Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Salary For Sun Tan City


One of the most famous spies of all time was Harold "Kim" Philby, the man who betrayed him for over 30 years their country .... Philby was part of the "Circle of Cambridge, also known as the Cambridge Five ... the others were spies Guy Burgess, Donald McLean, George Blake and John Cairncross.

were all of good family, the university turned to communism and became informers of the KGB. Burgess came to be director of the department of SIS (the British CIA) Mac Lean deputy ambassador to the United States, Blake consultant staff of the crown for the painting.

John Cairncross was the last to be discovered, but during the war he worked in Bletchey Park, where they were the decrypted radio messages of the Third Reich and Cairncross spent a lot of information to the Soviets.

Philby had the longer career, romance and bloody, he became head of the USSR where detecting a large number of SIS operations from the KGB and had killed many transughi about to flee. was discredited and rehabilitated several times, until - definitivamante discovered - in '63 he fled to Moscow where he became a consultant to the KGB.

his greatest accuser in the West was the legendary James Jesus Angleton ("The Good Shepherd") , head of CIA counterintelligence who also unmasked Burgess and McLean. no one believed the allegations of Angleton (said he saw communists everywhere, as usual) and Philby was able to do damage to other years. Among other things, Angleton was the head station CIA a Roma alla fine degli anni '40 e contribuì segretamente alla sconfitta dei comunisti alle elezioni del '48.

Si trattava di spie ideologiche, che tradirono il loro Paese, i loro concittadini furono responsabili di gravi danni alla sicurezza dell'Occidente e di diverse morti.

Altra spia ideologica ed estremamente dannosa fu Klaus Fuchs, faceva parte dei progetti Tube Alloys e Manhattan e fu colui il quale, attraverso Julius ed Ethel Rosenberg, trasmise ai sovietici i piani per la bomba atomica. A capo del progetto sovietico c'era quel maniaco sanguinario di Lavrenti Pavlovic Berja. I sovietici they only test the atomic four years after the Americans without the lights there would never have succeeded so quickly. This fact had serious implications in the siege of Berlin ('48-49) the communist coup in Poland and the Korean War ('51-'53).


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