Saturday, January 3, 2009

Chpped Hair For Round Faces

What is the logic for a real change in a Planetary Society in size?

of Antonia Colamonico

The historical crisis that requires going through a logical reflection of the dynamics that triggered the development of bankruptcy The political-economic world. There is a direct correspondence between the field of imagined and that of implemented , as the creation of hypotheses of possible actions that open to different lineages of the historic sponge.

To simplify we think of the relationship Indian-American explorer against the Prairie:

  • first saw the immense expanse of grass give food to the vital energy that herds of buffalo, would have provided for the return of his own descendants
  • explorer instead could see in her tracks, smokestacks, construction sites ... that is all that set of facilities that would produce shortly thereafter the take-off American.

In line with the two visions were built accordingly actions:

  • the Indians hunted the animal old man who was left behind in the race;
  • explorer everybody, because each was a leather hat and every hat in Europe was a bit of wealth accumulated .

In a biostorica vision, which makes life the key organization logic, it appears that the current crisis is the result of a historic trading based and the logic of domination and exploitation .

to implement a radical change in humanity will have to implement a true cognitive leap that will bring it to remain "biologically" indifferent to the logic of power and private wealth and class .

  • What is the power, if not wanting to be successful in relationships?
Think of the male / female relationships, north / south, rich / poor ... healthy / sick ... beautiful / ugly ...

The power constitutes acceptance of report weak / strong and consequently the division of humanity of the two major categories Winning and excluded, those in the first place you fall into an existential standard, stereotyped by the logic of luxury . Within seconds the great tide that remains on the sidelines or out of the norm of consumerism.

The idea of \u200b\u200b'man of luxury che rese G. Verga restio a concludere il Ciclo dei Vinti , vide in G. D’Annunzio il vero cantore, con i miti dell’esteta e del superuomo ; quello stesso d’Annunzio che seguendo una logica necrofila spinse molti giovani ad abbracciare la dialettica della violenza e della sopprafazione con l’illusione di una vita come un’opera d’arte.

Nella dinamica della vita esiste una sola forma di bellezza, that is acquired by the act of birth:

  • beauty not from belonging to a given category, but from the simple to the category!

In life every leaf, cloud, be animated, smile, sigh ... they have value, just from the inhabitant of a given time-space that circumscribes and bounds.

  • occupy space, consume time, to express a form ... these are the qualities that make each living being a citizen of the story.

Il salto di paradigma per edificare una Civiltà Planetaria , richiede un grado più complesso di elaborazione logica, poiché necessita allargare la dimensione dell’ io a quella del noi ; sostituire il paradigma dell’esclusione, con quello dell’inclusione: dall’ego/centrismo al tutto/centrismo.

Solo una dialogica a uno/tutto potrà spogliare l’umanità delle logiche di dominio che, a guardar bene, nascono mental uncertainty by background, typical of the child who lacks the vision of continuity of existence.

Democracy is not expressed in the life domain areas, or areas of ownership of the beauty ... of poverty, or the legality ... these are simple categories of the human mind that to know divides, separates, divides, compare ... and then, forgetting that this is the result of his mental incapacity to grasp the whole, gives the value and significance of building stairs. Think of a swallow, giving the value of a gazelle.

The current crisis of the political and economic is the natural consequence of a mental model that should be submited to excel, to be successful must bend . In what was to the failure of many ideologies which were placed as the new and have ended up repeating the same mistakes.

Think Communist state apparatus, in the USSR, which ended up making the same mistakes of the czars. Siberia teaches ! Think of the bourgeoisie itself be ended by the nuova classe egemone, adottando gli stessi stili di vita degli aristocratici. I partiti di massa che si sono fatti essi stessi élite.

Il nuovo salto epocale si porrà come salto gnoseologico e in ciò nuovo paradigma.

Il cammino è difficile, poiché richiede un processo inverso a quello del primo uomo, mentre Adamo si vestì per nascondere la sua nudità che lo rendeva indifeso facing the truth, the new man, will divest himself of all the pettiness and all the cravings that enslave him, making him play a role or function that does not belong.

  • Learning to be naked in front of life, like a flower in a field of corn!
Here is the new frontier!


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