Monday, April 12, 2010

How To Fake Community Service For School


La nuova roadmap nucleare americana
La strategia del Nuclear Posture Review 2010

Tommaso Di Francesco, Manlio Dinucci

La roadmap della nuova strategia nucleare Usa è dunque tracciata: lo annuncia nella prefazione al Nu-clear Posture Review Report 2010 il segretario alla Difesa Robert Gates, anche lui rinnovatosi passan-do dall’amministrazione Bush a quella Obama. Che cosa è cambiato? Anzitutto la situazione interna-zionale: «L’Unione sovietica e il Patto di Varsavia sono scomparsi e tutti gli ex membri non-sovietici del Patto di Varsavia sono ora membri della Nato». La Russia «non è un nemico», ma un partner degli Stati uniti nell’affrontare «altre emerging threats. " President Obama has in fact made it clear that "the most immediate and extreme danger today is nuclear terrorism."

Here nothing new compared with the strategy of the Bush administration, and communism (the number one enemy in the Cold War) had replaced terrorism, "the dark enemy that lurks in dark corners of the Earth." Today, the report said the Pentagon, "Al Qaeda and its allies extremely mixed seeking to acquire nuclear weapons." Thus, "even if the threat of nuclear war has become the global-remote, increasing the risk of nuclear attack." Stir so the specter of September 11 on nuclear related to the 'other urgent threat ": nuclear proliferation. Other countries, so-cially those 'in contrast with the United States', may acquire nuclear weapons. He then accuses Iran and North Korea in the alternative, to pursue nuclear ambitions, in violation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), increasing instability in their region and urging neighboring countries to consider "their options of nuclear deterrence "(diplomatic expression to justify, without naming him, the fact that Israel possesses nuclear weapons and has not signed the NPT).

this background have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe new strategy: first, maintain the U.S. nuclear supremacy, establishing Start with the new (signed on 8 April in Prague) a status quo with Russia, the other major nuclear power. The Treaty does not limit the number of nuclear warheads in the two ve-operated arsenals, but only the "nuclear warheads deployed," that is ready to launch on carriers with strategic range greater than 5500 km: the roof is established in 1550 to part, but actually higher because each heavy bomber is counted as a single warhead even if it carries twenty or more. We are far from nuclear disarmament. Either party will not only keep ready to launch a number of nuclear warheads capable of wiping out the human species from the face of the Earth, but will continue to strengthen qualitativamente le proprie forze nucleari.

Nel Nuclear Posture Review si precisa che gli Stati uniti, pur non sviluppando nuovi tipi di testate nucleari, rinnoveranno il proprio arsenale attraverso sostituzioni di componenti. Sarà quindi «rafforza-ta la base scientifica e tecnologica, vitale per la gestione dell’arsenale». A tal fine sono previsti «accre-sciuti investimenti nel complesso degli impianti e del personale addetti alle armi nucleari». Lo stesso, ovviamente, potrà fare la Russia, pur disponendo di minori mezzi economici. Gli Usa cercheranno pe-rò di acquisire un ulteriore vantaggio, sviluppando nuovi tipi di vettori strategici (non limitati dal nuo-vo Start) e realizzando in Europa lo «scudo» anti-missile (remained outside the agreement): a system that, once developed, would allow them to at least partially neutralize the ability of Russian strategic nuclear forces. With regard to China, the United States say they "worried about its military modernization efforts, including qualitative and quantitative nuclear arsenal."

At the same time the United States, with the summit of 12 April on the NPT, are designed to strengthen the re-rowers' non-proliferation "as it is conceived in Washington maintain unchanged the current 'nuclear club' in are members, as well as two major powers, France, Britain, China, I-SRAEL (incognito) India and Pakistan. The United States, and undertake not to use nuclear weapons against states that do not possess them and they adhere to the NPT, suggest that reserve, and the right-to the first strike to prevent a country like Iran can build them. A very different attitude toward the Allies. In the Nuclear Posture Review is confirmed that "Europe remains a small number of U.S. nuclear weapons (estimated at about 500, of which 90 in Italy), stating that" the non-nuclear NATO members involved in the planning and possess nuclear aircraft specifically configured, ca paci-to carry nuclear weapons. " It is recognized that, in an official document, that the first to violate the NPT is the United States, which provide nuclear weapons to non-nuclear countries, and their allies, including Italy, which violates Article. 2 of the NPT: "Each of the non-nuclear weapon states will not receive from anyone in nuclear weapons or control over such weapons, directly or indirectly."

Italy is atomic
The Pentagon confirms that Italy has
of nuclear bombs. What does the Italian government?

already knew - a report of the environmentalist American Natural Resources Defense Council (see the poster, February 10, 2005) - that the U.S. nuclear bombs remain in Italy in 1990, re: 50 in Aviano (Pordenone) and 40 at Ghedi Torre (Brescia). More about 400 are located in Germany, Britain, Turkey, Belgium and Holland. B-61 tactical bombs are in three versions, whose power ranging from 45 to 170 kilotons (13 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb).
The bombs are kept in special hangars with fighters ready for nuclear attack, among them, the Tornado Italians who are armed with 40 nuclear bombs (those held at Ghedi Torre). To this end, the banks-the report, Italian drivers are trained in the use of nuclear bombs in the firing head in fisheries (Orissa) and II Maniago (Pordenone).
Now this is officially confirmed for the first time in the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review, which states that "non-nuclear NATO members possess specifically configured aircraft, capable of carrying nuclear weapons. " This is confirmed by the Italian government, thus admitting to violate the Treaty's non-proliferation? Or that the Pentagon says he lies?

(poster, 9 April 2010)


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