Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Can You Get Warts On Your Chest

No Dal Molin: negative experience and to learn from defeat

No Dal Molin, a negative experience and a defeat from which to learn for future mobilizations against the militarization of the territories and the war of Julius Todescan

In the Card number of 3 / 9 September 2010, which illustrates the organization of the fourth year of the festival of self-managed permanent garrison No Dal Molin, there are two important steps in showing the results from the mobilization of these years against the construction of the new U.S. base in Vicenza: the creation of the Park Peace in an area that the government has to sdemanializzato 'mo of compensation, and a rich social capital made up of new relationships between individuals, associations, groups that heralds a cultural movement in the city.

little, so, what was possible? It has done all that was needed to prevent the construction of the base?

While the construction site of the base going well, Giulio Todescan in his article, a glimpse of the critical positions of parts of the movement against the permanent garrison, and the question of all questions: why the movement failed to stop the base ?

A question that would require a lengthy dissertation and probably refers to the historical weakness of the movement for peace in our country, incapable, their legs, a coherent strategy anti-war, and that it always has been to bend to the logic of manipolarizzatrici and electoral "politics."

The role of the Communist Party and the Left, at the time of the fight against the installation of Cruise in Comiso, in the early '80s, was a role as a brake and barrier to the development of the popular movement. A Left that shook a long time - three years - in calling for a response to the Italian Government, 12 December 1979 decided that the installation of U.S. missiles. A left that stubbornly refused to exit the watchword of U.S. and NATO bases in Italy and Italy from NATO and declared himself head thinking di un movimento per la pace vasto e composito, che però doveva corrispondere alla loro visione e ai loro interessi.

La “sinistra radicale” operante a cavallo del nuovo millennio ha partecipato alla mobilitazione contro la base di Vicenza, ma contemporaneamente era nel governo Prodi che ha sancito l’OK alle decisioni e alle scelte del governo USA e ha votato i finanziamenti per le missioni militari della guerra preventiva bushiana.

A Vicenza l’appoggio e i voti a Variati, diventato sindaco , si è rivelata un’operazione a perdere non difficile da prevedere. Errore? Sottovalutazione? Ripiegamento e arretramento localista?

Quello che è certo è che ad un certo punto la "Political leadership" of the permanent garrison largely characterized by the social centers of the northeast, has consistently rejected any request coming from reality as that of the Covenant permanent anti-war recovery of mobilization at the national level. You chose the local dimension and the tables in the pseudo institutional logic of accepting the lesser evil. A serious error. At one point it was consciously theorized the folding room, the limited size of the community, the refusal to discuss ways and means of renewed conflict in the new political environment nationally determined.

Many pacifists and activists have had this choice as an imposition incomprehensible, a willingness to move away from the symbol of the struggle against war. In short, in the city of Palladio and solipsism municipalities, someone has become aware that we must not disturb the basic maneuver in combat, and someone else is still wondering if it's worth it to come back and return often to Vicenza to be the last 'mockery of the grant of the "Peace Park" near the base of the war. What is too much, is beyond all measure.

Perhaps, as an alternative to the testimony and the antiwar realpolitik of varied and co. indicated by Giulio Todescan in his article, there was another way, another possibility, namely the opening of a new phase of political battle against the warmongering of the Italian government could decide to field real social forces in the crisis.

Someone pointed out as the fight against the construction of the military base has enjoyed broad sympathy among the Italian public opinion and that a national government was in crisis, as well as the City Council was sent to Vicenza home. A sign of a real force in the No Dal Molin movement and protests against the war.

National Network Disarmiamoli


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