Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bearded Dragon Eggs Wrinkled

Base Vicenza, occupied by hundreds Molin against expansion


ROME (Reuters) - Several hundred people this morning have occupied the buildings in the airport Dal Molin in Vicenza, where are protesting against the planned expansion of U.S. base. And 'what is said in a statement the committee "No Dal Molin." Advertising

"The entrance into the area in which Americans would make the new installation is the response of those opposed to the advertiser dell'imminente avvio dei cantieri", dice la nota.

Il comitato ricorda che lo scorso ottobre diverse migliaia di vicentini si espressero in una consultazione popolare contro il progetto di ampliamento della base, chiedendo che quel territorio fosse destinato a usi civili.

"Perseverare nel voler realizzare il progetto significa calpestare la democrazia. Un progetto, tra l'altro, illegittimo e illegale, perché i proponenti si sono rifiutati di accettare la redazione di una rigorosa valutazione di impatto ambientale, strumento di tutela della salute e del territorio imprescindibile".

Nella consultazione "non istituzionale" del 5 ottobre, votarono oltre 17.400 persone, più del 20% degli aventi diritto.

"Employment - continues the statement - will continue indefinitely. We invite all those opposed to the base to reach us via S. Antonino, we have removed the barbed wire, entry is free and, finally, this big green is an integral part of the city of Palladio. The future is in our hands: it's up to us to stop them. "

Defending Vicenza? Yes, we can

[...] The area that the U.S. would occupy and militarize, therefore, has been released and now, for the first time, is accessible to all citizens. In recent days, moreover, the No Molin had been clear: If we are not going to start the work [...] watch

When the police withdrew from the airport, between 400 No Dal Molin started, spontaneous applause, a first, precarious victory for the city, his heart even before the nails and teeth is defending its territory by those who want to impose a new military base.

It was all started at 10 this morning, a long column of cars in Via S. Anthony, women and men who descend from the vehicle, cut the nets and take possession of the airport area, some go on rooftops, some carrying banners and placards. The police, in a few minutes clearing houses and intimate. But they do not have the right: ENAC, the firm appointed by the mouth of the liquidation, not considered useful. The police retreated, while still in Vicenza at Dal Molin.

The area that the U.S. would occupy and militarize, therefore, has been released and now, for the first time, is accessible to all citizens. In recent days, moreover, the No Dal Molin were clear: if we start work we will not be watching. And so it was: a few days ago CMC and CCC, the companies that won the contract for the yard, had begun to demolish the existing structures to make way for new U.S. barracks, a start-up of illegal construction, primarily because the majority of the local community is opposed to this settlement, then why no Environmental Impact Assessment has yet been accomplished in spite of the geological and water area.

From now opening a new phase of the mobilization against the new U.S. military base, is that of determining which of Vicenza, deceived and treated as subjects by Mr Costa and the government, you take their land to defend their right to speak and, above all, its right to build the city's future.

Tonight in the Dal Molin - 18.00 - will host the first public assembly of citizens will be opened tomorrow the Peace Park and created the office dell'Altrocomune for Environmental Impact Assessment. We put our feet in the Dal Molin, a symbol of those who want to defend democracy and the ground to prevent the construction of a new war base. We reopened the story after so many had hurriedly declared closed. Defending Vicenza? It can be done, because the future is in our hands have prevented us to decide by referendum, will not prevent us from defending our city


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