Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Herpes Outbreaks Worsen

Carry and repeat with the occasion,

------- DO NOT GIVE TO PUPPIES CHRISTMAS !!!!!!---------------------
educator responsible for working dog group.


With the arrival of Christmas returns to the malpractice to buy puppies as a gift to put under the tree. The OIPA reiterates its opposition to this practice and calls on all those who consciously choose to take a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a guinea pig, a hamster or any other animal, to adopt many animals in shelters .

The decision to share the future years of life with an animal must be properly balanced and take into account that, in addition to the moments of joy and fun, there are certainly others that will require commitment and sacrifice. The adoption must be a act of love and not selfishness: the new four-legged friend will go with us the rest of his life, therefore a true act of love is to give them an existence that is suitable for the ethological characteristics of its kind and meets the physical and psychological needs. Buy a pet means regarded as an object, something you can buy and throw away when we get tired. Trade in animals conveys the wrong message and thus contributes to the mistaken belief that we can dispose at will of the life of animals, even giving a price. It is also important to remember that the puppies are often put on display in shop windows come from Eastern Europe, where they are bought cheaply by unscrupulous traders who then resell them at exorbitant prices in our country. The few that survive hallucinatory conditions of carriage and arrive in stores, appears shortly after serious illness and often die.

For every animal bought hundreds more live miserably and die in dog pounds and shelters where living conditions are often disastrous. Loneliness, overcrowding, suffering, lack of food and water, disease, filth, beatings and torture: this is life in the refuges camps, effectively managed by unscrupulous people who have as their sole objective is to make money on the skin of helpless animals.

“A Natale il vero atto di generosità è salvare un animale in difficoltà e donargli la possibilità di avere un’esistenza degna di questo nome – sottolinea il Presidente dell’OIPA Massimo Comparotto - Si tratta di una scelta che arricchirà il nostro nuovo amico a quattro zampe ma anche noi, perché pochi sguardi sono colmi d’amore come quello di un animale a cui si è salvata la vita.”

Guarda gli animali che si possono adottare alla pagina

Nel caso invece decidessi di adottare un animale a distanza vai alla pagina

Scarica il manifesto contro l’acquisto degli animali alla pagina


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