlargement to countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the extra missions Article 5 (Bosnia, Kosovo-Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan).
geopolitical changes and transformations are linked to the decision taken in 1994 to initiate different types of partnerships with countries deemed strategically important for the management of security and a projection for global alliance (Eg the first joint Israel-NATO naval exercise was held in March 2005. After two months Israel has become a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO).

In 2003 there was the adoption of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) for which the EU had to establish that the "Berlin Plus" arrangements whereby the Union can use the resources and the planning capabilities of the alliance to conduct their missions of crisis management.
The creation of the battlegroup (rapid reaction contingent of about 1,500 people for peacekeeping missions and peace-enforcing) is an analogy with the armed forces Responce NATO rapid reaction force (NRF) with duplication of the effects of military spending.
The difficult relationship between NATO and European Union as an emblem of France. The ESDP has been seen by France as an opportunity to gain more independence from U.S. policies on international security issues. If the 1966 sanctioned by the will of De Gaulle France's withdrawal from NATO, the change of the political priorities of the Alliance have seen the return of France to NATO missions increasingly in Afghanistan.
in 2007, Sarkozy had asked the Americans to accept that the European Union to equip itself with autonomous military capabilities, and European countries to strengthen their capacity nazionali. Nella stessa Europa la NATO viene percepita differentemente o come forum nel quale discutere i problemi della sicurezza collettiva insieme agli Stati Uniti, e questa è la posizione dei paesi dell’Europa occidentale, o come garanzia americana contro la Russia, posizione dei paesi dell’ex patto di Varsavia. L’allargamento ad est, parallelo a quello dell’Unione Europea, non è stata l’unica azione intrapresa dalla NATO per divenire una NATO allargata. Durante il vertice di Riga da parte degli Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna vi è stata la proposta di considerare un nuovo tipo di partenariato per una NATO globale.
Per NATO globale si deve intendere un tipo di partenariato non più basato su criteri geografici ma The global situation that will provide a permanent forum for coordination. Not all members are in favor of such a development because it would question his size typically Atlantic and could be perceived as a threat to powers such as Russia and China or countries in the Muslim world.
Partnerships were established with the states of regions near the perimeter of the alliance - Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East - the current ones are 4: Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue, NATO-Ukraine Council, NATO-Russia Council and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative.
The summit in Bucharest in 2008 has again raised any question relating to the relationship with the alliance only Russia.non left the door open for Georgia and Ukraine and the accession process (MAP - Membership Action Plan) which has the dual aim of empowering the candidate country to meet the requirements of the alliance (Albania, Croatia and Macedonia), but for the historic decision to support the building of a defense system against ballistic missiles.
Nothing has been decided on the decision-making (the principle of qualified majority voting or unanimity), management of missions (only the nations that participated in missions may affect their management), national caveats (countries participating in missions must first agree on the rules of engagement) finanziamento delle missioni (i costi devono ricadere solo sugli stati che partecipano alle missioni o deve esserci un bilancio comune), strategia della comunicazione (intensificare e mantenere il consenso dell’opinione pubblica alle sue attività nei paesi alleati e contrastare le strategie di comunicazione del nemico nelle zone in cui opera) e intelligence (adeguare le capacità alle nuove minacce).
Quanto alle linee guida per il rafforzamento delle capacità militari, queste sono quelle stabilite nel CPG (Comprehensive Political Guidance) in cui si chiede di dotare la NATO di capacità adatte alla stabilizzazione e sostegno al “nation building”: la NATO Response Force come strumento interforze, l’Alliance Groung Surveillance with the ability in the field of reconnaissance, coping NBCR attacks asymmetric threat that could make use of weapons of mass destruction and network-centric capabilities, the project that makes digitally interoperable and connected to each other through the network system all the operational elements. Finally, the aforementioned anti-missile defense system.
Nothing is decided about nuclear weapons in Europe even if the third site is strictly included in the U.S. BMD system and its operation depends eslusivamente the American warning system.

60° anniversario della NATO e nuovo presidente degli Stati Uniti.

Il nuovo presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama dovrà indicare le nuove linee guida della NATO circa l’identificazione delle minacce comuni, la politica delle porte aperte senza che la Russia possa imporre il suo veto, il processo decisionale, il ruolo della UE e quello della NATO, le regole che definiscano la ripartizione degli oneri. Nella lettera mandata al Segretario Generale della NATO ha espresso piena fiducia alla NATO e auspicato un suo rinnovamento e il rinforzo delle sue capacità.,, 3933770.00.


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