Friday, October 5, 2007

New Member Church Letter


Uolter is an old opponent, has been ever since I worked Mediaset but, unlike other opponents with whom nothing is consistent (D'Alema) Uolter not even enjoy any respect from me.

The story begins with his repeated attacks of Uolter Berlusconi and above the income of Mediaset's advertising. I still remember the silly slogan "you can not stop an emotion." Only arguments were clearly instrumental in damaging the income of those who had dared to challenge and beat the monopoly of RAI so dear to Uolter. The attacks are reflected in the three referendum at the end of 1995 against Mediaset, which establishes the right of citizens to survive Mediaset, Reaffirming also the right to private property.

Uolter però aveva fiutato l'aria e non si era esposto; una delle caratteristiche di Uolter è proprio questa, oltre al fatto di riemergere sempre vittorioso da disastri da lui provocati: distrusse il conto economico de "L'Unità" e venne nominato Segretario dei DS, venne sconfitto alle elezioni da Berlusconi, portò i DS al minimo storico e divenne Sindaco di Roma: una vera salamandra!!

Uolter proviene - buon per lui - da una famiglia agiata; nonostante questo non ha terminato gli studi, non solo non si è laureato, non è riuscito neppure a finire il liceo, ha dovuto rimediare sul diploma di cineoperatore. Tutto ciò è emblematico del personaggio e credo che sia un fatto molto negativo per chi ha la claim to be not only an intellectual (sic!), but to lead Italy.

Many politicians lie, but can Uolter own good: to Fazio said, prostrate in front of the left, after his second term as mayor he was going to do good in Africa, unfortunately, will remain in Italy to do damage. Uolter was for years the head of FGCI over the years PCI Longo, now claims to have never been a communist but only (!!!!!) berligueriano and even Kennedy. Now, Berliguer WAS COMMUNIST! Certainly a gentleman, certainly an honest man of high values \u200b\u200b(a rare pearl in PCI), but the Communist! John Kennedy is considered - wrongly - a great President left, while it was only a mediocre President right! Part of the myth of JFK is due to his tragic and untimely end, but we must not forget the reality: it was the President of the Bay of Pigs invasion, decided the massive commitment of U.S. troops in Vietnam, he worked at the naval blockade of Cuba during the missile crisis (if it were not for Oleg Penkovskij But perhaps it would end very badly!), when he gave the speech "in Berlin are" Anglo-American aid was referring to the armored Berlin besieged by Stalin in '48, a of the hardest moments of the Cold War. Saying that the inspiration for both shows Uolter is to ignore history is to be unbiased.

The most inferior del comportamento di Uolter è però il suo coinvolgere nei progetti e nella gestione politica persone che nulla hanno a che vedere con il centrosinistra, gli ultimi esempi sono i tentativi nei confronti di Gianni Letta e Veronica Lario. Uolter è privo di coerenza (d'altra parte i comunisti, esperti della doppia morale sostenevano che la coerenza fosse la virtù degli sciocchi!!), egli tuttavia non è un "buonista", bensì un cinico opportunista.

Coinvolgendo figure politicamente incompatibili, assicura il perfetto immobilismo e la certezza di non poter fare alcunché di pratico per i cittadini. Nello stesso tempo, distribuendo privilegi e prebende ad ampissimo raggio, si assicura l'unica cosa alla quale tiene: consenso and maintenance of power! Until the late '80s to the communist ideology was important, when communism collapsed under the blows of Reagan and Thatcher, began to say that you had to overcome the ideologies, because they had failed in a bath of misery Blood! Uolter is not modern, is an old Communist who reinterprets the old consociativismo Democrat.

yours, andrea Goldwater


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