Monday, April 12, 2010

Mitsu X Mitsu Drops Raw

Afghanistan, stop Lashkargah in three Italian operators of nuclear strategists Emergency

They are accused of involvement in a plot to kill the governor of Helmand. Emergency: "Accusation ridiculous"

Three Italian players Emergency hospital in Lashkar-Gah, in southern Helmand province, were arrested by Afghan security forces and truppe britanniche Isaf (entrate armate nell'ospedale: VIDEO) con l'accusa di coinvolgimento in un complotto per organizzare attentati suicidi e per assassinare il governatore locale, Gulab Mangal.
I tre italiani sono Marco Garatti, coordinatore medico del progetto di Emergency in Afghanistan, Matteo Dell'Aira, infermiere capo dell'ospedale di Lashkargah, e Matteo Pagani, logista dello stesso ospedale.
Assieme a loro sono stati fermati altri sei dipendenti afgani dell'ospedale.
Secondo Daud Ahmadi, portavoce del governatore di Helmand, le forze di sicurezza che hanno fatto irruzione nell'ospedale di Emergency hanno trovato nel magazzino dell'ospedale giubbotti esplosivi, granate e armi da fuoco.
Non si sa dove i nove fermati siano detenuti. La sede milanese dell'ong non e' ancora riuscita a parlare con loro.

La reazione di Emergency. "Quando abbiamo provato a chiamare il telefono di uno dei nostri operatori - ha dichiarato Maso Notarianni, responsabile comunicazione di Emergency - ha risposto un uomo che si e' qualificato come appartenente alle 'forze britanniche Isaf', ci ha assicurato che gli italiani erano con lui e stavano bene, ma non ce li ha passati".
"L'accusa di un qualsiasi complotto o del favoreggiamento di qualsiasi azione violenta è assolutamente ridicola", ha detto Notarianni. "Chiunque, qualsiasi afghano medio, ridirebbe del fatto che qualunque membro dello staff di Emergency possa complottare alcunché. Dal Minister Frattini expect me to do immediately release our doctors and requiring that the situation returns to normal. L ' hospital in Lashkar work in a difficult situation in Helmand province has been ongoing for weeks a military operation that has affected many civilians, who often could not receive any help. "
The Foreign Ministry, for its part," reiterates the line of absolute rigor of the Italian government against any direct or indirect activities in support of terrorism in Afghanistan, as elsewhere "and that" the Italian doctors working in detention in a facility it can not be traced humanitarian 'it directly' indirectly to the activities financed by cooperation Italian.

The words Gino Strada . For Gino Strada, founder of Emergency, "The absurdity of the accusations seem so big not to be taken into account. Me hope that none takes into account the beautiful soul: and 'as if in Italy they did the rumor that Don Ciotti is plotting to kill the pope, and I apologize to my friend for this example. It's true - read Road - the project that Emergency is carrying out in Afghanistan is not financed by the cooperation, but received the 'compliance' of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the technical term to say that the Ministry recognizes that it endorses the project and therefore not it is true that you can pull out. "On the weapons found in the hospital, Street said:" I can not exclude it, as I can not exclude the possibility that someone can enter with a gun in any hospital Italian ".
" Emergency in Afghanistan, especially in that region, an inconvenient witness to what are the forces of occupation and a kind of government against the population, "says Street." We are uncomfortable because 'the complaint alleged that it was even prevented from assisting civilians injured in the recent campaign of attacks where children and women are been hit hard. Many people in this area to join the military occupation, including the Italians. "

Henry Piovesana


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