Friday, September 10, 2010

Why When You Wax Your Lip Does It Beak Out?

new European Directive on vivisection - A SHAME!

"Ue, the new directive on vivisection

Played on: 08/09/2010

The Anti-Vivisection League criticized the measure: "The text agreed

is disappointing, especially in view of scientific progress

, the affirmation of alternative methods to 'use of animal and public

espressasi so clearly contrary to the

animal testing. "said Michael Lo Kuan, a biologist and responsible national

Alloy antivivisection. "The proposed

in its first version in November of 2008 - continues the charge - was strongly

innovative compared to the current and, although not totally consistent with the optical

animal rights, has numerous improvements for the protection and

the welfare of laboratory animals, but unfortunately this text during the months

has been changed through several steps, all pejorative.

Among Articles negative, the possibility of recourse, even if

notwithstanding, in cats and dogs (but this practice is forbidden in Italy since

since 1991), the possibility of using specie in via d'estinzione e/o

catturate in natura (compresi i primati e in particolare le grandi

scimmie), il ricorso a soppressione per inalazione di anidride carbonica

come metodo di uccisione di riferimento, definito dalla legge come

"umanitario" ma che in realtà provoca alti e prolungati livelli di

sofferenza, fatto riconosciuto scientificamente". Rimane inoltre la

possibilità di effettuare esperimenti senza anestesia, nonchè

l'autorizzazione per esperimenti altamente dolorosi. Ma non sono ancora

del tutto perse le speranze per i 12 milioni di animali che ogni anno

muoiono nei laboratori europei: "At this point - said

Gianluca Felicetti, president of Lav - will be crucial procedure in the

national transposition of the Directive, the government and parliament result in

made statements in recent days, including provisions more restrictive

those of Strasbourg and the practical development of methods

research not using animals. "

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is the black list of MEPs who have x voted for the approval of the new directive on vivisection ...

HERE WE ARE THE NAMES OF ALL THOSE WHO VOTED FOR DIVIDED X Constituency ... VOTED YES HAVE ORDERED THE SUFFERING, DEATH, millions of animals ... STAMPATEVELI WELL IN MIND: 1 - Gabriele Albertini (EPP - PDL) 2 - Magdi Cristiano Allam (PPE - I love Italy) 3 - Robert ANGELILLI (PPE - PDL ) 4 - Antonella Antinori (PPE - UDC) 5 - Alfredo Antoniozzi (PPE - PDL) 6 - Pino ARLACCHI (ALDE - IdV) 7 - Raffaele Baldassarre (PPE - PDL) 8 - Paolo Bartolozzi (PPE - PDL) 9 - Sergio BERLATO (PPE - PDL) 10 - Luigi Berlinguer (S & D - PD) 11 - Mara BIZZOTTO (EFD - Northern League) 12 - Vito Bonsignore (PPE - PDL) 13 - Mario Borghezio (EFD - Northern League) 14 - Antonio CANCIAN (PPE - PDL) 15 - Carlo Casini (PPE - UDC) 16 - Sergio Gaetano COFFER (S & D - PD) 17 - John COLLINO (PPE - PDL) 18 - Lara COMI (PPE - PDL) 19 - Paul DE CASTRO (S & D - PD) 20 - Luigi Ciriaco De Mita (PPE - UDC) 21 - Herbert DORFMANN (PPE - SVP) 22 - Carlo girlfriend (PPE - PDL) 23 - FONTANA Lorenzo (EFD - Northern League) 24 - Elisabetta Gardini (PPE - PDL) 25 - Roberto Gualtieri (S & D - PD) 26 - Salvatore Iacolino (PPE - PDL) 27 - Vincenzo Iovine ( ALDE - IdV) 28 - John WAY (PPE - PDL) 29 - Clemente Mastella (PPE - EDU) 30 - Barbara Matera (PPE - PDL) 31 - Mario MAURO (EPP - PDL) 32 - Erminia Mazzoni (PPE - PDL) 33 - Claudio Morganti (EFD - Northern League) 34 - Alfredo BALL (PPE - PDL) 35 - Pier Antonio Panzeri (S & D - PD) 36 - Aldo Patriciello (PPE - PDL) 37 - Mario Pirillo (S & D - PD) 38 - Gianni PITTELLA (S & D - PD) 39 - Vittorio Prodi (S & D - PD) 40 - Fiorello Provera (EFD - Northern League) 41 - Licia RONZULLI (PPE - PDL) 42 - Oreste Rossi (EFD - Northern League) 43 - Potito Salatto (PPE - PDL) 44 - Matteo Salvini (EFD - Northern League) 45 - Amalia SARTORI (EPP - PDL) 46 - David-Maria SASSOLI (S & D - PD ) 47 - Giancarlo Scotti (EFD - Northern League) 48 - Mark Scurr (PPE - PDL) 49 - Francesco Paolo Sergio Silvestris (PPE - PDL) 50 - Francesco Enrico Speroni (EFD - Northern League) 51 - Salvatore TATARELLA (PPE - PDL) 52 - This Mortal Coil (PPE - PDL)


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