Friday, December 17, 2010

Moving To A Bigger Pc Case

The uncomfortable truth about the investment for the Defense

by PeaceLink
of July 9, 2010

The U.S. defense secretary Robert Gates has repeatedly said that since 9 / 11 the Pentagon budget has almost doubled without counting the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. General and administrative expenses alone account for about 40 percent of the budget of the Department of Defense. We must cut somewhere if you want to spend on modernization programs.
"To begin with, we should eliminate some of the more than 650 U.S. foreign military bases and realign others," reduce the environmental impact of military facilities with energy savings in the long term, support the plan of the Department of Defense, which provides for the REPLACEMENT Contractors with full-time civil servants.

Italy begins to feel the new wave that comes from the DoD, but not for the closure of the bases. He could not know. Italy knows what the environmental impact of U.S. military bases, knows what it means to keep nuclear bombs on its territory, knows which are the foundations of the strategy of bases such as presence, political pressure, economic penetration and forward-deployed for the projection of force.

knows but you wonder when you lay off civilian workers employed in the Italian bases
(see also Article Manifesto of the U.S. base at Aviano in Italian strike "Americans assumed our place"), you know and do not question the meaning of the receipt by the Aviano base of the Eco-Energy Star label values \u200b\u200bobtained thanks to savings Energy from the hospital
USAF base that has saved the U.S. $ 150,000, and will increase with the start of construction of a geothermal system that allows you to get renewable energy by exploiting the earth's temperature.

Italy knows this but continues to keep the bases milestones to support a war economy, the unnecessary production of new fighter (JSF ) contract to construction companies (whose morality is the same as in the case of corruption Maltauro Vicenza) for the expansion of bases and facilities maintenance, and last but not least
cut incentives for the diffusion of renewable energy.

July 7, 2010 at The Palace, the Deputies Chamber of Deputies continued the discussion on the motions presented by some ministers about the resources for the Defence sector, while at the Palazzo del Quirinale, the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano with the Chairman of Council of Ministers Silvio Berlusconi and the Chief of Defence Staff General Camporini, chaired a meeting of the Supreme Defence Council.

Le mozioni, che si possono leggere nel sito della Camera , esprimono la necessità di razionalizzare la spesa pubblica destinata al settore della difesa in relazione alla crisi economica e finanziaria internazionale compresa quella italiana.
Considerando che il governo ha deciso il rifinanziamento delle missioni internazionali (l'anno scorso si è speso circa 600 milioni) che costerà circa 750 milioni di euro , non si capisce ancora come Camera e Senato intenderanno adeguarsi a quanto il Consiglio supremo di difesa ha deliberato.
Il CSD ha considerato la possibilità di eliminare duplicazioni di spesa nel quadro delle prospettive del settore sicurezza e difesa dell'Unione Europea.

Non si può non rilevare che mentre la nuova manovra finanziaria 2010 non fa nulla per incentivare uno sviluppo sostenibile (rivoluzione energetica), nulla per i redditi più bassi e nulla per i precari (figura dominante del mercato del lavoro), il governo italiano si mostra ancora una volta incapace di prendere decisioni importanti.
Diversamente in altri paesi europei la posizione è netta e precisa:

In Olanda il 20 maggio 2010 il parlamento ha votato la cancellazione dell'ordine for the first F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and the termination of the Dutch participation in the Initial Operational Test Program The Labour leader Job Cohen said that the funds necessary to acquire these expensive hunting can be better used for other questions: http://ericpalmer /

In Germany, experts from the Ministry of Defence drew up a list that shows how to save 9.5 billion euro in the long term, giving up weapons and war material:

Recognising the inability of the Italian political thought of developing a culture and an independent policy, vice versa D'Alema has been praised for this by the Sole 24 Ore "D'Alema today is forward looking and able to speak uncomfortable truths about the investment for the Defense -idee/2010-07-06/dalema-rompe-conformismo-080747.shtml? uuid = AYxRyR5B, it is noted that the same commander General James Mattis of the Joint Forces Command, said the reliance on technology is dangerous, thus manifesting a contrast with the guru of the net-centric integration, and it's time to put an end to the legend that military research is funded by the military-industrial complex and has repercussions on civil aviation. It is true: there is no military program that is financed dallo Stato cioè con soldi pubblici, e la ricerca pubblica nel settore civile ha solo bisogno di essere finanziata.

Cosa accade con il JSF statunitense? Lo Stato italiano ha già finanziato con 1 miliardo le fasi di sviluppo a cui ha aderito, e l'US Government Accountability Office (GAO) è più che preoccupato per l'alto costo raggiunto da questo programma.

Ma entriamo nel merito della ricerca. Nel documento "Le sfide internazionali che hanno segnato la storia della robotica veicolare" si legge che "i ricercatori iniziarono a considerare lo sviluppo di veicoli terrestri senza conducente (o UGV, Unmanned Ground Vehicles) negli anni ’60, nonostante la tecnologia a quei tempi non fosse ancora matura; fu only half of the '80s that the military developed a prototype UGV designed to help automate their fleet on earth. In the late '80s began the research interest in the civilian sector after governments around the world had launched their first projects. In the late '90s, after development and road testing of the first autonomous vehicles, is also part of the automotive industry. Worldwide, the transport ministries were involved in
social, economic and environmental assistance to improve the efficiency of fuel consumption and road communication network in addition to quality of life. Less than 10 years of success in the ADAS automotive led the military to reconsider the objectives of automation of their fleet on earth ". 20GB-EN.pdf

Please note that the Italian Government not only continues to cut Public Health (not the obvious corruption in all public and private sectors), but discourages any project resulting from the industrialization of civil research. Among the many research activities that have nothing to do with the military but that so much damage to Italy, is an example that can apply to everyone.
Clarbruno Vedruccio candidate for the Nobel Medicine 2011 for inventing the TRIMprob for the diagnosis of cancer "solid".


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