Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cost To Set Up A Vinyl Fence

burqa Eurabia

E 'of these days the news that the prefect of Treviso has authorized the use of the burqa by Muslim women, said the measure has gained immediate acclaim Rosy Bindi. Apart from the legal aspects, we can not remember the phrase coined by Bat Ye Or and reaffirmed by Oriana Fallaci: Eurabia!

The situation has reached absurd levels: changing state laws to meet requests for a minority of immigrants who have always demonstrated their willingness to not wanting to integrate. The Western democracies have always based its legitimacy on human, institutional and political respect for human life, equality of rights and duties, regardless of confession and professed by race, universal suffrage, the division of legislative, judicial and executive , majority decisions, respect for minorities, and more. The West has been offering hospitality to all flows, and rightly so: it is one of the many unwritten rules of the Judeo-Christian culture to which we belong, but many of us despise her, preferring to turn our sguadro to Buddhism or new to age. All legitimate, but only when it is the result of an intellectual and moral sense, in the absence of this (see the debauched Hollywood actors), it is not just serious regardless of its origin also from the cultural point of view only.

remains evident to anyone with a mere common sense, however, that minorities should conform to the minimum of laws that have been accepted by the majority of the host: this is fundamental to the success of the melting pot UK and U.S.. The maximum possible freedom circumscribed by a minimum of laws and zero tolerance for those who do not respect them. The will must be witnessed to integrate dagli immigrati giorno per giorno, rispettando gli usi e costumi della comunità che li ospita. L'Italia vive da sempre con successo l'integrazione di diversi gruppi etnici come cinesi e filippini, ma gli islamici hanno la pretesa di dettare le proprie leggi a casa nostra: rifiutano il nostro sistema di insegnamento, bloccano disinvoltamente il traffico per i loro riti di preghiera, applicano le loro leggi - che sono in contrasto con le nostre - nei rapporti con le donne. La condizione della donna secondo la legge islamica è quella della schiavitù, non esistono altri termini corretti per definirla. In passato le donne italiane hanno giustamente lottato per abolire la vergogna del delitto d'onore ed ora accettiamo tranquillamente che delle donne sia straniere, be Italian, live in slavery on our national territory. Where are the feminists in the '70s who refined their shouting slogans such as "repressed boy masturbated in the toilet? The left always has the pathetic claim to possess cultural hegemony, those slogans should help to dispel that nonsense!

Indeed, the behavior of Muslim immigrants is serious - do not forget that it was Masawi Ruhollah Khomeini to declare that Islam would invade the West with the wombs of their women - but the attitude of Western Europe the most serious problem. As always, the seeds of disaster was born in 1968, the real annus horribilis West! In those years, among many other filth, the seed was planted more pernicious: moral relativism, ethical and cultural. To highlight the absurdity of relativism, I usually say that it is regarded as the music of Bach on a par with African tribal music! Saying this does not say a racist vision - always considered racism un'ingnominia and a shame - but I support the value of diversity and evolutionary stages of humanity. Humans have always been different from each other on a personal, family, ethnic and national level. For a variety of historical fact, the Judeo-Christian civilization, and in the last four years, especially the Anglo-Americans are the civilization that has reached the highest level of values, the most advanced and sophisticated culture, the best socio-economic system. It was thanks only to the British and the Americans, if the troubled democratic systems, national-revolutionary extremism defeated Napoleon, the reactionaries Central Powers and the great monsters of the '900: Nazism, Fascism and Communism.

always smile when I hear about the United States of America as a nation of ignorant: it is an assessment that may possibly be correct (again maybe) from the viewpoint of the general culture of the population, but not of the institutions democratiche, che furono proprio istituite dagli statunitensi quando la vecchia Europa (con l'esclusione della Gran Bretagna), si dibatteva tra sovrani assoluti e spaventose diseguagliaze sociali e politiche. Fu l'Inghilterra a donare all'umanità la Magna Charta, il Bill of Rights, il Palamento, la suddivisione dei poteri, i sindacati.

Tutto questo deve essere riconosciuto non con arroganza e sterile senso di superiorità, bensì come sosteneva Kipling, ovvero il "White man's borden" inteso come diritto-dovere dell'uomo bianco ad estendere il meglio delle proprie conquiste a popoli ed etnie che - non per colpa loro - si trovano a step evolutivi inferiori.

Ora però dobbiamo chiederci da dove arrivi tutto questo fervore, tutta quest'ansia di misconoscere il valore di ciò che rappresentiamo e che ci caratterizza: i valori cristiani, il rispetto per l'umanità intera, la democrazia, il capitalismo. Chi disprezza questi valori, considerandoli eguali a quelli dei Simba congolesi, sono sempre coloro i quali osteggiavano l'Occidente, consideravano furto la proprietà privata, propugnavano la coppia aperta, il superamento della famiglia (ovvero la sua distruzione, cosa che venne puntualmente messa in atto da Pol Pot). Essendosi risolte in un bagno di sangue e di miseria le esperienze dell'URSS e della Cina di Mao, hours they are not references and are always very ready to bring in the palm of your hand and any political sub-culture alternative to the West free, democratic and capitalist. Only and only this is the basis of the attitude of continental Europe against Islam.


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