Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Milenavelba Do Not Disturb

Palestra della Mente: dalla spugna biostorica alla spugna del pensiero...

PDF - Antonia Colamonico. Constellations of meanings for a topology of complex thought

The Wire, 2006.


The idea of \u200b\u200ba book of readings biostoriche came from a series of conversations Center Studi di Biostoria - Palestre della Mente - di Acquaviva delle Fonti; paese ai bordi della murgia barese che come un’ oasi di approdo apre all’intreccio di anfratti e di gravine che si inoltrano sino all’Appennino lucano.

Più volte durante gli incontri pomeridiani affiorava da parte dei corsisti, una certa amarezza nel non aver conosciuto prima biostoria, in quanto essi ritrovavano nell’architettura concettuale della nuova epistemologia una serie di risposte a quesiti intorno a cui da tempo stavano ragionando e non riuscivano a dare un significato appropriato. Allora mi sono detta, biostoria if it can meet the search for meaning in this period of history so fast and full of tension, then why limit its availability to a small number of followers [1] .

The book presents itself as a series of conversations, from current issues, to try to reflect on conceptual paradigms that form the background to the organization of events . Certainly can not be considered exhaustive of the topics discussed, but simply as a beginning of approach a different way of looking at the dynamics of life.

The goal is to try to look up and read with an eye on eco- biostorico historical and social dynamics that make each event a one- all of historic sponge. Sponge, as the karst of Apulia, is made of ridges , Akkadians, of empty, non-implemented, echoes of , signs and information silences, the not yet imagined, or simply , the unspoken that despite not having been cast, leaving a 'footprint nella struttura della Vita.

Credo che imparare a gestire la Complessità sia uno dei traguardi a cui tendere, ma la gestione del molteplice che si vincola e si implementa, perturbandosi nuovamente, richieda una mente a sua volta complessa e sintropica, che sappia vedere il vicino/lontano; porre in rete le dinamiche passate-presenti-future; invertire il senso di lettura ed emozionarsi di fronte alla Vita, comprendendo gli errori e gli slanci pubblici e privati.

Lo studio di biostoria può essere inteso come un viaggio intorno alla dinamica del reale. Reale made light / dark ; zones light, shadows areas and dark areas ; space-time implemented or simply designed .

Begin to read life as a one / which incorporates within itself all the events and event expectations, plans constructed and imagined ones , means that we can develop an eye mind-reading paradigm know that structuring simultaneously on multiple fields, able to implement jump Reading that open to new meanings.

A plastic eye, without prejudice, closer to the naturalization of dynamics of space-time which is a finite infinity.

[1] adepts, as they are the first who challenged the prejudices of a society body imagine that the fitness of the mind as a center of treatment of insanity, had the courage to approach the site of the exercise of knowledge, as well as in the ancient Secret Societies of 1700, it defied the prejudices cultivate science, seen as the key to the well of the Company.

http://palestredellamente.blogspot.com/2010/04/alla -gym-of-mind-the-topologia.html



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